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boys, i aint feeling good


Well-known member
have had bad results with racy weed, and am suspicious of the source of this wax i smoked in a bowl with some good smoke... heart-racing stuff not good regardless of age, and i'm no spring chicken. i hate it, and it hates me. if i don't come back, well, it's been a fine spice of my life interacting with you folks (yeah, even most of those i had on "ignore) . with luck, i'll bump into a few of those we've lost since i've been hanging around. :thank you: for the ride.

moose eater

Well-known member
Hippie, wrong time to check out. No one else regularly and consistently supports my long-winded replies or elaborately descriptive food posts the way you do.

Circle back. Don't go to the light!! The light is a train! Go the other way!!

You're only about 2 weeks away from seeing post-trip lake trout pics, and other features from this year's adventure.

comfy markoth

Well-known member
AOH, i am very much a lightweight with my tolerance levels and i KNOW you already know all about edibles and other concentrates being a whole other beast.... so i am hoping you're just having an age related panic attack of some sort....

I have been dabbling with strength levels in my edibles and had a few 'this is not good' moments recently when accidentally overdoing it.

:ying: :ying: :ying: :ying:


Well-known member

moose eater

Well-known member
AOH, if you're just being obstinate or stubborn, and waiting to reply, there'll be a rep-stroke penalty of 4 days with no positive feed-back for that period.

I hope you or your wife will let us know what's up. One good reason to have passwords and IDs written down in a safe place for family members, so folks aren't left hanging.

On the other hand, and more realistically, if there's a medical crisis afoot, then communicating with on-line acquaintances or friends likely takes a deserved back seat.

Packing slowly for a trip somewhat frantically, which in my condition, and at my age, might make a good sit-com.

Hoping something appears to let us know you're OK or not. Fortune & misfortune often send no forewarning by way of postcards or telegrams.

If you've gone over the Rainbow, and it turns out there's indeed a hear-after, beyond merely composting, put in a good word for me; I've been more or less hedging my bets, but can probably use all the references I can muster.


Active member
I never smoked that kind of weed or concentrate. If I go overboard, I just fall asleep. There’s something else going on. Possibly some flavoring additive to the concentrate. Some pukes were doing that.