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Blue Satellite x Sour Bubble (Blue Bubble); Death Star x Sour Bubble (Death Bubble)


Really liking how the Blue Bubble is growing. Very fast to adapt and such vigor.


Oh yeah! I like to have a fan on em from the start. Gives em some mighty thick stems. These ones are definitely bigger than normal though. She's very hollow in those stems I feel. The mid section of the stem is very thick, but closer to the coco, as well as the tip , its smaller and a bit denser.
It's almost like the mid section of the stem is bloated with air, like a ballon. It's such a cool thing to watch.

Why do the stems grow hollow like that, and what's the advantage of it?


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ICMag Donor
Various anectdotal stuff, hollow stems can equate to very good health and ph range, also mentions as a desirable trait for breeding, possibly linked to potency but I have not seen any science papers on it.


One of the Blue Bubble #2 clones i took rooted today. Not sure what I'm gonna do with it sine #2 was male and I tossed him. Was thinking of keeping it in veg for awhile just in case.
Pictures kinda weird, roots are thicker than they look there.


Oh yeah man! Lookin like my Banner did from my last grow, and I only had 1 of those! This should be a reallllllllllllly nice harvest that'll last a good while for me :).

Not sure about the other DB in veg right now. Doing really well, but preflowers looking really strange. Think she turned out to be a he actually :\


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Either way dude , you've got 2 nice fems to work with & thats a BIG plus in my book !!! so many times i've had a male over population from seed drops & missed out on some fantastic strains because of it .


Either way dude , you've got 2 nice fems to work with & thats a BIG plus in my book !!! so many times i've had a male over population from seed drops & missed out on some fantastic strains because of it .
Oh, definitely man, I wasnt trying to sound ungrateful. I'm so stoked that I got a female from each when I only popped 2 seeds of each. Got so lucky this go around!
Wish I had a little more room, would love to keep a male just to make a little pollen and have some rainy day seeds :biggrin:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
didn't mean to say you were ungrateful , just sayin , coulda been a sausage fest like its happened to me .
i hear ya on the no room for males .... i've been buying double packs when it comes to seed purchases so when i finally have room , i can go dude hunting .
theres a few crosses i've been dying to try & make .... just don't have the space .
so i get ahold of good peeps like Tony that have good males to help with a cross or 2 that i can't work on here . but some day ......


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ICMag Donor
If you want you could root a small branch and flower it under a small cfl, it will make enough for a few beans if you got a room in a closet somewhere. I use a used to use a shoebox heh.

A 5 gallon bucket can be turned into a small pollen making chamber with a little construction on it.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I'm more concentrated on getting through what i have here & getting moved out of this house & attic situation before the summer heat hits again . I'm NOT going through another summer here !!! its not easy with 3 trays & 3 lights to get everything done in the same time frame to be harvested & ready to break down & move without losing a month or more . I am setting up a 2k watt 4 x 8 tent ay my buddys house so i don't lose to much time & product , that should help a little , but its not going to be easy to get all this done in the next couple months ..... plus finding the RIGHT spot here in this nazi state .

so , ya see why things are kinda on hold for me as far as breeding & setting up different chambers for dudes goes .....


These are some ball preflowers right? Lookin strange to me, almost like its trying to grow a new shoot.

Oh yeah, the first of the 3 female Blue Bubble clones I took rooted today. Just put her into some coco. Just need one of the Death Bubbles to root and I'll be set for some time!


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ICMag Donor
And so it begins... Looks liek the girls are havin a little battle for superiority! They look pretty happy!

I have seen topping in late veg, early flower produce some weird shit. Looks like a calyx that reveged to me. Not sure yet...


And so it begins... Looks liek the girls are havin a little battle for superiority! They look pretty happy!

I have seen topping in late veg, early flower produce some weird shit. Looks like a calyx that reveged to me. Not sure yet...

Sweet, thanks man. I bet if I let it go a few more days before topping it would have showed the full preflower. It looks so different now. Chopped off all her fans and now it look like a tiny little thing, but bouncing back now. Happy with the first one so keeping this one in veg for awhile just to see :biggrin:.


Here's a pic of that one. She's drinking up a lot of water every day now. Kinda caught me off guard. That always seems to happen after I top. Like they drink more to recover or something.