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Blue Satellite x Sour Bubble (Blue Bubble); Death Star x Sour Bubble (Death Bubble)


Nah, pretty much just those 2 fans. Thought there were more but I was just out of it. DB starting to fill in nice now, stopped stretching too. Getting a very pin sol smell to it and I got a little light headed almost just off smelling my fingers. I can tell this one's gonna hit me HARD.

BB is going ape shit now, filling in like crazy. It's week 6 and my schedule says to up to Koolbloom to 2.5mL so I got that goin and I really think I can see it going full blast. Tons of calaxes crowding up top of the buds, and they're getting reallllly frosty. Big fat trichomes too.

2nd DB is starting to really stretch now, should have her down on the ground in a few days. That' one's gonna be nuts. I topped her once and she has 6 even shoots now and 2-4 more just inches below those ones. Gonna be a really nice yield on her :)


Oh yeah, I know I asked before but I spaced it again, what is the typical flower times on these girls? I figure the BB shouldn't be more than about 9 weeks or so the way she's looking, but I was thinking the DB might take a couple longer possibly.


Active member
ICMag Donor
BB should go 9 tops, should find 7-8 weeker in the batch somewhere. My Blue sat line and the SB finish fast.

The pure DB can go 9-12 weeks. Be interesting to see how that one finishes. You got the first try at the DB reg line so well see :D
The terpene production is intense i the last couple weeks, you aint seen nuthin yet! Could be some peppery tones on the back end really tasty.


Been scared to put a gnat under my scope for awhile now. Was getting a creepy feeling I might have Aphids instead, so I went into denial for a couple weeks. I finally put one under the scope, and thank god it is a gnat.

The BB clones I took are doing great. I put two into coco a few days ago, and will get the third one in soon as well (not enough space at the moment)

Think I'm gonna use this as the Mom since it looks the best.

2nd one:


3rd still in cup (got a little under watered):


DB clone (only 1 of 3 survived. The other two tops rotted out and I figured they wouldnt grow. They didnt root either. This one did and it's top died shortly after rooting, but luckily pulled through it)



2nd DB has gotten hit with something, I'm not sure. Thought it was maybe cal/mag, but gave it the past 2-3 waterings and no change, getting worse.
I decided to flush her with 5 gallons, hopefully that helps.


Hemp Russet Mites

Hemp Russet Mites

I think I have Hemp Russet Mites. Fucking shitty. Just found this guy on a sugar leaf of my critical mass in flower. Explains everything I've been seeing on the DB and even the canoing on the BB.

Think I'm gonna finish everything in flower, then scrub everything and maybe use some avid on the Moms I have. Debating whether they're even worth the trouble though.

Buying a 6" bug screen made by hydrofarm for the vent, will probably buy a filter for the vent system as well closing up all ends.

I luckily have more BB and DB seeds I can start over with.

Fuck me.

Any ideas on best preventative measures? Something I can use that would deter them or kill them and use regularly.



After going to the infirmary it's possible it may be a predatory mite, or some kind of bad mite. Either way I'm going through everyone tonight to look for any signs of any other beasts.

Fuck Bugs. Unless its a predatory mite. He's cool.


Hah, I think that little bugger is "Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Hypoaspis miles)"
Its a fungus mite that eats fungus gnat and aphid larvae. Don't know how I got this little guy, but I'll take em! Was wondering why my gnat problem was going down so fast with me doing so little. Pretty crazy stuff.


God damn these two smell so fucking good. BB has that nice sweetness to it, and the DB is Straight sour pinsol with this muskyness kinda to it. Reminds me of a strain called sour breath. Smells just like it, but so much better.

First time I've been anxious to cut a plant down since my Bruce Banner. Really cant wait to smoke these two and can tell they're gonna stay in the garden for awhile.

Oh yeah, bought some of these on amazon. Work pretty well from what I can tell so far, doesnt seem to restrict the air flow too much either. Little over priced I think but I feel safer with em.



Active member
Looking good mate. That leaf, could be just a bit of heat stress. Wouldn't worry about it unless it's affecting the middle - lower parts of the plant as well.


Looking good mate. That leaf, could be just a bit of heat stress. Wouldn't worry about it unless it's affecting the middle - lower parts of the plant as well.

Word, thanks man. Makes sense. The girl I took the cut off is in flower, and she has those same burns/discoloration on the very top fans by the light.

I've always heard how different strains can be, but never really got to experience it until now. Just because one loves the light and the heat doesnt mean everyone else does. Great learning experience.

I love growing cause I don't think I'll ever stop learning and asking questions. There's just so much to these wonderful plants :biggrin:


Still feeding the BB. week 7 in schedule says 4mL FloraNova Bloom, 2.5mL KoolBloom, and 1mL Floralicious (about 500 ppm or 1.0 EC).
Next week says 2.5mL FNB and 1mL FL+, then flush for a week after that.

Good amount of nice cloudy trichomes, but still a decent amount of clear and not any amber that I can see so far.



Oh yeah, this might be a dumb question, but when you top a plant and you have multiple branches, all at even height (the 6 on the 2nd DB), does that reduce the amount of stretch you get in flower? Dumb question because I'm pretty sure it's true.
The 2nd DB has those 6 tops and stretched CONSIDERABLY less than the other one I did not top. It's gotta be half as tall, which really helps out on space. The buds are starting to form on it now, still havnt had to water since I flushed her and she appears to have recovered. Gonna be such a nicer yield, but I do like how the first BB and DB look.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Yeah man topping will reduce stretch, the plant has more grow tips and tries to push em all equal, using more energy. Thats how I keep the DB in check lol


Duh! Lol, for some reason I was expecting the 2nd one to stretch just as much, had the space all ready for it. Guess I'll just keep her on the old pile of chemistry books from high school.

Man, can't wait to finish everything then scrub up the space and start fresh. Gonna make sure to kill every damn bug before it ever gets into the grow now.

Oh yeah, got these off amazon BTW. They seem to work really well and feel well made. Air flow is still great, can feel it whooshing through em.



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