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BOG Seeds New Project..."Sour Bubble"!!!


Bubblegum Specialist
We are all waiting...

We are all waiting...

All Gypsys breeders like me, REZ and Soma are waiting patiently but perhaps we will need to check into this further. The packaging would be far out... BOG

I dunno, with POM gone we have a few things to work out to see where a few things are at...


Hell, with genetics like Bog's, it doesn't matter what the packaging looks like, I'll fish it out of a pile of sh*t.:D


BOG you never cease to amaze me. Plants looks very tasty, be sure to tell us how it smokes :) Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us.


Bubblegum Specialist
I will make it happen

I will make it happen

My confidence in my project means that what I expect should happen. I know exactly what the SB clone mom smokes like and I can give you a report but the seed plants are yet to be tested.

Surely given time I can bx her male offspring back to Mommy. I know it sounds so wrong but it isn't really incest like with people. :eek:

Sour Bubble has a very tight, round frosty looking bud. The pungent odor of this plant is the reason I call her Sour. This flavor is remarkably like Tutti Fruit gum. Very expansive but pleasant to smoke. Not that smooth but when the high hits ya you won't feel a thing. By then she will have you by the balls and helpless you will be.

All your desires will melt instantly as she satisfys your every addiction in one second. This bitch is my best and if I sent you a bud you would just die. It doesn't get any better if you want a tight strong indica woman to mash you to the wall.

Don't plan on doing anything after she is done except looking for snacks and laughing at everything. Its Super Bubblegum finally!! BOG :p

Have I lost my touch? ;) If you doubt me just watch Sour Bubble as it is Proven.:eek:
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::whips drool:: nice description of the smoke...wish i could get my hands on something like that. one day


Sexy nails as always BOG!:eek:
When did you start breeding neon yellow shadow cats?


Lammen Gorthaur
Nice to see you aren't out wandering around on skis looking for a tree to hit. Mrs. BOG must be impressed...

When are you gonna' clone the vac?


New member
I love your genetics BOG, always have, always will... you keep making those seeds, and I'll keep growing them out and smoking them... you can count on that!!! Ha ha! :D

Great work, you'd still have a greenthumb if you stuck it up your arse!


Bubblegum Specialist
Thanks, the SB mom is almost done

Thanks, the SB mom is almost done

I wish I could show ya but I have put some pics in my gallery and in the sponsors and breeders pic gallery at OG. It looks to finish in 55 days flowering. I am sending some to the 420 cup in Amsterdam. BOG :)


Got my order really to place for some of the Bogglegum, as soon as it up on SD. Can't wait for you to release those sour bubble, yummyyyy


Did it work?


Didn't work, maybe after class. Later


New member
Compress them in Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro

Compress them in Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro

To make your images smaller BOG, resave them in a photo editor. Just compress them a little bit. You should be able to have excellent quality pictures around 70k or so.

Paint Shop Pro works good, as does Photoshop. I use Macromedia Fireworks. They all to the job well.


Let's try again


I'm pimping now, Couldn't find that img button, and there it was.


New member
hey BOG...ive been following your posts at OG, and just wanted to say again how much i appreciate just being able to look at all the wonderful things you are accomplishing.

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