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BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy preservation

Doug Dawson

Well-known member
Cool beans!! So how do we get our hands on some of these?
Sorry @idiographicChronographic but it's against ICMags TOS to offer up seeds and such. It's an offence that can get you banned without warning. Got to follow the TOS for the site.

"7. Solicitations: Threads or posts soliciting or offering the buying/selling/trading/swapping/testing/giving of seeds, clones, pollen, cannabis, hash, or any other substance or article is not permitted and will be deleted, with the member subjected to banning without warning. "

Doug Dawson

Well-known member
Just a quick pic of how the little ones are looking right now.



Well-known member
Haha....great just great...NSM

Thanks for the tip
Yeah, unfortunately person to person they are very strict with sharing here. However, I believe we can recommend sites (as long as we are not directly benefitting from it/invested and hiding that fact).

SeedsHereNow has a lot of the BOG strains for sale. Got my Sour Bubble from them. I'd check there

Doug Dawson

Well-known member
Hey there ICMag, just dropping by to post a pic of the plants. Things are progressing nicely.


Decided to up pot these today since they are drying out to fast so I tossed them into 3 gallon pots and moved the 3 smallest plants into a 2x4 across from this tent. Here they are after up potting.




Have a great night ICMag.

Doug Dawson

Well-known member
Hey there ICMag, things are looking good. Was a little set back by getting 9 males and 3 females but hey, that's the way it grows. Still enough females to give me some good seeds and there will be tons of pollen to collect and send out into the world. I moved the 3 females to their own tent to give them a better chance at developing some nice pistils before all those males dump on them. Here are a coupe of pics.
