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The compound in Comfrey that prevents you from 'bulk drying' is Mucilage - 290,000 ppm

Almost all plants produce this one but some at much higher levels like aloe vera, fenugreek, flax, kelp, marshwallow, okra, chia seeds (try sprouting this some time), etc.

This one gives seaweed that slimy feeling or even rehydrated kelp meal. Anyway that's why you can't stack comfrey leaves if you're trying to dry them for storage.



Sprouted Seed Teas

This recipe will make enough concentrate for 7 gallons of tea for your soil......

1/4 cup of seeds - barley, wheat, oats, whole brown rice, i.e. grass seeds

Add this to a 1/2 gallon Mason jar and cover with water. Let that sit for 18 - 24 hours and pour off the water. You do not want to apply this first water to your soil at all. Outside is fine - just dilute it with a gallon of water or whatever.

In a day or so most of the seeds will have sprouted. Continue to rinse to keep the sprouts wet but you don't want them sitting in water. This water you can and should be used on your plants. Dilute with a gallon of water and distribute that around your garden plants.

When the tap root is 1.5 - 2" or so, fill the Mason jar with water and let that sit for a couple of days. Strain & drain and dilute this concentrate with water 15:1 and this is the dilution you would use for the soil.

What you are achieving are high levels of enzymes: amylase, arylsulphatase, β-glucosidase, cellulase, chitinase, dehydrogenase, phosphatase, protease, and urease.

This are a couple of other steps you can take to increase the enzyme levels but this simple recipe will get you up and running.

Usual deal: de-chlorinated water, organic non-GMO seeds, etc.



I ended up just putting the leaf thro a coffee grinder and I put a cup worth in 5 gal bucket for 24. Then I was going to dilute it. I got 15 plants to water that r in 8 gal pots. U think this will be the right amount to use.


Active member
I've been using a tea spoon of seeds per liter undiluted that's not too much is it? Following that method you posted


Oh by the way I did that sprouted tea with quinoa and my plants r loving it. Been doing foliar spray every week with aloe and neem and protekt. Things r looking really good.


Active member
There I was thinking I was adding something to the conversation and amber trich posted about it before me. :)
I take it brown kelp in general has the auxins, cytokines, etc. that we want..
CC could you clarify this statement:
"In a day or so most of the seeds will have sprouted. Continue to rinse to keep the sprouts wet but you don't want them sitting in water. This water you can and should be used on your plants. Dilute with a gallon of water and distribute that around your garden plants."

So what you're saying is the water you continue to rinse the sprouted seeds/grains is the water you want to use for garden plants? But the consequent steps yield the real gold and this should be applied to the "soil" after proper dilution?
Any distinction between the "garden plants" and the "soil"? Anything to be inferred from that or are they one and the same?
Thanks as always for the edumacation.


Active member
The coconut juice contains: young coconut juice 85%.Water 8.96%.sugar 4%.coconut pulp 2%.stablizer carboxymethyl cellulose 0.03%. anti-oxodents:sodium metasulphate 0.01%

Alevera natural drink contains:mineral water,fructose,aloe vera powder 21% aloe vera gel 9%, honey, citric acid..

Will they be any good? I walked past a chinese food shop and thought I would have a look inside.. thought they migt have whole young coconuts but no joy so I picked those up only cost £2 for both so no loss if they crap


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Active member
And another question, how long can these sprouted teas be stored for?

dont store it it will go off... just make enoug for what you need.. thats why I use 1 tsp per liter undiluted...


The coconut juice contains: young coconut juice 85%.Water 8.96%.sugar 4%.coconut pulp 2%.stablizer carboxymethyl cellulose 0.03%. anti-oxodents:sodium metasulphate 0.01%

Alevera natural drink contains:mineral water,fructose,aloe vera powder 21% aloe vera gel 9%, honey, citric acid..

Will they be any good? I walked past a chinese food shop and thought I would have a look inside.. thought they migt have whole young coconuts but no joy so I picked those up only cost £2 for both so no loss if they crap

They look tasty to drink! - But probably processed too much in the making, for our purposes.

Look for something like - 100% organic young coconut water - pure unadulterated endosperm! And of course I find best (and tastiest) are the live young coconuts you mentioned you were trying to find anyways.

Same with the Aloe - something like this you can find in your neck of the woods


Active member
Hey I just got couple packs of wheat grass, says on the packet: Hailed as a super food, wheatgrass is packed full of minerals, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids and chlorophyll.. Harvest the shoots when they are 1" and use in a salad.. I'm gonna try a tea with these... should be good


Go for it! Ive been using those almost exclusively on my current round and they are doing quite well for coming into the end of week six, they just keep going and going!!
Who knows where Id be if I hadnt started down this road, I am so grateful for all the wisdom that is being shared:)


Active member
I've got some seeds popping ATM... teaspoon each alfalfa/mung/broccoli will get diluted to 3 liters of water then next week will use the wheat grass, then I should have ordered my barley and Chia Seeds by the next time I will use enzyme tea..

~The Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in Chia seeds provide benefits for the nervous system, improving mood, concentration and depression.

Might even have some for myself.. been on anti depressants for a while now but I don't like taking them


chia seeds are pretty cool, i like hydrating them in tea and then letting it chill, that mucilage that surrounds em feels real neat goin down


Well since sprout teas are being discussed as botanicals - I wasn't sure if this was the place for it but...

...CC hit a home run with this one! I am constantly sprouting seeds and make tea twice a week, I add a cup of the concentrate to just about everything. I use it often by itself (with Protekt and aloe and fulvic) and if I need to make any form of botanical tea I will add a cup per gallon to those as well.

I have 50lbs of barley seed so yea I use that most often :D. But I like to mix it up and use fenugreek, alfalfa (veg and early flower only) and clover in the mix also..... Chia I found does not sprout well with others LOL gotta do that one solo!

Here's one of the more drastic responses to a sprouted tea feeding, less than two hrs after application.

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