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Boycott Papa Johns - Pizza delivery guy calls cops on customer who smoked marijuana


AURORA - A man says he got much more than a large pizza when he called Papa John's for delivery - he got a visit from Aurora Police.

The man was smoking medical marijuana just before the pizza arrived on Friday evening. The delivery driver smelled the marijuana and called the cops. The Papa John's employee, who was not identified, was concerned because the customer's 9-year-old daughter was in the house.

Officers performed a child welfare check and left without filing any charges.

The man who ordered the pizza, Frederick Smith, contacted 9NEWS because he says he was targeted for doing something that's perfectly legal in Colorado.

"I wanted to be able to use medical marijuana and not feel harassed," Smith said.

Smith has a medical marijuana card. He says a doctor prescribed the drug for chronic pain he suffered in a bicycle accident.

"It is daily pain relief for me. I smoked some medical marijuana to relieve by knee pain," Smith said.

Smith says his 9-year-old-daughter was in the bathroom and insists he never uses the drug in front of her.

After smoking a bowl, Smith ordered a pizza from Papa John's. Their meal was interrupted minutes later by what he describes as "a very loud banging" at the door. It was Aurora police.
"A pizza guy had actually called in the complaint," Smith said.

The delivery man said there was a strong smell of marijuana and a young child in the house.

"I was definitely not smoking marijuana in front of my children, which is what he said he saw," Smith said.

Smith says Aurora Police searched the house and left. He called Papa John's to complain and also filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Smith says Papa John's never even apologized.
"I'm going to try and bring a case of slander against them," Smith said.

9NEWS Legal Analyst Scott Robinson says the pizza company is not liable because the driver actions are not part of his job description.

"I can understand his outrage but he's not going to get anywhere trying to sue Papa John's," Robinson said.

Robinson says, even though medical marijuana is legal in Colorado, people who smoke it are still breaking federal law. Robinson says a jury would likely find that the Papa John's employee was justified in calling the police.

"He was acting as a private citizen in notifying the authorities. Anyone who calls the police is almost surely immune from any lawsuit," Robinson said.

Papa John's representatives and the delivery driver declined to speak on camera to 9NEWS. They did send the following statement:
"Papa John's of Colorado wants to stand behind the decision that this delivery driver made. He was acting as a concerned citizen and for what he believes was the best interests of our community."

Smith insists what happened to him was wrong.
"I was astounded that a pizza driver of all people would be the person to start trouble about medical marijuana. This is no laughing matter. What he did was serious," Smith said.



I'm in... I've tipped the delivery guys with a few tokes of a joint every now and then

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
hahah what a stoner. orders a pizza. figures hes a med patient so fuck being discreet. then figures he can sue papa johns because of a delivery driver turned him in.

ive been med for years - but in my experience its still better to keep it covert.

papa johns pizza is trash anyways...


natural medicator
bet all the other pizza delivery drivers are pissed at this one.........who's gonna tip them nugs or bowl hits now?


I deliver pizza.

That fucked up man usually the pizza drivers are cool as hell about herbage. I been tipped with bud before. I'd say at least once a month I deliver to a house that smells of freshly smoked cannabis.

It's not Pappa Johns fault though it's the fuckin tightass driver they hired. We got a Pappa Johns in my city and I talked to some of their drivers they seemed stoned to me. In fact a lots of the drivers I see on the road have the red eye glare.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I make my own pizza...tastes better...and your paranoia levels don't go through the roof when you here that knock on the door.


Would be easy enough to get the guy fired.

Recently there was a driver I read about who was accused of sexual assault by a customer. She claimed he grabbed her and tried to kiss her in place of a tip. He was arrested instantly and fired. All they had to go on was her word.

Not saying that's what should happen to the guy but it's amazing how little it takes these days to get that kind of case against someone. Sad actually. That kind of thing used to just get a slap in the face now you get a slap of the cuffs on the wrist and a criminal charge.


ICMag Donor
This makes me furious...who does that stupid low life clown think he is??!! A minimum wage delivery driver bitter that someone else has a better life than he does decides to inflict damage where ever he sees content to bring the world to his pathetic level...

I'm on this like white on rice. I had every single person I know boycott Wal-Mart at one time, Kellogg's at one time as well....this will be no harder.

I will post a flyers stating that they are not a company that respects the privacy of their customer base. I will state they have engaged in the persecution of individual liberty and I will make it my personal mantra to every person I happen to hear talk about any form of pizza. If I am wandering the aisles at a grocery store an see a person about to buy a frozen pie, I will inform them of how patriotic there decision is and exactly WHY.

This is complete and total BULL SHIT that ANY million dollar company would stand by the decision of what is more than likely only a high school graduate (I mean no offense to pizza delivery folks...I tip very well and sincerely appreciate you contributing to my laziness when I feel so inclined) But at the same time, I tip very well and am very courteous. If I invited you on to my property, which is what calling a delivery constitutes, then you had better be respectful of my privacy just like any other individual that sets foot on my land.

This is, in my own personal opinion, a violation of civil liberties...especially when in a state that condones the usage of MMJ. In Colorado, I would have thought such a thing to be completely absurd....

What happens when a delivery driver says a house is untidy and dirty and is an unsuitable environment for children to live...does the Department of Health and Child Protective Services come in and make an investigation into the validity of the complaints???!!!

NO...this would be unheard of and a direct violation of rights. I see no reason why this is any different.

He we have a simple situation of a person who SHOULD have been fired and relieved of his job for simply violating the privacy of the customers he is in contact with.

PAPA...you're sales are going to drop drastically...I will watch your quarterly financial reports and I will NOT cease until I see you loosing money.

Hope you are ready for the 300 million strong can of worms you just opened.

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Active member
Sometimes it seems society is devolving instead of evolving. That delivery guy is obviously brainwashed.

I used to deliver Dominoe's way back in the mid '70s. That was a common thing to see way back then. I was tipped with joints too. Mind you, that was way back then. WTF has happened? That was 35 years ago. We're going backwards. FUUUCK. :ying:


Smith says his 9-year-old-daughter was in the bathroom and insists he never uses the drug in front of her.

so he always waits till she needs to pee before smoking enough that the pizza guy can obviously smell it from the doorway?


Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
I blaze everytime then order a pizza...Who does it backwards....When the guy gets to my door, he says "it sure does smell nice in there"...Then I throw the guy a tip, and slam the door..If police came, I wouldnt open the door.,..fuck em!

if he were vaporizing oil. this would never have happened! oil produces little aroma and what it does produce dissipates very quickly. i have taken a hit just before answering the door for moms home doctor visit. it is simply undetectable.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
if he were vaporizing oil. this would never have happened! oil produces little aroma and what it does produce dissipates very quickly. i have taken a hit just before answering the door for moms home doctor visit. it is simply undetectable.

Most notably, what smell there is, doesn't smell like burning marijuana!

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