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Blue Cindy and Strawberry diesel

Blue Cindy is Blueberry X C99
We are at day two of seed dubbed "Cindy" (one in the riot rooter plug, the first blurry ass seed pick that's actually the popping but you can't see the tail.)
The other seeds dubbed "trinity" (picture one) and "topher" (picture two) were both just started an hour ago i believe.
As soon as my tent arrives these three will be joined by three clones of Ganesh's Strawberry Diesel ( some amazing bud)
Here are some pics advice is nice question are welcome

Thank you Serioussmoke


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Day Thee/ Day one

Day Thee/ Day one

Cindy has popped above the dirt and is losing her seed. I know my setup looks like a joke right now but I promise i am in the process of getting my equipment in order. (galaxy 400w ballast sitting in the corner of my pic)
Topher appears to be ready to pop and has started and Trinity still seems a little immobile.
Heres two pictures of this morning and two of last night where she was at.. Well hopefully it's a she that is. These are not femanized seeds.


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Active member

Who’s version is that Blue Cindy?
I have a pack of the Spice Brothers’ Cinderella Blues and I just thought about these seeds a few days ago..

Let’s hope the seed is a she, so that we can see some blueberry-cindy flowering.

Good luck

..and welcome to the forums :tiphat:
Floro for the babies

Floro for the babies

SO I just finished hanging up the regular fluorescent bulb my buddy lent me till I can get a reflector for my 400w system

Is that to close for those lamps to be to the little seedling?

Also Goatcheese I have no idea what they are for sure. my buddy who gave them to me says its a cross between dj shorts true blueberry x c99 but Idk who made them when i asked he said wally duck lol


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Got bored revamped the veg room

Got bored revamped the veg room

Went and picked up my reflector and hung up my 400w. plant is still to small to use but it's in there.
Went ahead and revamped the veg room while i was in there plus makes a nice place for the 400 till its ready lol
My buddy took the seed off the top and the membrane as well. I keep her chasin the water so she will have more incentive to grow roots.


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Strain info

Strain info

Blue Cindy
Is DJ Shorts Blueberry X Wally Ducks C99
Description from seedbay:
The blueberry x c99 is a blend of dj shorts blueberry and wallys c99. Expect fruity aromas and flavors with a touch of color from the blueberry mother, should be a nice balance of indica and sativa, with an average yeild.
Flowering time: 55 - 60 Days
Seeds Per pack: 10
Environment: Indoor / Outdoor


Pink Bubble Tooth
ICMag Donor
i made the same cross. did not knew about it.
its also named BC but is (DP) BB x C99.

but djbb x c99 just can be brilliant. good luck with them.

Similar strain

Similar strain

Hey have you flowered any of yours? I have been tryin to find a seemingly close strain for days if you got pictures of any part of your runs that would be awesome
Day 4/day 2

Day 4/day 2

So today Cindy is looking gorgeous as you can see from her picture.
and as it is day too and both Topher(left riot rooter) and Trinity(right riot rooter) have popped and are kicking it in some plugs.
Topher went in last night and has already started to grow he hasn't hit the top yet but i expect by tonight.
Trinity is being a little more sluggish and barely had a root this AM. planted her just a min ago in her plug. This seed was cracked when i received it so I am hoping that isn't a deal breaker.

Along with my three gals my buddy dmack has brought over his other seven seeds and we are in the process of popping them now. 2 are in plugs and were waiting on the rest.
Ive got the 400w on just to increase heat in my closet with just the floro its kinda chilly in there...


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daily update

daily update

This is kinda my main job for now hence why I am keeping such a detailed grow log also so I can back track if i need too...
So I raised the light on cindy cuz she just keeps reachin for it. She has started to have other roots other than the taproot its kindaq pretty.
Topher is about to be popping out both ends.
Trinity is slowly but surely trying to catch up.

Still waiting on my buddy to bring me over my strawberry clones but I have a feeling that they are gonna alot further along than my ladies regardless of when i get them...


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Day 5/3/2

Day 5/3/2

Okay I have ten seeds all popped now as of late yesterday.
Topher day 3 Has finally poked up and lost his shell and is chasin the light with cindy.
Cindy day 5 is definately growin like weed lol had to raise the light on her again.
Trinity day 2 still doesnt appear to have much of a taproot goin on she may not make it.

and out of the other 7 seeds Dmack threw in there 5 are headed for the top i expect them to be out by this evening or first thing in the AM. They are on the same day schedule as Trinity in case anyone is wondering.

Still hoping PNW_grown brings me my strawberry D clones today.

on another random note got a UA today i bought stinger detox formula and followed the instructions to the T. so hopefully it works I guess i will let you knwo the results. was fairly cheap and actually tasted like fruit punch so on that aspect I give it a ten out of ten lol


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Cindy is stretching out, move the light down instead of up ! Looks like you are on track, I will take a seat and watch. They are ready for the 400w when you are.
Cindy is stretching out, move the light down instead of up ! Looks like you are on track, I will take a seat and watch. They are ready for the 400w when you are.
Okay so heres soem questions. I see this stretching out thing in alot of forums what exactly does it mean.
And the reason I moved the light up was my buddy told me to keep it away. So closer would be better in this case. this is my first grow on my own.


With low intensity lights like CFL's or flouro you can keep it almost touching your plants. Stretching as in your seedling's stem is growing really long trying to get to the light that keeps moving away.

Heres a seedling 6 days old of mine, see how much stem I have:

Okay here we go

Okay here we go

Okay I see what your saying with the stretching. I will keep it lower on the other plants. I wish i could run the 400w all the time but right now i fear it will be to hot in my closet and i cannot get the tent and air scrubber until 3rd plus 3 days shipping.

I don't even have a thermometer to tell how hot it is if i did run it all the time.

heres some new pics


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Next time you transplant just plant it deep into the new container, and bury a lot of that stem. Also fan's help build stem strength.

They do not look bad, especially the one sprouting now !
Day 6/4/2

Day 6/4/2

Alright thanks for stopping by everyone. Those pics were actually form last night around 8:00.

Much more progress had been made when i opened the closet 30 seconds ago.
Cindy is getttin bigg and i believe is workin on developin some more leave possibly.
topher is sproutin bigger and bigger
and as you can see in the dirt there trinity is poppin.

in the back the other guys for outdoor are chillin. 3 have popped up and i think two more are about too not about the other two though just really slow i guess. well maybe they will be outdoor if we can find a spot to toss em.

I am on my way to home depot to get more pots and if they have a cheap fan i will get that if not they have to wait till i can steal one from my mom's in the A.M.

Umm how often shoudl i be watering these bad boys? cindy hasnt been watered since i transplanted but still seems moist... idk input is valued. :)


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Day 7/6/5 Finally got it right

Day 7/6/5 Finally got it right

Okay SO last night I did some transplanting and took out the floro and turned on the 400w. The babies are uber excited in the big picture you can see the three of mine in ascending order top to bottom. on the left the three seeds that have popped of the seven Dmack tossed.
These pics are from about 30 seconds ago bright and early this morning.
we've got a heat issue though with thee 400 I had it rutned off from 2AM till 8AM this am and i closed the door around 1AM. SO i can handle it with the door but soemthing needs to be done I can't jsut stay home all summer to deal keep the door open. what are you using to ven t your closet DaPurps?
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