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Blue Cheese Grow Diary - DWC - 2x400w + CO2


Holy shit man! That's what I call a really badass looking garden. I have been away for a while and I missed the last update of your diary. After seeing your gals I have to say I'm definitely impressed by their improvements.

For the umpteenth time you deserve all my respect. Definitely one of the best italian grow around not only for the setup, but also for the results.

Can't wait to see some porno bud pics while curing!

Keep it DanK! As if I had to remind you... :canabis:

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to noreason again."


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Really thanks my friend :) When I arrived here on ICMag I was a complete noob about cannabis and now I can grow my plants because I learn a lot of things here.Other people may learn something from me.Sharing is caring and that's my way :)

Hope you enjoy my thread people thanks for following me :thank you:
May I ask what kind of harvest numbers are you expecting, or what would you expect from previous dual 400w grows. Im thinking of putting two 400W's in a cab myself.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
May I ask what kind of harvest numbers are you expecting, or what would you expect from previous dual 400w grows. Im thinking of putting two 400W's in a cab myself.

This is the second time I use this setup.
The first one I had trouble and I had to remove the plants (cheese) after one month of flowering due to security issue.
This time I'm expecting something near half a kilo...but I really don't know.
However,take in mind 400w have not so much penetration in the canopy.This mean they're good for squat plant,indica style,that don't stretch too much and remain short.
If you're gonna to grow some sativa,or you want big plants I recommend you to use more than 400w.Maybe a 1kw lamp could be better and better,due to its impressive penetration compared to a 400w.
However the setup depends by a lot of factors,first of all,what kind of result do you want ;)
A good tip I can tell you is to use an air cooled reflector,cooltube,daystar and similar...this help to cool the lamp and you can bring it nearer to the plants improving light penetration.
Take also in mind the photorespiration,this process is due to several factors,one of these is light quantity.A 1kw lamp produce a lot of light and plants\buds just under the lamp can easily show yellowing due to photorespiration and burns due to heat stress.
If this become an issue you can move the lamp away or use a thing like these (to put just under the lamp)


This kind of stuff are for the growers that experience photorespiration.It reduce the light amount and help to avoid this unproductive process.

Hope I helped you somehow

G'luck mate :wave:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
42 days 12\12

Brown spots on the indica plant are showing day after day,some days more some days less...wtf I don't understand!Today after 5 days from the water change I took away 30 liters and replaced with new tap water.It seems that when I change a lot of water the def slow down but at now I can't find an answer.I assume this plant is very Ca hungry.

Buds continues to grow,indica plants has big ones but has also some strange buds...nice smell however.
The sativa pheno is very frosty,a lot of buds sites but smaller than the indica pheno.


Air temp : 24 - 30°C lights on - ca. 20 lights off
Water temp : 19 - 21°C
RH: 50-60% daytime - 50-60% nightime
pH : 5,5 (from today 5.7)
Ec : from 1,2 to 1,5 mS\cm
CO2 : min. 550 ppm - max. 1200 ppm

Take a look at this set of pics,they show the situation better than my words.










Indica pheno







Sativa pheno











Weed Cannasaur
Looks great!
The sativa dom. shouldn't have long left, around a week?

Good work there !


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Strong plants for a strong man!

Grazie man...teniamo duro e speriamo nel meglio :)

Looks great!
The sativa dom. shouldn't have long left, around a week?

Good work there !

I think one week is not enough for both plants.I would speed up the flowering due to personal reasons but I don't know how...maybe set them at 10\14 light cycle or give less nutes or lower the night temps...but I'm not sure about these methods...

Tonight I'm going to move outside the BC in soil,the one still vegging.I know it's a weird thing considering temp and photoperiod but I need to do it.A lot of italian growers are risking their ass...and I'm one of them,so I prefer to have only two plant instead of three.It's not a big difference,I know but it's the best I can do at now,I really don't want to harvest now,they're not ready at all.
I hope it will not die,I hope it will continue to vegetate but...who knows?will see what is going to happen...

Peace to all and keep it safe folks :wave:


Weed Cannasaur
Better be paranoid than behind bars ;-)

Just stick to 12\12 and chop early. with 10\14 you'r stressing the plants and it could stunt the flowering.
You could push the PK more than usual and they would swell like crazy. If you chop quick they won't produce rot like they will if you keep them going after too much PK.

The indica pheno needs 2-3 more weeks but the sativa looks like 1-2 weeks. I don't know how practical it is to chop only one plant in your setup. You could just chop MOST of the plant and leave a few nodes just to keep the roots alive.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Better be paranoid than behind bars ;-)

Just stick to 12\12 and chop early. with 10\14 you'r stressing the plants and it could stunt the flowering.
You could push the PK more than usual and they would swell like crazy. If you chop quick they won't produce rot like they will if you keep them going after too much PK.

The indica pheno needs 2-3 more weeks but the sativa looks like 1-2 weeks. I don't know how practical it is to chop only one plant in your setup. You could just chop MOST of the plant and leave a few nodes just to keep the roots alive.

The same situation of these days happened last summer.I had 2 cheese in the same setup,the leo arrived to growers near me and scared of all this shit I cut and trash the two plants remaining without weed for some months.
The paranoia is still around the corner,but I decided to keep them growing however.My freedom is most important than a fucking law!
I hope to continue to stay here to write and chat with you guys in complete freedom.This is probably the last grow I do here in Italy,I'm very bored of all this shit and I need a better place to grow my plants...not talking about a lot of other things...Italian people seems to be crazy...all this world seems to go crazy...I need a confortable spot to live...this is not...so I must move!!!fuck me!

Coming back to the grow...you're right fonzee...I think the same...switching to a different photoperiod could lead to a stress and a delay...I'm waiting for some input.

I'm not afraid for different harvest time,I'll be able to flush'em and harvest both plants once...at least I hope.
In one of my past grow I found a male plant when switched to 12\12 so I had to remove it.All the root mass decomposed without troubles.I was wondering if any bad thing could happen...but everything went fine...enzymes power ;)

Peace growers :wave:


Weed Cannasaur
If indoor is a problem why don't you find yourself a few outdoor plots that don't need much tending?


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
If indoor is a problem why don't you find yourself a few outdoor plots that don't need much tending?

The work in the summer never let me enough time\patience to do a good outdoor and there is not so many places where the plants can live without artificial watering.It's an hot and dry climate.Often it will not rain for a month or more sometimes (july-august) but you know good what I mean :D


Weed Cannasaur
I think that with a big pot (60L minimum) dug into the ground using a soil mix with a lot of compost and EWC you wouldn't need to water more than weekly, probably bi-weekly would do.
If you can find a good plot giving the plant a few gallons of water every week or two isn't that much work compared to indoor growing.

You'll just need a backup plot in case things goes the wrong way.

The other option is growing when the weather doesn't require manual watering.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I think that with a big pot (60L minimum) dug into the ground using a soil mix with a lot of compost and EWC you wouldn't need to water more than weekly, probably bi-weekly would do.
If you can find a good plot giving the plant a few gallons of water every week or two isn't that much work compared to indoor growing.

You'll just need a backup plot in case things goes the wrong way.

Yo're right fonzee...preparing a good spot to grow with the right stuff should allow me to bring the water less times.And probably if I'll have the possibility to grow something outdoor I'll do exactely this.Do you explain me what is EWC please?

Indoor growing need more controls but you got your plants near you,so 1 minute from your life protected from 4 walls...my outdoor spot is 5km or more away from me...and I must go there when nobody can watch me...it's more difficult than indoor for me,here a lot of person have their little piece of soil as hort or ulive field and there is a lot of hunter and tourist...so a lot of eyes could watch me.I need to be very careful growing outdoor

The other option is growing when the weather doesn't require manual watering

I would...but the best period for plant growing is the summer,and here the summer is very hot,there is not enough water to let them alone...the other periods are just no good due to photoperiod...and I don't want to grow AF strains.

I like the sativa pheno budshots, nice and frosty already! how would you describe the smell? Good luck to you and your situation, Stay Safe.

Hey cheeseman :wave:
The sativa pheno looks better than indica,you're right.Less bud leaves,so it looks better but...the indica pheno has bigger buds.

Regarding smell...yesterday I try to smell both plants pressing thricomes between my fingers...the sativa pheno seems to be a cheese.It definitely has that skunky smell.That's all.
The indica pheno has the same smell of the sativa,with a good hint of grapefruit and maybe some passion fruit?!?

I don't know which one I like more...maybe the indica pheno.It has a lot of big leaves with a lot of thricomes on it,good for hash extraction.It has a better smell to me,has bigger buds,and some leaves seems to curling up with a massive resin production...like DeepChuck to understand.

Hope to finish this run without anymore troubles.Thanks for following guys :wave:


Weed Cannasaur
EWC stands for EarthWorm Castings.
Basically its worm poo.

Its something like homogenus bacteria dominated compost concentrated 4-8 times more than the average compost.

Costs more but works great.
Should be moist and sticky when bought \ made.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
EWC stands for EarthWorm Castings.
Basically its worm poo.

Its something like homogenus bacteria dominated compost concentrated 4-8 times more than the average compost.

Costs more but works great.
Should be moist and sticky when bought \ made.

Thanks for the explanation fonzee.I already known EWC just didn't known the acronym ;)

I was thinking to use some stuff,like silica gel,that goes mixed in the soil as water reserve.They absorb water when it's raining and release it little by little...it would be a great thing if works...however this is another topic...at now I just don't know if I'll go to move my ass away from here asap or spend one more spring\summer here...



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Tonight at 45 days 12\12 I took a little sample from the indica plant...I took the worst looking bud...


I noticed soon it's massive resin production :D And after a little easy trimming this is the result








Look how many thricomes on the leaves




Keep it green good people :wave:

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