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Breaking Bad

I just watched a minisode of a few episodes, just to kinda see what it was about. Let's just say im hooked. I got the season 1 im about to fire up episode 1, 2, and 3.

I saw just about a minute from each episode in a short little preview thing and im pumped to watch the first season.



cant stop wont stop
soooooo bad asss!!
walt's losin' his mind!! needs ta cook er somethin..
turnin point in everyones life i spose.

great stufff all the way

btw anyone one know the outro song???????


Active member
Hello all,

Obviously the opening scene (as well past episodes opening scene) forbodes of a traject ending.

Saw Sky's flutation with the boss last week....bitch.

Glad to see walts up in Hanks face though it was perhaps the wrong place for it.

Was thinking that Walts fascination with the dryrott was an extension of his cancer and repairing the damage is a release.

It would seem though he has gone down a road he can't come back from with the cooking. Maybe just protecting his investment with the thugs in the parking lot.

I do not watch the previews as I like to be surprised. So till next week.



668, Neighbor of the Beast
That was weird. Explaining to the guy why what he was buying was all wrong and then confronting them over his territory a few minutes later....

Not real smart, but maybe he's getting in touch with his inner thug.

Green Smoke

The teacher in him instinctively corrected the guy. But, while standing in line, the reallity of the guy being competition hit home, so he dealt with it.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
But, while standing in line, the reallity of the guy being competition hit home, so he dealt with it.

Yeah, don't they have like 60 POUNDS of meth to get rid of?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This show is pretty fucking crazy. I just meth. That shit is so fucking nasty. I'm glad they chose meth though because it shows how bad the whole meth industry actually is. I have seen it destroy many people. I have lost friends to meth. They didnt die, they just went off the deep end so to speak. If I see one of them around town, it looks like they age 5 years every time I see them. It's fucked


walts not taking anymore shit,,he's sick and tired of being sick and tired,,,peace


Horse-toothed Jackass
I agree with most of the comments made about the most recent episode.

Walt: Is the fact that he's turning into a hardass related to the fact that he was a wimpy guy who people walked all over and took advantage of pretty much his whole life? I'm thinking yes...
So Walt knows plumbing and carpentry? If he knows electricity, and why wouldn't he, then he would be like the ultimate partner to have in a grow op. With his chemistry knowledge he could even make his own nutes and supps.

Jesse: sad to see him turning back to crystal meth. Guess weed wasnt enough to relieve his girlfriend stress. I wonder if she was right; what if her dad turns out to be a cop or someone who will really investigate Jesse (once he finds out his daughter's dating Jesse) and eventually discover his shady business? Apparently his girlfriend already knows he's a dealer, but I'm thinking she only thinks he's a weed dealer...

Skylar: looks like she's getting ready for some porking by the boss-man. Funny that Walter's now going to live but as far as she's concerned, the man she married is dead...


Horse-toothed Jackass
Looks like Walt's found himself a new buyer, someone you would never think is a drug dealer. I wonder if all really successful drug dealers are nerds?

Uh-oh, Jesse's girlfriend relapsed and turns out to be more hardcore than he is. She's taught him how to shoot speedballs: a mix of heroin and meth. He's in trouble now. You just know the creator of this show, Vince Gilligan, has hard core drug experience himself. He somewhat glamourizes the pleasurable aspects of hardcore drugs, but always makes sure to let you know how messed up they leave you. Jesse was so out of it after doing speedballs that he may have cost them millions...

BTW, the actor who plays Jesse really portrays a crankhead well, I'm thinking. Ive never met a dude that I knew for a fact was on crank, but I'm thinking if I met one, and he was high as a kite, he would act much like Jesse did in tonite's episode: wide-eyed, rubbing his face, not hungry, really argumentative, shit like that. Basically, what I'm saying is that Im now using Jesse's mannerisms as a guide to identify possible methheads (so i can avoid them). Anyone who's seen the show and met methheads, tell me I'm wrong.

All in all, good ep. I havent been too impressed by the last 2-3 ep's, but now the plot is moving...
I'm glad I download the episodes so I can skip right through most of the skylar stuff lol...
the character who plays Walts new buyer was a refreshing surprise. I know I've seen that guy in other shows/ movies, anybody got a clue what he has acted in??
It didn't look like a speed ball, but that black that she put in there looked kinda crystalline.
I am thinking Jesse and his girl might end up in the body bags, as well as a gas leak possibly. They are so very good at deceiving intrigue, showing tips and what it turns out to become. Jesse is just to full of the street, such a loose relationship with Walt (who I refer to as the Professor). It's really sad about his girl relapsing, what a bastard of a boyfriend. Not quite the organics that they are messing with, lot's of what we tend to consider chemi. But we know chemistry law is not that simple, "hippies" have rough ways of describing our own impression.


Active member
When I saw that dark ball on the spoon I instantly thought 'H'. And then she adds some of da bomb Heisenberg shit. As Tuco might say after doing a hit..."WHOOOOOOAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" And that ending...Baby...make 1.2 Million...Baby...make 1.2 Million... God, I hope Walt doesn't get ambushed by the buyer or run into his BIL the DEA agent. "Oh, Hi! Just thought we were getting some bad weather tonight, wanna be prepared with lots of this blue de-icing stuff I just bought at Home Depot. Comes in these plastic bags. Good stuff."

~Abbie :joint:
Just caught the last twenty minutes of Sundays show, really messed up. I guess people are out at festivities, so I don't want to ruin it. But man, I know Walt could of stepped in; could of changed a girls life. But he is saving his partners, she was a crazy bitch on drugs. I could really feel the mortality watching, drugs can confuse this issue. People freak like this all the time, better than getting caught is what people think..........THANKS DRUG LAWS!

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