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BOOOYAAKKAA Welcome to kallens Outdoor Party...



Toker Lige over champ ;) And thank u 4 praying my friend atm it looks very ill :( but if it pass away i will plant a Xmas instet :D

Tha man cd him self :woohoo:

Perfect Canna dog 4 the outdoors man :woohoo:


Today i spotted my first Male and She in the plot :woohoo: Its Ak47 i might use some pollen on cores 008 think i might would be apel to grow the seeds from em again this year :yeahthats ...But im happy ...



The G13 hybrid in pot is soon ready 4 repot


Maffe Mad some very very sick Jelly he mixed whit shift and some ok good hash :yoinks:


ICMag Donor
Damn sorry to hear about he greenhouse blowing over kallen! I weight mine down when the storms come... I learned a hard lesson yesterday with having it open and checking the plants on a breezy day... Got knocked in the head pretty good... gonna have to tie them down to a rock next time so they dont slam closed on me... :)

Glad yer hitting it hard with a new round of seeds and a new attitude... Weight that thing down!!! SAnd bags or somethin... maybe you should try and get a slanted cold frame giong against that wall at least for next season... Would be better for the storms...

Garden looks great! Hope that damaged plant makes it through... If its doesn't look like its going to kick ass soon, I'd just pull it, try and clone it, and replant something else in its place... No time for chanting on plain old broken plants... A seed is easy to replace... :)

Sweet cycle bro, I'm a rider too! About to go out for a ride after switching out the laundry!

Lookin forward to that danish passion x DC! :)

Nice hash ball by the way... :yummy:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
:too bad about the lil one bro,i secnd the idea of replacing it if it doesnt kick into gear soon.ur spot is too nice to not have them really vigorous ladies fillin the space...just my 2 cents.peace-T-


BB My brother from another mother Thank u champ ,
Pipeline im no real biker yet i sold my old bike now i got nothing but the raptor chopper will soon be in me reach :D The greenhouse was a cheap one leight weight so it did take some damage i fixe it and use it 4 a inside grow tent now its tie to a fence up and down and from side to side ...:D

Tona tha sun god him self about the plant i dont think it make it :( but pipeline have a great idea ..i make a klon...and like u and pipe says its not good to waist time on a already dead plant and i have many seedlings ready 4 the plot :D And tona THank u to champ :D :D :D :D :D :D

Now i drive me boy in to day care then i will return home make a spliff go work the field then return home 4 another spliff then go work the field then smoke a spliff and then go work the field and then smoke a spliff and then go work the field and the smoke a fatty and then wait 4 wife and son come back home then i will make some food and then i will toggle in me boy and then i will check up on the field and then i smoke a spliff again ;)

Stay safe and high


I found a new gal ina de plot it is the last Auto ak47 the c99/dc x b3... is past away and i planted a Xmas in its hole so there wont be a emty spot :D


Thc its fucked ...some very nice Genetics is now mixed up at least i maybe am lucky and the survivors is one of each lost :D hope to get at least one strawberry kush and the purps ..and thank ya 4 not just lurking m8

TOday my g13 hybrid got a bigger pot




Todays plotshots...



Cores 008


Have a splendid evening Yall :D


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
plot is lookin fantastic bro,it will be bad ass to see what them 008's do out there too.peace-T-

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
nice roots !!!
and i sure would like a garden like that in my backyard :respect:
way to start the year off :friends:


Fam thank ya so much :D

Cores 008 and 2 other plants that have reach my top it size ,my top it size is 3 sets of leafs so its about 6 big leafs then i cut the top of em to make em more bushy...well offcourse the most of ya know this but some dont and now they do :D
I will top some more this day but after my job interwiew im going to 10 this morning :woohoo: this job is on a "shelter" 4 homeless peeps if they got kicked out of home or they just dont have one they come here and then i hook em up whit a bed so easy work and a perfect job because the work time blend in whit my other job and i will still have many days of duty so :woohoo: if i get it offcourse ..
yesterday when i was checking ic a shade fly above me and i was inside so i got the creeps:1help: after 10 min to convince me self that is no monster i turn my head and see a Country svale :woohoo: One svale dont make a summer but one svale giving me the creeps must mean a record heat summer i hope :D but this poor guy could not get out of my livingroom so a hunt started and i got it 4 last :yeahthats


Cute old svale i can tell its not young because it shine blue and a youngster dont ;) offcourse yall know but some dont and no they do :laughing:



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
good luck with the job interview kal...also sounds like its good for the karma to be helpin the homeless.
.....thats crazy bro,if that bird woulda flew into my house it woulda scared the chit outta me too!!!got him back out to his environment safely huh,good for him:)


Active member
Loooooooking so gute!

This thread is sooo boomarked!
Cant wait to see ya core shit! And all the others beautys!!!! happy Onsdag til dig Kallen!
BTW: there is some fresh harvest pics from my little tent ;) Go check em out, It will make you drooooool :D hehe

Looking good kal..wish i could do that in my back yard..but pigs fly so close to here at times, it sounds like the roof is coming off the house..good luck and stay safe

Old Soul

Active member
The plot is looking fantastic bro! Great looking roots on that g13! That bird would have freaked me out! Good luck on the job interview.

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