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Body found near the Anthonys home...


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!

ORLANDO, Florida (CNN) -- Remains described as being those of a small child were found Thursday near the home of missing toddler Caylee Anthony's grandparents, a spokesman for the Orange County, Florida, sheriff's office told CNN. The discovery was made about 9:30 a.m. by a utility worker, who alerted authorities, spokesman Jim Solomons said. Investigators, including those from the Anthony case and defense team, were on the scene, he said. Police Capt. Angelo Nieves was reluctant to disclose details of the discovery to reporters at the scene, other than to say the skeletal remains found in a plastic bag appeared consistent with those of a young child. The Anthony family has been notified of the discovery, he said.
Caylee Anthony, 3, has been missing since June in a case that has received national attention. Her 22-year-old mother, Casey Anthony, was arrested last month and faces first-degree murder and other charges in the girl's disappearance.
When questioned, Casey Anthony gave conflicting statements to police, including some that were later disproved, according to hundreds of documents and investigative reports released in the case. She claimed she dropped Caylee off with a baby-sitter, but when police checked out her story, they learned that the address Casey Anthony supplied belonged to an apartment that had been vacant for weeks. The woman Casey Anthony named as her baby-sitter told police she did not know her. Investigators previously have said that cadaver dogs picked up the scent of death in Anthony's car, as well as in her parents' back yard. They also said air quality tests conducted by the FBI found evidence consistent with human decomposition and chloroform in the car's trunk. A neighbor told police Anthony had asked to borrow a shovel.
Also, analysis of Anthony's computer found she had visited Web sites discussing chloroform, and had done Internet searches of missing children, according to information released in the case.*** FUCKING WHORE***

The grand parents were on larry king live last night lying their asses off. What bothers me about the grandparents is that THEY called the police and told them they suspect their daughter did something and they SAID they smelled a dead body in the trunk, the police FOUND human decay in THAT trunk, Then the grandparents go on larry king live and say the opposite of what they said initially, they enabled her all her life and apparently in their grandaughters subsequent murder. To me whether they had a hand in the physical act or not they are just as guilty for the way they totally sold out and tried to make themselves look like a normal concerned family. Watching them on larry king live made me sick to my stomach, i truly felt violated like they thought the american public was that stupid(well certainly a good portion is).

Another thing that bothers me is this : they didnt even find a body and they put Caylee's mother in jail yet Drew Peterson is walking around free as a bird having obviously killed BOTH of his wives(one of them is still "missing") WTF this guy is a former cop !!! WTF SERIOUSLY!! we all know what the fuck is going on here...we are the most corrupt fucking country in the world... i pray every night a large meteor whipes us out like the dinosaurs!! HUMANITY IS OVER RATED!!!!!!!!!!!SHAME ON US ALL!
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It's stories just like that one that does make one wonder about 'humanity', but I swear if I have to listen to Nancy Grace say Caylee's name again, I'll fix my tv so I don't have to get that channel ever again. Has anyone told her the childs name is pronounced KAY-LEE not KEL-LEE????

I hope the grandparents get what's coming as well.

I think this is a clear indicator of what we do wrong in our child-rearing. This 'mother' was far too young to be having children, at least mentally, as she has shown. Anyone reckon it was taught to her by her parents/grandparents? It's clear she was raised in a 'me me me' mentaility. I think she should recieve the death sentence for such a horrendous thing she has done. It's clear this was all premeditated.

Personally I think our so-called humanity is doomed.

While humankind is capable of such wonderful dreams, it has a dark side that tends to overpower the conscience of goodness.

We are destined to destroy ourselves.

Just mi dos pesos


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^^ WALL *E(best movie pixar EVER made, possibly my favorite animated movie ever) and the movie IDIOCRACY are two indicators of our future. Saddest part is that we know what we are doing wrong yet we do absolutely nothing to change things.

I just hope she gets the death sentence, at least then ill be satisfied for a quick moment in time.
For a while in the beginning of this saga I was holding out hope for the little girl to be found alive. But there is no way that with how long this little girl has been missing that she is alive. With all the media attention and national news coverage something would have come up. Damn shame that FL is not gonna seak the death penalty against this lady. If it were my daughter missing I would have never been in any night club hugged up on some dudes (or females really). That shit is crazy.

Lets not forget, with all the attention that we (you, me and the rest of the U.S.) is focusing on this one story, about the rest of the world. Shame that this shit happened to this little sweet girl. Kids go missing everyday, everywhere and BAD shit happens to them. That is fucked up. Its crazy the way humans can treat their own kind. The more of us there are the higher the probability that one of us will do some crazy shit.

Just like with plants if you take 100 clones 10-15 will be the healthy and strong and 10-15 likely will be slow in some way. Same with humans, with so many people just poppin out babies (all over the world, think China, Africa, South America, Mexico) there are bound to be some defects not only physically but definetly mentally. Just like growing (We are all the same things) Wish we could "weed out" the bad.

Funny thing is you need a license to do everything in the U.S. but not to bring another human into this world.
It makes me sick to my stomach all this crazy shit I read about that people do to other people.
Personally I am all for the death penalty (in some cases, like this one) but I believe that it should be handled swiftly. If you take a life (needlessly) then 2 days after your sentence lets load the gun and fire!! This might would deter some folks


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
gonna see this @ imax 2 morrow : http://www.thedaytheearthstoodstillmovie.com/

gonna see this @ imax 2 morrow : http://www.thedaytheearthstoodstillmovie.com/

"the day the earth stood still" more like wishfull fucking thinking...


" your world ? " "this isnt your world"

Lest we forget Drew Peterson... what happened to that story?? Recent info in the Natalie Halloway case are finally coming in and it would appear we might find out what finally happened to her...but again, what happened to Drew Petersons 2nd wife( we know what happened to the first), and why isnt he DETAINED??? they had no problem detaining caylees mom on virtually the same PC
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Seems many, but not all in law enforcement are above the law. What about the 9-1-1 operator Theresa Parker that was divorcing a cop that 'disappeared'? That hasn't been clear either I don't think.

It's a sad world we live in sometimes.


She should have gotten a plea deal before the body was found she probably could have gotten 20 years maybe she is toast now

I think the best she can hope for is life

What a waste of a good piece of ass


Guest 18340

ThE Caylee Anthony case is very near (literally) and dear to my heart. My ex murdered my son when he was 5 wks old. Their is no worse feeling than holding a dead baby in your arms.
How ANYONE can do something like that is beyond comprehension. It makes me SICK to my stomach.
Casey will get whats coming to her, believe that. Florida doesnt play. They may not catch every child killer/predator but when they catch one, its curtains for them.
How evil a human heart can become...
Rest in peace Caylee.


Active member
Just commenting about something said earlier. I can't stand Nancy Grace either. That bitch needs to be dragged by her hair and beaten with a metal pole. She is truly one of the coldest people I have ever seen. She even caused one lady on her show to kill herself because Nancy Grace just assumed the lady was the one who killed her daughter. She made accusation after accusation about the Duke lacrosse team being nothing but a bunch of rapist even though nothing had gone to trial, and we later found out that the lacrosse team was not guilty of rape. She basically added fuel to the fire. For those of you who don't know that Duke rape case caused a lot of racial tension in the state of North Carolina.
She is a horrible person.
its also sad that these things happen to children and Nancy Grace is NOT a good advocate for these missing kids. Fuck her.


I'm not a real goat.™
^^Right on, I can't stand Nancy Grace either.

I would just love to walk onto her stage and Rick Flair chop that ho right accross the face! WOOOOOO!


Bless you people... It is nice to know I'm not alone because I absolutely despise Nancy Grace!!! News today is simply awful... You've got overpaid asshats with designer clothes, doused with make up, putting their opinions into news, which I thought was supposed to be factual presentation of events that have taken place. NOT opinionated speculation.

Bill O'reilly, Nancy Grace, Keith Olberman, Anderson Cooper...the lot... they're all worthless. Larry King and his lack of personality is the only 'entity' (is he even human? sheesh he's got to be 1000 years old! ... I kid, I kid) that actually just reads the shit and then asks a reasonable question.

F news, I'm tired of hearing about the Anthony case, that mother is awful, we get it... She'll see her day in court and when they give her a verdict, I'll tune in and see some potentially fact based news. Until then, keep that shit off the news, jesus. Is that really the most important thing that happened today that we need to hear about? Life is depressing as it is.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
maryj315 said:
She should have gotten a plea deal before the body was found she probably could have gotten 20 years maybe she is toast now

I think the best she can hope for is life

What a waste of a good piece of ass

^^ WTF?? are fuckin kidding me??? you seriously consider a baby killer sexy?? wow you are a sick fuck, not only are you trying to get her less time but you wanna fuck that white trash baby killer wow!!! you get first place in the douche bag contest!

EDIT** missed the nancy grace thing : yea shes vomit inside a skin bag. She should be gangraped and then drowned alive(wow that was harsh, i guess an M80 in the vagina would be a lil better).
Nancy Grace is like Bill O'rielly they both have a vagina & are totally self narcicistic scum!
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
something very nasty & evil needs to be done to this bitch.......

and about half a dozen of you Nancy Grace haters got some K+


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Anyways they have made a tentative positive ID on the body, hair matches, so does the proportions and very soon we will know what this bitch did to this little girl. Why do all the sickos come from, once lived in or near or have some association to Florida in some way or another ? there must be something in the water...
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maryj315 said:
She should have gotten a plea deal before the body was found she probably could have gotten 20 years maybe she is toast now

I think the best she can hope for is life

What a waste of a good piece of ass


If any one was offended by this post i apologize


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