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Blue Moon Rock F2 Budshots



Nice BMR IC2GO. Wicked frost on them babys. Nice job bro. I bet the hash is very sweet.



Active member
Poker_Toker said:
OMFG WOW i am glad to of found this thread. Just doing a lot of lurking in 400 threads, 400 hydro seems like the way to go, cant wait to fire mine up when i move in march

Any yields? how much you normally get off a 4 plant hydro setup in that cab?

id like to know the weight of the bat, that is ginormous, def a wicked grow :rasta: enjoy all the weed, you deserve it
Heya Poker Toker glad you like the show. Yeah I'm very pleased with the 400w. I think for my size cab (36"x20"x80") it's works out perfectly. This is my first grow in this cab, so I'm not sure how much I can get out of it yet with 4 plants. This time around I only had 3 females, all from seed. The one plant on the right yielded 4.5oz, the back left one I used entirely for bubble hash because I wasn't happy with how the buds formed. The front left one is where that bat came from, but I never actually weighed it. I'm sure I got at least 2 oz from that plant judging by how full the jars are. I used some of that one for bubble hash too, only keeping the medium/larger buds. I think with clones this cab has some real potential.

Hydro in a cab is nice, but with a small res things can change quickly so I'd check ec and ppm at least twice a day, and keep a log book. Next time around I have new membranes on my RO and I plan to plumb the tubs to a reservoir sitting next to my cab, for ease of changing out the nutes and more water volume to help keep things stable.

Brother Monk, glad to see you swing by. Yes, that scissor hash was sweet, with hints of bubblegum flavor in there. I finally went out and bought the 4 bubble bag kit, so I made some bubble hash which sure beats using panty hose stretched over an open jar with rubber bands (the old ghetto way I used to make kif).

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I know what you mean bro. I just recently made my first batch of bubble hash. Been saving trim for two years in the freezer. Barely had any room for the chicken and peas lol! I didn't bother to seperate or mark any of it. Just jammed it all together and did about 10 runs through the screens. One of the best buys I ever made.



impressive buds. 400w huh, what kind of bulb? wish i could find myself with some of BOGs love - never have had the chance.


Active member
SuperLarry said:
impressive buds. 400w huh, what kind of bulb? wish i could find myself with some of BOGs love - never have had the chance.

Heya SuperLarry. That bulb was a 400W metal halide Hortilux. I've always liked the HPS Hortilux but this was my first time trying a MH. I think I'm going to flower with it again with some DJ Shorts Flo that I'm growin' right now. Thanks for checking out my plants. :bongsmi: