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Blood Meal and Mad Cow Disease

Midnight Tokar

I'm not saying I'm correct but I look at getting Mad Cow from my weed about the same way I looked at the "thought" years ago of getting HIV from mosquito bites.
That being said I'm getting away from blood meal and I'm replacing it with a combination of Alfalfa Meal and Neem Meal.


Active member
+1 for Alfalfa

also try... fish meal, composted dairy cow manure, composted chicken manure, fish hydrolysate, good ole worm compost...


i think most blood meal is from pigs because of mad cow. i could be mistaken but i remember a big "scare" a few years back and this was their answer.


Well-known member
I'm not saying I'm correct but I look at getting Mad Cow from my weed about the same way I looked at the "thought" years ago of getting HIV from mosquito bites.
That being said I'm getting away from blood meal and I'm replacing it with a combination of Alfalfa Meal and Neem Meal.

I have worked in the medical field playing in all kinds of peoples various body fluids. We employ a system of Universal Precautions. Call me paranoid.


Active member
I have worked in the medical field playing in all kinds of peoples various body fluids. We employ a system of Universal Precautions. Call me paranoid.
That's not paranoia, it's good practice, proper precautions. And so is not exposing yourself to blood meal which is possibly contaminated. I think there are few if any slaughter houses that keep cow and hog blood separate. It's whatever flows into the drain. Mad Cow affects many species, not just cattle. -granger


Active member
Mad pig disease?

if your soil is truly organic than you need not worry about all these silly pathogens.they will not survive more than 24hr in a true organic mix. do a test take a vegging plant bury a thin layer of toilet paper an inch or 2 under top of soil in container dig up in 2 weeks if it is still intact your soil microbes are nil and it is not truly organic soil. the soil in an organic grow is just as alive as the plants growing out of it it.


Active member
It's a matter of exposure. Mixing BM into a soil, even if it's broken down quickly, requires you to handle it and most likely breath the dust, get it in your eyes, etc. I quit using BM 20 years ago mainly because it's just so nasty.

Worth noting is that the symptoms of MCD and Alzheimer's are identical. Cover up? Don't know, but there's a lot of money, jobs, ways of life at stake. Wouldn't surprise me. -granger


if it smells like fish
I might be crazy but it aint from the blood meal ...lol I have used prob 1000 lbs of that stuff by now prob more..steam sterilized is out there...don't know if that kills mad c but most likely...

ct guy2

fish meal, alfalfa, neem cake, feather meal, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, compost. There's a ton of ways to pickup N besides blood meal. Keep in mind though that they are all different % of N and some are faster and some are slower release. To get the same amount of N out of alfalfa as blood, you would need to use 6x as much (approx.).
ct guy you rock .i use all that and more.i wish more growers did organic. i wont even touch weed that wasnt organically grown. i can taste all the chemicals in other growers bud ever since ive been vapeing my own organically grown bud.chemically grown pot is so fuking dangerous that shit can rot your teeth just like meth.its way easier to grow organic imo.

Team Microbe

Active member


ct guy you rock .i use all that and more.i wish more growers did organic. i wont even touch weed that wasnt organically grown. i can taste all the chemicals in other growers bud ever since ive been vapeing my own organically grown bud.chemically grown pot is so fuking dangerous that shit can rot your teeth just like meth.its way easier to grow organic imo.

You and me both brother, once you have organic it's like getting laid for the first time.... you never wanna go back to your hand :laughing:

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