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Blood Pressure


Active member
What's your blood type and what's your typical fare? Seriously!

It's turning out that around 80% of the medical issues people are having are related to the foods they're eating.

This method of choosing your foods by blood type isn't some whacked out fad diet... this is based on real lab work done on research from other scientists for the last 100 years. *shrug*

120/60 here...

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


The Tri Guy
lol, I knew it was high, i get checked every 7 days, and theyre talking about putting me on something due to risk of stroke. When the kidneys aren't happy, it pushes bp up.
oh and yeah, headaches blurred vision and dizzyness are just normal.


Active member
GMT ~ Nattokinase would be really specific in support for preventing strokes as well controling hypertension & would be a good place to start in hopes to keep you off pharmaceuticals.

Great PDF explaining Nattokinase and the research: Nattokinase and Cardiovascular Health

Whole Research Organization for Nattokinase

peer reviewed study

Gotz to get that systolic pressure under control. Aim to keep it under 140/90. It sounds like kidney function has also been an issue so if you are diabetic or just a person with kidney disease aim for under 130/85. BP is considered top amongst the list 'silent killers' it's not something to let go untreated. Hope that helps :joint:

Diovan 160mg....daily and I am 120/75....most every day....excerise will reduce BP too...and of course weight loss...my brother and lost 100 lbs in the last year...and he is off all his medication.


Active member
Herbal is good...

Seriously consider changing the foods you eat... before taking Rx medications to 'fix' anything. I cannot stress this enough.

The symptoms you describe also mirror the effects I get from toking up on un-flushed meds for a day... all the next day. Hope that's not your issue. (Actually... that would be fixable for sure.)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Normally 110/80, sometimes lower, depending on my blood Ca levels and if I'm thinking about it I've learned how to lower my heart rate to <50bpm, which lowers my BP down into double digits across the board.

I just use the sensible eating habits my mother and grandmother taught me.

I learned how to control my heart and BP when I was in ICU after the rattlesnake bite. I was bored out of my skull, quite literally, and wasn't allowed to move much. I started staring at the monitors they had me hooked up to. I started to concentrate on letting my body fall loose, slowing my breathing, then all of a sudden all these alarms went off. I'd lowered my heart rate and BP to the point that the monitors thought I was dying. Got chewed out by the nurses, which made it that much more fun. I had to have some fun, I was getting stuck and poked and prodded and my whole family was 2hrs away.


May your race always be in your favor
My BP is 116/64. I'm 64 years old, what you need to do is get up off yer butt and move. I walk my two dogs everyday rain i much.sn't shine, for a mile. I also have my bike to ride. I used to have high BP my doc is as happy as I am. So get up and move, diet with out some type of exercise


Any one else get a blood pressure increase from dabs? In the last 3-4 months ive noticed dabs tend to make my bp feel really high. Not every time but definetely every thirdish.