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Borad mites or some other bug possibly


So I've noticed two of my strains havnt looked like they normally do. One has it's leaves curling up and in kinda like a taco, and the other is just looking like a pH problem. I've flushed the pH looking one and it doesnt look any better. It's like it's just stalled basically and wont grow or do anything.


Then the other one with the curling and taco like leaves


I went in with my handheld usb microscope thing and looked at the underside, mainly near the steams. I dont think I found anything, but the resolution isnt the best. I found some tiny little spots that remind me of BM I've seen in other pictures, but can't tell. I tried to circle them to point them out.


Not sure what is going on here esactly.

I'm growing in coco, these plants are under a 400 W MH in a 4'x'4'x8' closet on a 18/6 light schedule. 400-500 ppm (0.8 EC), pH of about 5.7 going in. Feed every other day. Temps are a bit high, about 85 during the day, 75 for the night. RH stays around 40%

The pH looking one has always been a slow grower, but has almost stopped in the last few days. Nothing has changed in that time frame. I put them on the 18/6 schedule about 2-3weeks ago to help with heat and energy.

I might have some very very minor light leaks in there during the 6 hours off, but dont believe it would cause any of these issues.

Thanks for any and all help. Think I have BM and just can't seem em yet...


This is a clone from the first one that looks like BM to me. It's not all over the plant, just on a few leaves. If it is BM I want to get going on control right now.



I had russet mites a year ago and they tore through a 4kw harvest like nothing...leaving me with a lb of mostly shit. I restarted, bombed, waited 2 months, and had a good harvest with little to no signs of the russet. However cycles were perpetual and they got worse over time. Within months I was having 10-25% yield. still battling them now.


I believe these eggs are cyclamen or russet mite eggs as the broads have a unique dimpled shape and these appear to be smooth with a dot in the middle of most. There are probably dozens or more cousins of the borgs though and who knows if its one of them? I'd like to know exactly what kind of eggs you have as mine look identical under the scope. anybody??


If you are in doubt or wondering what to do, you can start aspirin treatment immediately at 1 x 325 mg uncoated aspirin per gallon feed or rez water. Immediately feed the plants with this as the salicylic acid will help your plants combat the toxins that the cyclamen/russet/broad/bastardcousin mites inject into your innocent plants. Other more experienced members will speak of heat treatments and the correct nuclear arsenal rotation to use, but I've seen Avid and Forbid with a wetting agent mentioned on many, many occasions whilst trommeling through the forums desparately seeking guidance for dealing with this scourge of nature. Other advice I have seen includes burning your house down. I know I've lost tens of thousands to these things, so I'd make think hard about your choice. Most people seem to think they are annihilatable in veg, but you must be dedicated, thorough and obsessive with cleaning and quarentine standards. It may also take weeks for a plant to recover(longer?) even if the bugs are 100% gone because of the toxins. Therefore, right now, the first things to do is get them their headache relief! On a side note...I just noticed your yellow stickys are full of what looks like fungus gnats?


I thought those spheres were trichomes heads or something else natural. They're over everything all over, and I swear they've always been there. If they are eggs that's a very bad sign, means I have quite a nasty infection. Im gonna go take pictures from a plant I have that appears to be completely healthy.


Saw them on these leaves too, just not as many. Not sure what they are. Sure hope they arent eggs.

Oh yeah, Im using an led light on my usb scope thing too, its the weird dots shining back.

-pictures from underside of healthy looking plant


if they are eggs, they look exactly like spider mite eggs, but I have no spider mites. I have had them before and definitely know what to look for. Still searching..

ballplayer 2

Active member
OP your pictures in the first post look exactly like my plants have been looking for years. Did not know about mites until a year or two ago. I gave up growing, for i had nothing to battle them with. Thinking of Kontos, Pylon, and Azatrol as a rotation.

Please keep updating this thread, as I am interested in what you find out. My plants were spitting images with the twisting leaves, upturned margins, and "dimpled"/"dry" look of the leaves. Shit cost me so much its ridiculous. Hope you are able to figure it out, wish I could be more help. I figured my problem had to be bugs for it to be so consistently bad, after being MUCH more successful as a newbie grower. Then all the sudden this shit hit, and could not grow a plant for shit.


Seems like that's exactly what's happening ballplayer. When I got this grow up and running it was insane, Yields were through the roof and I felt like I couldnt make a mistake. Now I feel like I must've made every single damn one to be where I am at. It's not that bad, but this upcoming harvest will be the real judge. If I see any difference I'm gonna have to rethink everything.

I noticed on a clone I have that one of the growing tips looked like it just up and died. I believe it is a tell tale BM sign, I am just about 100% positive I have them. Just gonna keep looking at leaves under the scope till I find something I guess.

Only one strain is being hit particularly hard, everything else seems to be OK (seems. I know theyre not in all reality). Honestly makes me want to just give up, not a fan of using any sort of pesticide after some things I have been reading. I'll figure something out, just not sure what that something is quite yet.


Just some more pictures. My vision isnt as good as it use to be. Maybe someone will see something I didnt.

The first one in particular has my attention. Thought these white things might be egg sacks after the mites hatched. Could be dead skin cells to, idk.

Have you tried shining a light from below the leaf while keeping top light off. That has sometimes been illuminating for me in seeing pests.


Was thinking an alternate source of light would help. THe LED seems to screw with stuff and give a not so clear picture. I will definitely give that a shot though, thanks man!

Team Microbe

Active member
I had the same worry and sent in these same pictures to a reputable source in the industry & they said they were a good sign, it means your plants are already producing resin and are very healthy! Congratulations buddy, you can stop worrying tonight. If you're like me you over-analyze things to the point of paranoia, if these were eggs your plants wouldn't be living too much longer at all lol. That would be more than an infestation... that would be a take over!

Mind snapping a pic of what the girls are lookin like this week? They looked healthy from what I saw... maybe I'll go take a 2nd look. The plants will tell you if they're unhappy though, and if they are it could be something very simple and easily fixed.

Team Microbe

Active member
The curling is due to a pH imbalance most-likely. Calcium deficiencies often cause other deficiencies as well, so if your pH and calcium are on then you should be seeing new growth straighten out more than what's on there right now

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