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Bonnarooo 06'


Nice stash,my friend went as well and came back with a hunter s thompson stash. He had a sheet of acid, ecstasy, opium, bars, pot, coke, you name it!

I will be going next year fo sho


New member
Natural-You a crazy stalker!! :wave:
tubut kind- very very indica!! very rare at bonnaroo!! was $60 an 1/8th
backporchchilin-purchased 60 an 1/8th and i got another for $50

Got them there..i actually don't have a grow of my own..But am very excited when the oppurtunity arrives..Roo' was short on bud this year :confused: everyone thought everyone else was bringing the bud...thats prolly why the prices were a lil steep


Active member
roo was fucked up this year....and I think you got some of that fake bubble people were buying.....it was like pressed cumin and wax and shit.....american soapbar if you will....some dude tried to pass it off on me, just like the pic.


cannabis enthusiast
roo is a blast every year, very funny thing happened this guy close to our tent tried to sell some leaf to this young girl and he got a beer poured right on top of his head :biglaugh: this year the damn ticket prices went up so much its such a drag next year will probably be even more. i remember in 02 tickets were 50 this year 180 thats some crazy shit!



Active member
I've been to every roo since 02 and I have watched a huge underground gathering turn mainstream with the promise of easy drug purchases and no cops....and I think the cat got out of the bag this year...maybe even last year.....all I know is this year I found myself havin a hard time enjoying the ticket I paid for and the scene I had anticipated.....and the amount of fake drugs and lack of good smoke was unheard of in years past...the story about the guy getting a beer on is head is what I'm talking about....people need to get reality check sometimes...not to mention the leo's crawling around dressed like some college custy boys....


New member
bluebublelove said:
roo was fucked up this year....and I think you got some of that fake bubble people were buying.....it was like pressed cumin and wax and shit.....american soapbar if you will....some dude tried to pass it off on me, just like the pic.
you are very correct..at the time of the photo i didn't know..I had never had actual hash before and was caught up in the moment..oh well..karma will find its way around


Active member
oh karma will, cause that stuff was getting pretty much given away on sunday cause no one wanted to even hold it. I was offended when the guy walked into my campsite and tried to pass off fake shit...I'm sure he knew what I meant when I said...."ew..no thanks...but yall be good this weekend"


New member
bublelove is exactly right... roo sucks as a festie. The very first,'02, was the best fest I had ever been to.... went downhill from there. Dave and friends is what started the decline. I hope you look forward to seeing justin timberlake next year


Active member
I definately thought I had arrived at the wrong place when I saw the yellow shirt wearing DTF agents crawling around searching peoples cars...eerie vibes....needless to say I heard a few good shows...but nothing could outway the "bad vibe blanket" the fest was wearing thish year..


Heady Connoisseur
i had everything i needed for bonnaroo.. except for hash oil... and never got any thing year was upsetting... but i did end up bringing home a bunch of different strains and hashs. and of course 2 vials..

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