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Blumat Setup Question......



Nice congrats Krunchbubble
Bro.....Respect and thanks for showin the upgrades available usin that "Stoner ingenuity" of "Where there`s a will theres a way" and we`re havin our damn way....

Krunch....It`s alway`s somethin when yas rent.....Not sure how well it works in Medville , but check into lease with option to buy properties where a portion of your rent/lease payment goes toward the purchase of said property.......then...

Once papers are signed , change the locks and tell landlord ta fuck off since you`re responsible for all repairs and such should you decide to leave and not purchase said property....Hell....

I grew my ass off and paid the house off at the end of the yr lease with flip rooms hoonin a month apart in age perpetual and...

The house was in somebody else`s name till I bought it and moved equipment to the next 1....

Simple....babyshit , but........anyways....

Somethin ta think about for your future Bro.......Good luck and....



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Bro.....Respect and thanks for showin the upgrades available usin that "Stoner ingenuity" of "Where there`s a will theres a way" and we`re havin our damn way....

Krunch....It`s alway`s somethin when yas rent.....Not sure how well it works in Medville , but check into lease with option to buy properties where a portion of your rent/lease payment goes toward the purchase of said property.......then...

Once papers are signed , change the locks and tell landlord ta fuck off since you`re responsible for all repairs and such should you decide to leave....Hell....

I grew my ass off and paid the house off at the end of the yr lease with flip rooms hoonin a month apart in age perpetual and...

The house was in somebody else`s name till I bought it and moved equipment to the next 1....

Simple....babyshit , but........anyways....

Somethin ta think about for your future Bro.......Good luck and....


WISH it was that easy!

Here is Cali, if you dont have a 800+ score, your going to pay stupid money for a down payment, close to 20%....

The house I live in is valued at $800k for a 5 bedroom, 3 story with a pool and a view of the bay area. Only growing in the garage, because of landlord issues like this...

Not sure what will happen, CANT tear the grow room down, just going to have to wing it, like usual...



Active member
Bro.....Respect and thanks for showin the upgrades available usin that "Stoner ingenuity" of "Where there`s a will theres a way" and we`re havin our damn way....

Krunch....It`s alway`s somethin when yas rent.....Not sure how well it works in Medville , but check into lease with option to buy properties where a portion of your rent/lease payment goes toward the purchase of said property.......then...

Once papers are signed , change the locks and tell landlord ta fuck off since you`re responsible for all repairs and such should you decide to leave and not purchase said property....Hell....

I grew my ass off and paid the house off at the end of the yr lease with flip rooms hoonin a month apart in age perpetual and...

The house was in somebody else`s name till I bought it and moved equipment to the next 1....

Simple....babyshit , but........anyways....

Somethin ta think about for your future Bro.......Good luck and....


If I can do it... Krunch can do it... It's only a matter of getting your finances in order... Monthly payments end up being cheaper than rent, and no inspections to worry about. You can tear out the ceiling if you like. :smokey: I hear ya on the Cali real estate prices... but it doesn't have to be a nice house... preferably a shit house cause ur gonna tear it up anyway.

Rent to own is between you and the land owner... so no credit check necessary if you can show cash flow...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Thought about buying a house, out of state. My boy just bought one in Oklahoma for $20k, with acreage...

But then, i was put on probation a few weeks ago, from my bust, and now i cant even leave the state!


Man Krunchbubble that was a while ago , when you got pinched. I remember that post. If you can find a homeowner who will do a deed in lieu and just let you take the house for like 5k down. BOOM. Done deal.