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Blue Dynamite and Apollo 11



Got them from a member on here. Not 100% sure that I identified the strains right but if you think one looks like the other strain let me know.

First the blue dynamite (I think). This was my favorite...smells like inscents and berry in the jar. The inscent taste comes through when smoking with a little sweetness. Tastes kind of like it smells. This one gets me sttooonnneeddd. Little creeper but when I sit down after smoking I start getting waves through my body and I'm on the couch for a while. This is what I've been smoking before bed to help my mild insomnia. Doesn't taste as good as I thought it would in the vape...still my favorite of the two though.

Now here is the a11 (I think its the G pheno). Not really much smell (also kept in a bag, not a jar) but what is there seems almost citrus-like. Lemon maybe? Not much taste on the smoke either. The high on this one is great though. Enhances my mood no matter what and gives a clear "up" high right away. Good for going out and getting stuff done. Tasted awesome in the vap and was my friend's favorite out of the two strains.

Unfortunatley most of this bud is smoked already.

Oh make sure to enlarge the pics!
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Active member
mmhm, just looking at that bud brings back memories. They look tasty. Isn't it nice having two different smokes for different times of the day.


Your absolutley right tokinsmokin its the best having 2 different strains for different times of the day. I'd smoke the a11 before riding my bike and actaully be able to ride...something that doesn't usually happen with good herb. Then smoke the blue d. in the PM and fall straight to sleep.

Its all gone now. I'd say that my favorite out of the 2 was the a11. I wish I had put it in the jar sooner because as soon as it had been in the jars for even a day it seemed like the taste/smell improved. It was awesome mixing the 2 together and being stuck to the couch thinking a mile a minute :joint:.


Hey cannigrow...no chemdawg latley, in fact I only smoked it a couple nights with some friends that live on the other side of the state. I should be out visiting them soon so maybe I can grab some chemdawg while I'm there. I'll take some pics for sure.

Thanks for the comments too all. The buds were grown by outkastt so all credit goes to her. I really wish I was still smokin on this bud but its all loooooooong gone.


New member
i must openly admit that looks like some pretty damm shit hot gear. Makes it all worth while doesnt it......

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