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Bloody shit


Well-known member
Since Sunday I’ve had bloody shit and cramps and a mild fever. Personally I think it’s from E. coli that I got from drinking a passion fruit pineapple from a Starbucks (don’t really see it as a big seller). Talked to my dr today and he said to go to the er. I really don’t want to go wait 12+ hours in the waiting room.
So my question is, has anyone gotten sick from E. coli and if so what were the symptoms and recovery time.
I notified public health and they said they would do an inspection by tomorrow.


Well-known member
Hey @Smokerman. We had a trucker who used to haul grain from our farm who had the same issues. After delaying for days he finally went to the hospital. Once he went he stayed there for months and almost died numerous times throughout his stay, because he waited too long. He ended up being diagnosed with chron's and he ended up developing an abscess that ruptured and spread infection internally. At the end of the day he had to have his bowel resected and now has a bag on his side for his business. I also have other family members who are bagged from colon cancer I myself had to have an emergency stomach surgery in my twenties for intussusception. We have free health care man. My experience with my trouble was that they were very concerned about the length of time and the fever as it can indicate sepsis is starting (can be fatal) so they put me ahead of the junkies and people with broken fingers.

moose eater

Well-known member
Hey Smokerman, as another person or 2 mentioned, there's an indication that you have some sort of disruption to the continuity of your digestive tract; sounds as though you have a breech some place in your intestines.

A former friend had colon cancer, and it bisected his entrails, went sepsis, nearly died, had a chunk of colon removed, beat the cancer, and has a respectable amount of energy back.

You won't know what it is, exactly, until they take a peek at you. But if you have bloody stools, that's not a good sign.

Is the presence of blood from dark, blackish or tarry stools, or does the blood look more red, as in, oxygenated and fresh, from closer to the rectum? Depending on the answers to those 2 questions and others, you can begin to narrow down likely issues, but again, it's serious. Take along a good mask and a crossword puzzle or some good music to the ER for your wait, but no head-sets that might prevent you from hearing them call your name.

Rectal cancer, colon cancer, chrons disease, or other potential diagnoses. Could be as simple as a cyst(s)/polyps that burst , but are not malignant.

And maybe you'll get lucky, and it won't be but 12 minutes instead of 12 hours, eh?
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Well-known member
Good luck at the hospital (y) I hope it won´t be too bad. ERs suck big time. You wait for bloody hours and then and when somebody finally takes care of you it only takes 10 minutes.
My last serious and urgent experience with my GP and ER was a nightmare. If they had only given me a f*cking asthma spray at the hospital or a prescription right away at the Gps office....
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Well-known member
I´m very sorry to hear this, mate :( I was really hoping for a false alarm or at least something minor which can be treated more easily.
I suppose you will need to prepare yourself for this op and also the healing after surgery. Do you have an appointment yet?


Well-known member
I go in Monday morning.
I had 2 doctors talking to me at once, and to be honest I don’t have a clue what either one was saying, my head was in a fog. When I go next week my intention is to have a list of questions as we go through this and to try and make sense of it all. Just trying to wrap my head around this whole thing.


Well-known member
I’m back. Ended up having a colonoscopy and a couple of other tests.
They removed about a dozen polyp’s and sent some tissue for a biopsy.
Dr thinks it’s colitis but he also thinks that maybe the kidney cancer might have spread.
Going to see a specialist on an outpatient basis.
I feel alright now.
Thank you everyone for your kind words.


Well-known member
very good to hear you´re feeling better. They did all that went you just went into ER?
I recommend eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies - foods which contain water and fibre as this is easier on the colon (y)
In fact this is the diet we should all be eating anyway... :D


Well-known member
I recommend eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies - foods which contain water and fibre as this is easier on the colon (y)
In fact this is the diet we should all be eating anyway... :D
That's what I was going to say. Psyllium fiber (Metamucil) is also a good addition to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. It is also very important to thoroughly chew your food. Digestion begins in the mouth so chew chew chew chew before swallowing.

Good to hear you are getting teatment, @Smokerman .