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blusestreak runts


Active member
im growing some blue streak.unfortunatley my first only yeilded a gram,now i got tow others grwing anf they are about 3 weeks old and stll on there second SMALL set of true leaves,i got them under 24 hrs of light 150watt HPS/ 2,40watt tube flourecents. MG organic soil, perlite and im using biobizz organic liquid ferts.it this common?the roots are vigourous as hell but it doesnt add up to the sizesof the plant


There could be many issues here man. Its tough to diagnose with out a pic. First off i would ditch that MG organic its not as "organic" as one would think. Some of the things that could be impacting it are thing like pH, container size, nutes too soon, amount of water being fed, how often being fed.....so on and so forth. Get some pics id love to help diagnose the issue.


Active member
ill post pics tommorow,of the two blue straks and the two mandala safari mixes i have that where planted at the same time and have exactley the same conditions. 1 runt i could see as a fluke but now ive got 2 others doing the same shite.


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ok here they are


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some more


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natural medicator
had a ~3g bluestreak once. grown in the corner of a 150w cab in a 16oz cup. she was a stinker.
If the tap root gets delayed in its downward growth at all with AF's they'll more than likely end up runts. Even without that issue, I've had higher percentages of runt plants with AFs than standard plants.


Active member
yeah im not so sure i want to try af's anymore,i got 3 of the blue streaks and 3 automatic fruits,i think im gonna try outdoors mabey this year or next,im hoping for a different outcome ,my goal was to make f2's now im not even sure i want to.


Active member
I have two BR´s outdoors and they are about the same size as LR2´s. I´m hoping for 25gr a plant.


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its alot of babsitting these things ,i have no idea what to do but expext more shitty harvests,ill stick'em outside/window but im still sceptical.i and im possitive the roots are growing like crazy witch leaves me scratching my head,why isnt the canopy like that ,ill post pics in a week to show ya's.


You are loosing leaves which are the engines for growth. You must have a PH thing going on, or a cal/mag def starting. They look pale but you said you are feeding them liquid nutes, so that leaves me to think there is a PH thing goin on. Your pots also look small, cups don't yeild well mate. Not 1/2 to Oz's anyways! For the size of it there are alot of nodes/leaves missing.

Are you feeding them tap, RO, distilled water? What bottled nutes? Did you mix dolomite lime into your soil to buffer the PH?

I wouldn't knock the genes until you can grow them start to finish without errors. You can stunt autos pretty easy with little stress.

Just for the record, the MG soil isn't the best choice. If some one tells you it is up to par, they haven't grown with amended, living organic soil.


Im going to have to agree with Bh here. I too think that its a pH issue as well as a moisture thing. Looking at that mix in the cup there are several things that would keep air to the roots but nothing really to keep moisture right.

Looking at the yellowing i do see that it is probably a combo of bad pH and straight tap water. If you feel the need to pinch pennies and use tap water, put out a bucket and catch rain water. This will be way better than straight tap, but if you must use tap let it sit for a few days then adjust the pH then use it.

Get those girls re-potted into some decent soil and some good water and i bet they will explode for you. Another good point BH made was that pot size is a big thing too. you have small pots with a good 1 1/2 of soil missing from the top. Get them into some bigger pots and this will help them too


Active member
thw two blue streaks (the ones on the left in the 1st pic have no yellowing)the madalas do
ill get new soil but theres not to many available to me besides whats at the wal-mart ect... butll give it a shot see what happens.


Marijuana Enthusiast
Sorry to hear about the small blue streaks man, usually mdanzig is quality stuff... I know he is currently working on making them bigger, but they should yield 1 gram, strange.... Dont give up on autos all together man, ive had pretty good luck with em, and they are improving every month!:tiphat:



Active member
i had some other soil that i bought i while back its for cactus style plants and i mixxed that with mg organic and lots of perlite also set aside some water to balance out the PH also. repotted them in some gallon pots also


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I dont mean to be a critic but you planted them to shallow. These guys need a good amount of root drop. Getting the water in check was a good move and the soil looks better, but i would have planted them higher in that big pot.


I'm gonna try like hell for a half :joint:

Me too :D

bentom187: I think i have seen dolomite lime (dolomitic lime) at wally world (1tbs per gal is what i use). Trying to think what else i have seen. I think i seen sunshine#3 mix there, even that + some lime and your MG compo. That compo would be good if you were reusing your soil it has lots of woody stuff in it.

You wouldn't need lime if your soil isn't peat based, peat changes in PH as it breaks down. I think most everything in walmart is peat based so i would sorce some for next time.

Rain water is choice, i use it over my RO. PH is really important, different nutes get locked out at different PH's. Even drastic swings will stress the plants out. 6.1 and 6.2 are 100 times stronger to the plant. So for best results, proper PH from day one.

Hope you have better luck with them BS's. There are some good ones in there, if you find em.


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