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Bog BMR Q's


Bog- I'm still working on screwing up some of your lovely Blue Moon Rocks. Got a couple questions:

1. Some of the leaves turned yellow. I thought this might be due to too much Nitro. so I started flushing. This hasn't seem to help. The reason I thought there might be too much nitro is I used a soil mix rich in manure that I made myself (no not the manure, the mix LOL). Now I don't know if it that there's too much or not enough. Any thoughts on how to determine what the problem is?

2. Earlier you advised me to keep my grow room at 45% Hum. or bellow. Where I live the ambient Hum. runs in the upper 80's How exactly do I get the Hum. down?

3. I'm running one 1000w HPS light in a 10X12 room. I'm keeping the light about a foot above the plants right now. Do I need more lights for the room? Should the light be farther away? Should I be using a different type of light for the Veg stage?


Are you using the whole room for growing? I always figure 1000W is good for about a 5*5 space, and that's about 1/5th of the space you have now. In a 10*12 grow I would try to have AT LEAST 4000W, but that's all up to you. As far as the yellowing, do you have any pics? And about how big are the plants and the pots they are in? (yellow could be because of ph lock, and they actually aren't getting any N, but since you flushed and that didn't work I was thinking possible root bound, but I don't know). Good luck man


If it's continuing to yellow then I'd go ahead and transplant, it's probably not rootbound (doesn't seem big enough to rootbound those pots), but fresh soil will at least give you a fresh start (works for me at least). If you can, you should test the pH of the soil. The proper pH range for growing weed in soil is 6.3-6.8, keeping it as close to 6.5 as possible.


Well-known member
1000 watts needs to be a little more than a foot above your plants i would think, might be bleaching the leaves just a thought
peace burn a hippie oops i mean a fatty


dry out

dry out

let'em dry out.

with your high humidity, you might need to use less perlite in soil so soil will dry faster and you can water every 2-3 days and increase ventilation to help reduce or counter the high humidity. maybe more holes in pots, too.

also make sure the ph of your water is ok.

blood meal really brings the dark green leaves also.



Hey chuck, just as a heads up for better troubleshooting in the future, if you look at the yellowing in the pictures it is going on in the older growth lower on the plant; bleaching would occur on the top of the plant (the part closest to the light). Peace.


Hey Highlife

That's what I thought. I have Jorge Cervantes "Indoor Marijuana Bible" And he suggust keeping the light a foot away and watching for burning on th top of the leaves.

I've added some different ferts. To different plants to attempt to trouble shoot. The majority of the plants I left alone since I'm still not sure if being over fert'd is not the problem. I added Shultz to one and fish fert to another and then some blood meal to a third. So now I'll just keep a close I on them and hope they turn it around. I've ordered a PH tester should be here this next week.

Sure have been a number of small costs with this that I didn't expect. I assumed that was the room was built the light was bought and the seeds were going you were done. Seems like everytime I turn around there's another 30, 50 or even 100 bucks leaving town.


Ya it sure can add up, but that finished bud that you grew yourself will definitly be worth it. I find that no matter how good the smoke is that someone else got for me, my bud is ALWAYS better, it never fails. I would be happy to find bud like mine on the street, if I was out I would pay a good 50% over the norm for it. Hopefully you'll feel the same way about yours.


...oh by the way, what kind of pH tester are you buying? brand/price (even a link if you have one). I keep putting off buying one, even though every grow I've done I needed one on several occassions.


Quickly Dying Now!

Quickly Dying Now!

Well whatever I've done it's not good. There all dying this morning. No noticable differ. between the ones I fert'd last night and the ones I left alone. All plants are turning yellow and now brown.


Click for Larger Image

Click for Larger Image


Anyone have any ideas here, I'm all ears.


PH Tester

PH Tester


Here's the PH tester I ordered. It may not be the best. But it seemed real reasonable on the price. I've ordered lots of stuff from this company over the years and they've always been good to me. I've got five acres of thier trees growing right now. The speed at which my plants are dying makes me wish they sold MJ seeds, I'm certian I'm going to need more now.


Active member
Possibly soil

Possibly soil

Hey guys: From the looks of the pics and your description my guess is soil. The plants are too small to require feeding, thus feeding off the nutrients in the soil, which is how I feed. H20 only until they're about 4-5" tall, then I water with PSB tea.
Vegging should be metal halide, I use a 175watt I put together. Works well.
Personally speaking, don't use chemicial ferts, if you can help it, again, especially for such young plants. That's why I'm thinking soil. My preference is organic, GUANO tea
Wishing you much success w/your grow.

Just my opinion



Watch em grow!!!


Eco is right about them being young enough to still not really need nutes in the first place, however if you start small you can feed as early as you want. On that note, compared with the directs, how much nutes had you given them? As you really don't want to give them more than 1/4 strength. It's not too late to save them, so don't give up yet. I've had plants that I neglected (back in the "dark ages" of my growing lol) and wasn't watering, it looked like they were all dead, one had even completely dried up and most didn't have any real color left... but they all survived. All I did was got some fresh soil and transplanted. And I'm not sure how much it really helps, but I do add 1-3 teaspoons of H202 with most waterings, especially when it's just water with no nutes


Showing my newbian traits (or as my buddy Red Foremen says "Dumbass") what is H202?

Even if they're not gonners, which they may not be:confused: What are the odds of getting a good mother out the group after being stunted like this?

I'm in search of more seeds at the moment to make sure I have some way of having something going. I may end up ordering more from SD if all other leads prove nil. I'm not so much opposed to parting with the cash as much as the waiting the 2 weeks for the seeds at this point.


H2O2 is Hydrogen Peroxide.

Don't worry about them being stunted or anything, that just means lost productive time, and you have plenty of time (as much as you need); what is happening now would not affect your ability to have a potential mother out of the group. In fact, I find there are good reasons to stress a group of plants if you're looking for a mother, as stress would help you find any hermie traits in a plant a little easier. Have you got some fresh soil to transplant into yet? Good luck



First let me say thanks for all the advice. You're knowledge and wisdom is much appreciated.

Getting some soil together today. I've got some top soil on the property but I want to mix in some perlite and sand to help drain. My top soil tend to hold water. This is basically how I made the first batch of soil but I added manure to that mix. I won't be adding any shit to this batch.

What's a Hermie?:confused:

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master


What kind of soil do you use?You are having a PH problem.Your plants are unable to take up potassium.PH is probably too low.Check and see if Premier Pro-Mix potting soil is availible in your area.And find some General Hydroponics Flora Nova series nutrients.With this nutrient you don't have to worry about adjusting PH as the buffers are in the nutrient.If you use this combo you will not have anymore problems.You can grow perfectly green plants from seedling through harvest with this combination.I add 10 lbs. of wiggle worm worm castings and a bag of perlite to a bail of pro-mix.Nothing else is needed to grow perfect plants.If you try this combo you won't be disappointed.If you are interested ,just let me know and I'll help you get things going.Take care..................CC:wave:


Active member


HERMIE is a he/she a plant that is both female and male . Fuck...my last harvest was very seedy due to hermies. I inspected the plants to id sex...got rid of the males and pampered the females. Mind you, I'm a newbie like you, so I did not know to constantly inspect for the hermies(the male balls). So my ladies were just growing nicely. Watching the buds develop. Ok, my not having seen a flowering male first hand, I wasn't sure what I may have been looking at until I accidentally brushed up against one of these flowering males and powder fell from site. Right then I knew something was wrong, my next three harvests were seedy. Once the pollen was in the room there was nothing I could do. I had to let the remaining plant go their course. The problem with seeds is that the female now focuses on making seeds and not the resin . Some of the plants turned out to be pretty good, seeds and all.
So, I look at this as a learning experience. Bet ya ass I am closely inspecting my ladies, now. So far, sensi, which is lovely.
Some may say toss the seeds, but, for me, I'm keeping them, ID'd the better plants (high, grow, quality of the buds, etc).
Time to get of work. Chat later.


Watch em grow!!!
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