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Bloom Nutes during Veg


Active member
Heady. Thanks for all the help.
Today I bought some trays so I can start watering from the bottom.
I also bought some PH up for my RO water. The nutes I've been feeding them are derived from calicium and mag so I think i'll be ok without the cal-mag for now. I'll get the molasses tonight.

I also bought a 5 gallon bucket. If the 5 gallon bucket plant starts to look better then the rest, ill be buying 11 more 5 gallon buckets.

Also got some rooting agent as well as some RW cubes, to take some cuts.

Transplant tonight. Water tonight. 3 hours from now. Thanks for the help and ill be back! :D


Take Five...
Have fun! You can top water but let them sit after in the runoff until the are fully saturated, then drain off the runoff.


Active member
Hey everyone! Ok, so today I went to the hydro store and bought (1) 5 gallon bucket. I'm going to put on in there because they didnt have 12, and see if it makes a difference by Thursday (when they will have more 5 gallon pots)

Heres the deal. This morning I switched them to 12/12 because they seemed to get worst EVERY long day. They didnt seem to like the 18/6 schedule. They would perk up breifly when lights came on then get droopy again. This morning at 7 am when I turned the lights off for 12 hours they looked like DEATH.

I left them alone and came into the room 30 minutes ago right when the lights were sparking up. Everything is dark green still and looks great. There is a slight droop but they look literally 5x better then they did when I left.

I came them some fresh H20, im going to go to the gym and see how they look when I get home..

This open sesame stuff (which is VERY hot) might have been trying to trigger the flowering just as Fox Farm advertises...

We're going to get to the bottom of this real soon.


Take Five...
They look a little heat stressed. 16" is too close for 600s. Raise them up and I'm sure the plants will improve. Those upturned edges mean heat stress (from temps or light intensity) and I think I see some slight burning on one leaf near the stem, in the 3rd pic bottom right quarter.


Active member
Heady, while I want to believe you on your last post, I just dont think thats true. My temps are PERFECT in the room (around 73*) while canopy temps never go above 80. I could literally put the top of my hand up to the glass for 24 hours and it hardly stays warm...

I'll take what you said though and raise the lights.

UPDATE: They look much better since 3 hours ago when I went in and first checked on them! Lots of straight fan leaves and even the new growth is nice and straight! I'll go take some pictures! As horrible as they look in those pictures above, they were way worst before I gave them 12 hours of darkness. I think they really wanted there extra rest since the bloom nutes.

MoonyMonkey; 1.75 gallons of water through all 12 girls. 3 gallon pots. I usually let it run off a little but now that I know I have more roots then I thought, Ive been running it off a little more. Still only gave 1.75 gallons of fresh PH'd water tonight, though.


Active member
First picture is from 6 days ago...
Second picture is from 5 minutes ago...
Third and fourth picture are from 4 minutes ago..

Enjoy :D Hopefully they come back even better soon! with flowers!!

This is my first time ever attempting to flower a plant indoors..Hang on for the rideee.


Take Five...
Yes I realize it feels cool but the leaf is collecting that light energy, your hand is not. It's not just the thermal heat radiation (infrared waves) but visible light spectrum energy radiation (photons) from the bulb.
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hey, good luck to you bterzz, I hope you can pull it off.. all I'm going to say is there's a reason why people don't transplant clones directly into 3 gallon containers and let them stay there for 100+ days


Active member
Sure there is. Im that person that is going to. Great experiment. :woohoo:

I'm pretty sure the Open Sesame i put them on with its high ass #'s put them into a state where they just WANTED there rest.

Lately i've been having to open the door to keep things cool. Today I took a different approach. I never really like how my fan was mounted so I mounted my fan to my carbon filter to get as much possible CFM.


Pic 1, 2

The tempatures are absolutely crazy now. The tempature from my light, well..to be honest I cant even feel anything...

I have the glass like 8 inches from the plants and the tempature at plant level is 74.1 F. The room tempature is 71 F. RH finally has an accurate reading offff, 48%.

I finally got a new gauge to help with my readings as well.

Pic 3,4

OH, and although not perfect, they are looking much better then they were less then 48 hours ago. THATS for sure.




Active member
Yup the light is air-cooled. I believe after todays lights-out for them, they'll be even happier come lights-on.

We shall see!! Today IS my Birthday so maybe they'll do something nice for me.


Active member
It made my sunday that these made your sunday! Means a lot to me. I'll keep you posted in a different way since my problems seem to have left me.

Thanks :D

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