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brazilian strains?



my boy has a new G/f ...shes from brazil, and her "brother" sent her some weed from there (in a jungle area outside of rio, but not far from)

its def. a sativa, but i have no clue what it could be ...its REALLY DRY...not even picture worthy...peeps you'd say its garbage.

but its head spinnin madness, and damn psychedelic..

what strains are native to brazil....she said her family has had it there for her whole life, and even the animals eat it.

...now i'm lookin for seeds...shit it totally looks like tan weed...totally blonde hairs...but mature....weird stuff.


Cool, sounds like good shit, regardless of appearance.

The only Brazilian strain name I know of is Manga Rosa. Reeferman plays around with this one. I also heard it was a parent of White Widow.
That's all I got...


thanks bro ..thats a start ....ill let ya know my findings...thanks speedy!


cbf has a thread here showcasin reeferman's PIF program Manga Ros

cant search by member b/c he's gone but u can search for 'manga' in the titles

good luck, and keep us updated

ps- i bet she's a total hottie:wink:


those strains dont really translate well I guess....she says that they call it ohti (pronounced like) "OH-TEA"!...LOL...lots of enthusiasm.

maybe that will help.

no mature seeds found...but I'll be hittin her up to get those before any more weed.