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Blueberry x C99 DWC pics!!!





I wonder if the one with the crinkled leaves will be the 'blueberry pheno' when all is said and done.

Customs nabbed these beans from me twice a few years ago! I have always wanted to grow it but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Looks like you are having better luck. I'll be watching this one.

The potential is there for some great plants. Think of all the possible tastes, highs, and colors!

Have you grown this before?
Root porn!

Root porn!

These are the two that I have in dwc now, just in 2 inch netpots and peat pellets... Its been 2 days since I took these and the roots have doubled already:yoinks:

Joey weed is the bomb!

Joey weed is the bomb!

These were ordered from hemp depot only took two weeks to make it to the states!!! These pics were at 12 days from germination, they are starting to take off. All seedlings had purple cherry stems and a few have light cherry on the leaves, hopefully I get a raspberry slurrpy pheno like Icon did. THANKS ICON FOR YOUR GROW!!! More pics!


Notice the purpling in the new growth, looks amazing!!
Things are progressing nicely!!!

Things are progressing nicely!!!

Hey there guys and gals the 99 Berries(Blueberryxc99) by Joey is going nicely! I have 5 that have made it, one hasn't grown much in the last week but is still alive and growing roots so I transplanted that one to soil.

The 4 others have really started to take off and are already starting to develope alternate nodding!!! They are only 3-5 inches tall and developing their 4th or 5th set of leaves. I am feeding them GH micro and bloom, 7.5 ml each per gallon of tap.

I will be using Lucas formula for flower but have heard that giving more N in the first month of growth will develope more females as well as keeping humidity up, temps lower, and blue spectrum lighting... Anyone tried this to get more females from standard seeds?

Here they are nearly a week ago. The bottom middle and right plants are in DWC with the other two.The bottom middle mutant has grown nearly as big as the fastest growing one.The 2 mutants are growing normal now. The top right plant is for sure INDICA blueberry coming through, her leaves are HUGE and FAT. Im getting excited!!!

Will give you some updated pics soon!!!
Please help DWC pros!!!

Please help DWC pros!!!

Almost forgot that the pics above are from July 18th and its been only 5 days and all plants in DWC have DOUBLED in size and roots are going crazy!!!

Quick question to the DWC guys. I started the plants in peat pellets and now have them in 3in netcups surrounded by hydroton in a 30q rubbermaid. 2 of the plants have 6-8 inch taproots coming out but two are just now starting to peak through the netcups. Have waterlevel touching the bottom of netpots but peat pellets are soaking, should I lower the level or wait till the two slower ones catch up
New Pics- One month in!!!

New Pics- One month in!!!

Here are the 5 Bbxc99 I have going and all are exactly one month old today! They are starting to take off but I think I have a minor deficiency, small brown spots on two of the large fan leaves on only two plants? Might be cause I have been using tap and staying conservitive on the nutes, 5 micro 5-10 bloom Gh per gallon. I have gotten some RO and added in to help lower the TDS. Anyway here we go!!!

Here they are eatin up 156 watts of CFL. I have 4 bright white 3500k and two daytime 6500k. Rubbermaid is 30 L. Got about 3 gallons in there now. Bottom right fastest I believe is a male. Has 2 to 3 very small balls showing. That one was a mutant to start. Bottom left was the mutant with the wavy leaves. This one is definitely indica leaning it is only 4-5 inches tall but the trunk on her is HUGE, i'm talking sharpy marker thick!!! I hope its a female, other three are undetermined... Runts in soil mixed with hydroton, lets hope I get at least one female, Stress has been null besides leaves edges twisting in which was either ph or overwatering???

Here is a side perspective. Notice these ladies are only 4 to 6 inches tall but all have prolific side branching, I may be able to pull 8 to 10 clones off each of these in the next week if they keep this up!!!

Here is that special mutant that just decided to grow some palm sized fan leaves. This one has the most purpling in the stems and main stalk as well.

Heres a better shot of the bunch.

Just pulled the lights out of the bathroom and hang them about 1-2 inches above canopy.

Heres the tallest of the bunch this one is the same plant as the picture below! Hope this one turns out female!


Two and a half weeks ago... Time flies when your having fun!!!:yeahthats

I have a slight problem. I am moving in the next week or two about 40 minutes away and I don't want to start flowering yet. Will they be TOO big in two weeks from today. I have experience in scrog so I might just start training them in a large screen. Any info on moving plants people???

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