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bog question


New member
Once again this little nit picker needs clarification from the master. I feed on sundays and I also start cycles that way. as it happens today I went from veg to flower room still in 2 gallon pots for two more weeks.......as today is feed day would I give the last grow feed or the first bloom feed. ??????????

an answer today would REALLY hit the spot...LMFAO LOL LOL...no really, any input is always appreciated


well me not BOG but.........

well me not BOG but.........

if you want input, i would slowly over the next two weeks reduce the grow ferts, and start/increase the bloom ferts, the bloom gradually takes over from the grow if you get me?
MJ still needs N for at least the first 2 weeks of flowering so a slow 2 week change over leaves plenty of N (to catch the flower stretch=good kholas) and slowly introduces the mucho needed bloom ferts :)

good luck:D
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I'am not BOG either

I'am not BOG either

But you can do either one. Feeding a veg formula will help with the strech that comes durring the first few weeks of flowering however depending on your flowering fert that may have enough N already to help with the strech and help to promote flowering...

Again NOT Bog

Again NOT Bog

Give them a light mix of both. The plant needs no help in stretching to flower. You don't want to encourage it. It will handle that part (probably too well if the light is too far and you don't back off the N). It's time to encourage them to throw out some more roots, thicken up some stalks and burst out mad flowers.


from BOG himself

from BOG himself

From the big man himself from his thread on OG-

" This is a one time heavy nitrogen feed as transplanted and going into high light flowering room. (all HPS 35 watts/sq.ft.)

Often I let them flower until sexed before the final transplant and nitrogen treatment. It doesn't burn them and they shoot in the first 2 weeks of flowering a lot. Capturing this growth "shoot" as I call it is the key to big buds IMHO. Health and vigor is maintained by lots of continued rooting through flower. "

so i agree that rooting is important in flower BUT so is pumping the flower "shoot"/"stretch" assuming lights are a correct distance and everthing else is fine there is a benefit to doing this early flower "pump" nice long full kholas since i started following this i have had 10-15 inch kholas all nice and thick and i only have a 250watter!

so i have to dissagree YourHighness helping the strech does help :)

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DC- BOG and I differ on some issues. I don't grow in his cave and he doesn't grow in my shack (JK BOG you know I love ya). And the word is STRETCH S-T-R-E-T-C-H. I don't use bone/blood meals or tree based products either. Do you care to tell me what someone else says about that? Nitrogen isn't the nutrient that roots are looking for. N for growth P for roots and flower formation and K for fat stalks. I don't delete the N like some are fond of I just lessen it as flowering progresses. I give them a little of everything and more to alot of somethings when they want it until final flush. My cycle change over feeding is a light mix of both a high N and a high P ratio guano tea with a kelp based organic product for the K. I could run over the numbers if you want. The growth spurt you refer to and nodal stretching are 2 different things. My plants are showing flowers before I roll them into the flowering room. Read what I wrote to begin with and tell me what you disagree with. Plants stretch and continue leafy growth if you don't back off the N.
stvsdrs- Give them a light mix of both or wait for BOG himself.


Ooooooooh a typo

Ooooooooh a typo

1, theres no need to shout :(
2, i made a typo send me straight to hell :(
3, im not really interested in what you do in your grow (no offence) i tryed to help on a question that was directed to bog so i tryed to answer by the way bog does it(grows)....something wrong with that??

and for all that getting stroppy you just said what i said anyway??
"give em both"

anyhow still no need to be a arse about it we all have differing views and most peeps seem to be able to talk about it without getting on there high horse :)


come on bog tell us we are both wrong.....lol:D
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