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Boogie's Thread- Where there is smoke ...

Veggia farmer

Well-known member
Aha, skate is fun! I was very into that myself, until i wrecked my left ancle catching a 360flip waaay to late and slow.. walked a few meters Im ok, another kickflip and it sealed the deal.. It still weak, but I still manage to impress the kids with some tricks, so its cool;)


In the wondrous Land of Oz ... we call it the technicolor yawn. Or chundering ... so drink lotsa VB (Bud knows what this is) and you can chunder down under!

Sounds like you met Ralph and Earl outside.

I was cured of the Tequila Virus in much the same manner.


Y'know ... I 've found it great if I 'm able to time the drunk just as the stone comes on. Together it's almost a 'rush'. At such a time if I look at a tree then close my eyes I can still see the tree on the inside of my eyelids. French Vodka.

I put the Sapphire in the freezer along with a martini glass. A Misto sprayer filled with dry vermouth is kept in the door of the fridge. When the time and moon phase are correct the martini glass and Sapphire come out of the freezer. The Misto mists vermouth in the glass and Sapphire fills to the rim. A twist of lime to finish. I have not bought Bombay for a while.


Active member
"Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast."

Well there was this old Norseman. I was sitting in the back looking up at the cockpit. I seen a little smoke coming from underneath. The motor started to sputter, then it quit. We were just gliding...jump master pointed at all the newbies. About eight of us. “ You, you, you, you, you, you, you, and you, go!” Everybody else stayed in the plane. Took the weight off and they glided down. They were close to the landing strip.
I got out at about 500’. Usually it’s 2,000’ minimum. I’m looking at trees, the road, telephone wires, and a little tiny patch of grass. Made my turn at the last second. Hit that grass. Came down a little hard, did my PLF, stood up and went tah dah!
What the fuck just happened.


Well-known member
As I was reading your account of the Norseman Incident my mind raced ahead to the "tah dah!" I was hoping that's what you had done.


Well-known member
In the wondrous Land of Oz ... we call it the technicolor yawn. Or chundering ... so drink lotsa VB (Bud knows what this is) and you can chunder down under!

LOL. I had to look up "chunder". Oh my! Glad that is not a predicament I've ever found myself in.

Now a days, if I drink hard alcohol it's Stolichnaya chilled (shaken) with a good squeezin' of fresh lime juice, water back. I also like a Vodka martini (shaken not stirred!), where the bottle of vermouth is just passed over the glass + a fat Olive (hey, I've heard it said one should eat if drinking booze :D ). I do like the spray bottle idea for dispensing the vermouth. To whomever mentioned that one (buzz?) :bow:

@Unk... Forget Mr. Pibb... Dr. Pepper all the way for the win haha. When I was young(er), I drank Yukon Jack straight with a diet Dr. Pepper chase. Not sure how I ever came up with that combo but it was tasty. Too sweet for me these days. I used to drink Snake Bites also, smh. Up until Jack stomped me with his snow shoes one night. Haven't touch the stuff since.

@Boogie... I too have indulged in a Natty Ice or two. I agree... gotta be ice cold... like ice cream headache cold and ya gotta chug them puppies cuz they are gross and drinking them IME is only about the buzz.

I cannot smoke herb after getting an alcohol buzz as I get the spins (and certainly do not want to go a chundering :D ) I have to smoke weed prior to consuming booze. I just don't drink and problem solved.

Man... what's got me all chatty this morning? :dancer:


The word in Oz is: Bong before beer and you're in the clear. Beer before bong, you've done it wrong ...

LOL. I had to look up "chunder". Oh my! Glad that is not a predicament I've ever found myself in.

I cannot smoke herb after getting an alcohol buzz as I get the spins (and certainly do not want to go a chundering :D ) I have to smoke weed prior to consuming booze. I just don't drink and problem solved.

Man... what's got me all chatty this morning? :dancer:

White Beard

Active member
Except whiskey is an Irish invention brought over to the US by immigrants.

Did you know that if the Irish hadn't created whiskey, historic scholars all agree that they would have ruled the world?
Who says they don’t?


mr. pibb is the only thing you should be putting in whisky!:bigeye:
That’s it: your whisky privileges are REVOKED, sir!

Shoutout to Evan Williams for being such a workhorse, as this seems to now be the speakers corner booze thread.

I'm glad booze infused whipped cream never got super popular. It was the milo yianopolis (spelling?) of drinks.
Evan is a decent drop at a decent price...the house label

LOL @ whipped Milo....

What about beer bongs?

Rhymes with “wrong”....


Well-known member
It most certainly would be; if one were to mistake it for the bedside water carafe :bigeye:

I suspect that you did not know about thunder mugs. ;) Chunder mug comment came from a thunder mug because it rhymed. Sipping from a thunder mug is frowned upon in polite society. That's why they are kept under the bed.

thunder mug
A large, china mug with a fitting lid that fits under a bed. It is for night-time use when a person does not want to walk downstairs and outside to the kybo.
Mrs. Galloway did not want to go out into the snowstorm, so she used her thunder mug.

I have one by the woodstove. It holds a lighter and the handle for extracting the ash pan.



Now ... you're just complicating matters! Furthermore I think you're trying to undermine Trans Tasman political relationships.
You know that we Aussies have not achieved the degree of sophistication (at least in terms of Cannabis consumption) that you New Zealanders have.
We like things simple. Beer AND Bongs. Not a combination. Give us a break!
What about beer bongs?


Well-known member
I suspect that you did not know about thunder mugs. ;) Chunder mug comment came from a thunder mug because it rhymed. Sipping from a thunder mug is frowned upon in polite society. That's why they are kept under the bed.

I have one by the woodstove. It holds a lighter and the handle for extracting the ash pan.


Either would cause chundering if sipped from is my point.
Auntie had 'thunder mugs' in the bedrooms upstairs as they were 2 stories above the only indoor bathroom in the home. I was never comfortable using it but it was a long dark trip at night for a child to venture to more hospitable facilities. Very thankful that I was too young to be the one to dump/ clean/ return those pots to their useful positions under zee beds.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just a warning,if this kinda laid back,non confrontational behavior continues in this thread , Unc & CG may have no alternative but to move it to the TokersDen . ;)


Well-known member
I had to go to a class today regarding new codes for installing a water softener and tank less waterheater together. Really some common sense shit but hey I get paid to go. I won't get off work until about 8 or 9 tonight.

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