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Botanicare Power Clone Anyone know whats in it?



Do you think that 7mL / gallon is where the effects start to plateau, or is it just the point where effects are noticeable?

I would like to use this product only if the results are dramatic. I am willing to pay a premium (by using more) to get those results. If the results are less than dramatic then the benefits of running the cloner with nothing but chlorinated water might be more attractive.

That said. Putting 60mL per gallon of anything in any kind of nutrient solution seems like overkill. I don't recall any other product I've ever used having a dosage rate that high.

its very dramatic! trust me il never root clones without it and a couple times when i added a little more i noticed deficiencies so im pretty sure i have it dialed in perfectly plus you can smell it in the water when you put in too much. its also been a little while since ive used it so if you want i can check in with you in 5-6 days and let you know how it turns out. what i do is add 7ml a gal and then i use sensi grow a&b till im at 300ppm. if i dont use the power clone its a minimum of 12 days till i see roots


Hm. So if you weren't using Sensi A&B in there would you up the dosage on the Power Clone?

The addition of home-made clear-rez has lengthened the time when I see the first root formation to about 7-14 days. After having basically a plague that killed hundreds of clones in a row I don't run without it. The plague left me rather apprehensive about running anything but water and sterilizing agents in my cloner. Having a good start in life is important for my girls though, so I'm willing to try new things.


Hm. So if you weren't using Sensi A&B in there would you up the dosage on the Power Clone?

The addition of home-made clear-rez has lengthened the time when I see the first root formation to about 7-14 days. After having basically a plague that killed hundreds of clones in a row I don't run without it. The plague left me rather apprehensive about running anything but water and sterilizing agents in my cloner. Having a good start in life is important for my girls though, so I'm willing to try new things.

everything will be faster too that means the clones wont be in there nearly as long to risk them getting fucked up. after they root to the roots keep growin out alot faster then normal. if i didnt use the nutes i would still put in the same amount of power clone because im pretty sure its not meant as a nutrient. before when i put in too much i still made the ppm 300 with the a&b but i saw burning


Well I broke down and decided to start using it. This trial run won't be perfect because the clones I have have already been in the cloner with plain water for 4 or 5 days now.

The thing was that I have been running it nonstop for a few weeks. I should have done a good clean and dry a couple weeks ago, but I needed the clones so I just kept chugging along. Today I saw some stray plant matter in the water and I decided I needed to at least change out the water and spray off the misters and the intake grate on the pump. And while I was changing out the water, hey why not add some Power Clone too?

My 60 site EZ-cloner holds about 10 gallons of water when it is filled up the the bottom of the manifold. I put in 22 half-liter water bottles, which displaces about 3 gallons, then I filled it up with water. I put the water bottles in to reduce the total volume of recirculating water, and thus lower the total dose of Power Clone necessary. I went with the 7mL / gallon rate that TREE KING suggested. I also added my homemade Clear-Rez solution.

So like I said this test is far from perfect. A failure would not indicate that the Power Clone is no good, since many other factors at this point could be the cause of that. I do have at least 2/3rd of the bottle left though, so I will be running it again in a more controlled situation.

EDIT: If you thought the test was flawed before, I just accidentally left the cloner unplugged for like 18 hours.


good at least you changed the water. i gotta tell you though im not sure it was a good idea to put in that clear rez because im not sure whats in the power clone. if theres live stuff in it than it cant be used with chlorine etc. just to be clear though i dont think this is a good test to test out this product because the clones have already been in there for a while. if you dont get the results you like i would try it one more time with new clones and no clrear res.

im using an ez clone 60 also and before from the buckets i put in it equaled about 12 gal. i put in 75 ml of power clone which equaled approx 50 ppm i suggest you do the same


Clonex with hormex does the same thing. Roots in 8 days

with pc try 3 1/2 to 5 days. its not the same shit i tried both those products plus the kln from dyna gro and none of them did shit. clonex is just a nutrient solution anyway do your research and kln is like hormex. even roots excelerator didnt do shit for me power clone blows these all outta the water by far. power clone has some special shit in it that those other products dont have. someone told me what it was years ago but i forget, it does something to the outer walls of the clone stem to make it root alot faster its not just rooting hormones
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Active member
PRODUCT NAME: Power Clone Solution TM
1. INGREDIENTS: Aqueous extracts of wheat and avena coleoptiles, B-complex
vitamins in liquid formulation

Auxin in Avena Coleoptiles


Auxin-Induced Hydrogen Ion Excretion from Avena Coleoptiles

Guaranteed Analysis:
Total Nitrogen (N): 0.20%, 0.08% Ammoniacal Nitrogen, 0.12% Nitrate Nitrogen (AN)
Available Phosphate (P2O5): 0.30%
Soluble Potash (K2O): 0.20%
Thiamine Hydrochloride - Reduces Stress
Indole-3-Acetic Acid - Promotes Rooting

Derived from: Potassium Nitrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Molybdate, Calcium Nitrate, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Borate, Magnesium Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate.
0.005% Thiamine Hydrochloride
0.0005% Indole-3-Acetic Acid


Astronaut Status
Bio Root from general organics. I've made ten of thousands of clones and it is by far the best. I've tried lots of em too. I always use rooting powder-doesnt matter what brand or strength. I used the #8 powder and it doesnt do much better than the #1. The best part of the roots organic is you only need 2 tsp's per gallon.Suppossedly there is a rooting hormone that you need a licsense to get that makes them get roots in 24 hours. I think there is a video on youtube.


Active member
PRODUCT NAME: Power Clone Solution TM
1. INGREDIENTS: Aqueous extracts of wheat and avena coleoptiles, B-complex
vitamins in liquid formulation

Auxin in Avena Coleoptiles


Auxin-Induced Hydrogen Ion Excretion from Avena Coleoptiles

Guaranteed Analysis:
Total Nitrogen (N): 0.20%, 0.08% Ammoniacal Nitrogen, 0.12% Nitrate Nitrogen (AN)
Available Phosphate (P2O5): 0.30%
Soluble Potash (K2O): 0.20%
Thiamine Hydrochloride - Reduces Stress
Indole-3-Acetic Acid - Promotes Rooting

Derived from: Potassium Nitrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Molybdate, Calcium Nitrate, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Borate, Magnesium Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate.
0.005% Thiamine Hydrochloride
0.0005% Indole-3-Acetic Acid

But what is extracted from the wheat and oat????
I thought that was what Indole-3-Acetic acid was for!!


But what is extracted from the wheat and oat????
I thought that was what Indole-3-Acetic acid was for!!

i think the Indole-3-Acetic acid was what i was told about years ago from someone and thats what makes this product work so good. can someone explain what exactly this does to the clone stems?


im tryin to tell you ak i got this shit dialed. first roots just popped out after 4 days lol i love this stuff!


Well-known member
The clonex hormex with ogbiowar tea works great
Ill take a pic tomorrow of roots in the cloner for 2 weeks.
I bet u poop your pants
I have used power clone and it does work great but i get thicker roots from my combo it may just take 1 more day for em to pop out

Trust me I like roots too

This is 2 weeks from the cloner coco


The clonex hormex with ogbiowar tea works great
Ill take a pic tomorrow of roots in the cloner for 2 weeks.
I bet u poop your pants
I have used power clone and it does work great but i get thicker roots from my combo it may just take 1 more day for em to pop out

Trust me I like roots too
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=44068&pictureid=1045334&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]
This is 2 weeks from the cloner coco

thats good to know but i cant use that tea anyway cause theres live stuff in it. i got chlorine in my water so you got to make sure you also tell people they cant use it with tap water. its all good anyway im happy with the power clone


Well-known member
Yep dont change shit if its working and yes I should of mentioned RO water only for my girls


cant re Member
The clonex hormex with ogbiowar tea works great
Ill take a pic tomorrow of roots in the cloner for 2 weeks.
I bet u poop your pants
I have used power clone and it does work great but i get thicker roots from my combo it may just take 1 more day for em to pop out

Trust me I like roots too
[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=44068&pictureid=1045334&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]
This is 2 weeks from the cloner coco

that plant also looks big for 2 weeks out the cloner


I finally did a good test run of Power Clone. I chose 20mL / gallon for that run but there was only a little bit left swishing around in the bottle so I dumped the rest in there. It probably ended up being closer to 21 or 22 mL / gallon.

The results were good. I noticed good root formation time, right around 7 days. The best effect seems to be that there were a lot more roots popping off the stem. Considerably more.

I will continue to experiment with dosage levels.


nice 7 days is still pretty good. with me im averaging 4-5 days