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brain dead?


Active member
Whether they are teachers, delivery people or fast food workers, the truth is that there are a whole lot of people out there that seem to have mentally checked out.


dude gets an a- because the teach doesn't even bother to read the entire essay. read here what stuff in the red box says:

If you can't read the writing in the red box, this is what it says...

"In all honesty, I am already bored with this topic. It is far less interesting than I had hoped and I really don't want to finish this essay. I'm fairly sure you don't really read these so I'm just going to put enough words down to make it seem like I wrote a lot while I kill time. Wanna hear some words that rhyme with time?

Crime, dime, mime, (haha mimes are funny), chime, lime. Aw dude you know what has lime in it? Sprite, it like lemon lime. I could really go for one of those about now, but not sierra mist, that just isn't the same. It tries too hard to be sprite but it just cant pull it off. It should just try to be itself and stop trying to measure up to other sodas.


i've had so many episodes with ppl of late that can't "cognitively fog a mirror".

anyone want to chime in?


Well-known member
..... yanno, I'm not a teacher but have worked in the field of higher education for many, many years.

One thing I've noticed is that very few in the field ever bother to look beneath the surface - in fact, they don't wanna know what lurks there!

In fact, it's a bit of a sham put on by well-meaning folks who want to keep there jobs.

Education is packaged and sold to the consumer as something we need to survive, almost like food and water.

..... but it's highly subsidized by the government (taxpayers dollars) and could never exist in the real world on student tuition alone.

I can assure you that the Adjunct instructor grading that paper didn't bother to finish reading it because he/she HAD to give good grades in order to receive a 'good grade' back from the students grading the instructors online available for all prospective new students to see.:tiphat:


if it smells like fish
I am pissed I never got a teacher that lazy...props to the kid for being honest and playing the game...my essays came back with comments about my writing skills even.


Active member
The following are videos showing teenagers smoking coffee with homemade devices:

While police are locking people up for using illegal drugs, there are some who are using even more dangerous and harmful legal chemicals to get high. One recent example is the dangerous new trend of smoking coffee. When ingested through smoking, coffee is far more dangerous than many common illegal drugs. Smoking coffee has been known to cause trouble breathing, dizziness, vomiting and even hallucinations.
The coffee is being prepared for smoking in the same way that crack cocaine is prepared, with “Chore Boy” copper scrubber and the “Glass Rose” cylinders that are sold at many gas station convenience stores. If you saw someone smoking coffee, you may actually think that they were smoking crack.
According to MedLinePlus the full list of effects for smoking coffee include:
Breathing trouble
Changes in alertness
Increased thirst
Irregular heartbeat
Muscle twitching
Increased likelihood of outrageous behavior
Rapid heartbeat
Sleeping trouble
Urination – increased


How to Smoke Smarties THE EPIC WAY!
smarties is a candy.


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