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Blood and Wine - GROW DIARY



Cool man.
I saw that picture of the dome, posted by a breeder, he said his strain was in the dome


Especially i want to mention Simon from Serious Seeds because

he is always at every exhibition - in person, to give personal advice

he s serious in breeding no 5 strains each year, quality over qantity

he tests for absolute stability or he throw it down.

thats why they call them SERIOUS SEEDS

this is no advertisment its just my personal expirience

I'll shopw you the white russians he sold me last cultiva and you get nuts of uniformity and tightness of space internodes, i will post pics of every single plant in my tent be prepared, to make comparisons

thanks simon

when this plant finishes only bud be left !


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some people asked me,the day after, when i gave them some tangiexkosher, with what i sprayed 'em because they look too resinous!

i couldnt stop laughing....
ever heard opf someone complaining about too much resin on bud? :D


knife shots of the tangiexkosher

i bought a new damast knife, its great i enjoy working with this tool,

also sharp as the devil himself, to cut clones or branches! :laughing:



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Especially i want to mention Simon from Serious Seeds because

he is always at every exhibition - in person, to give personal advice

he s serious in breeding no 5 strains each year, quality over qantity

he tests for absolute stability or he throw it down.

thats why they call them SERIOUS SEEDS

this is no advertisment its just my personal expirience

I'll shopw you the white russians he sold me last cultiva and you get nuts of uniformity and tightness of space internodes, i will post pics of every single plant in my tent be prepared, to make comparisons
I agree with this. Breeding when you stress test your breeding stock before continuing the line.

some people asked me, the day after, when i gave them some tangiexkosher, with what i sprayed 'em because they look too resinous!

i couldnt stop laughing....
ever heard opf someone complaining about too much resin on bud? :D
They are virgins to good weed:laughing: Now you taught them something.
You know at real gorilla seeds they have the 24K feminised reproduction I think, in the bulk seed section.

Nice knife, i will post one up with my knife.
I can't remember the breeder, I believe it was a cookie cross, it could have been DVG:joint:


I agree with this. Breeding when you stress test your breeding stock before continuing the line.

They are virgins to good weed:laughing: Now you taught them something.
You know at real gorilla seeds they have the 24K feminised reproduction I think, in the bulk seed section.

Nice knife, i will post one up with my knife.
I can't remember the breeder, I believe it was a cookie cross, it could have been DVG:joint:

thanks for taking part here,

i got the 24k from DNA, its possible here to buy clones as long as nothing produces flowers its legal, but they sorted out the cloneof their sortiment, i think because its really too strechty and difficult to grow (for most beginner growers) so there may have been some complainments about the clone.

i still have the best of the 3 plants which i made live resin from, and she is revegging right now, she would grow new branches to take clones of her but.... (after about 2 months)

the pitty is the smell isnt equally as good as the taste, the growing conditions/patterns are difficult .

so i would only keep it for resin production , and thats not enough advantage to keep working with her i think.

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Thats true, you have to do what works within your goals.
I did read that it is an unruly plant.

What day of flowering are you at? lets see some girls


i got some space time today so will post some food i like to cook. (looking forward using my new knife :D )

and some pics of every single plant but i need to take some pics which takes a little time.

i will also show you the equiptment i m using and how i connect it because i dont use/connect it like most of us.


then check out this thread its great !


sorry for so much offtopic but i think its important to share all kind of information, not only just toking and getting blazed just enjoy life (with toking) ;)

like that, this is what a friend of mine is painting on tangiexkosher he gets creative

i only can produce buds which eventually make creative (so i may create some spirit out of material) BUT HE turns the spirit into creative material! look at that its not even done yet!

nice, love it


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current setup explanation

current setup explanation

hi here are the specs about the growing tent

as said its a

DarkRoom 150 ( so 1,5x1,5m=2,25m²) should be 4,9x4,9 feet, its the new and big one so its 2meters tall (about 7feet) its a hell of work to set this up alone ! WTF

i run 2x 600 Watt inside

i run an intake fan 125mm with specs seen in picture (its old from '08, they are all bevore i got arrested still kept 'em) i ran these without problems for decades
and an outtake fan (big one 200mm) more than 800+m³/h
its all connected to a GSE Fan/Temp/humidity Controller (needed for vpd control)

i also made some changes i do NOT suck the air throught the Filter and hangin' it inside the tent (need the space) i just do it like this way.....

i covered my outtake fan into some carton and put some bubble wrap around it then i spray the whole thing out with PU-Foam, first i make the in and outtake holes (cut into carton) for connecting the tubes. super silent mode you cannot even buy this

then you just push through the air from the tent through your filter its no prblem these active carbon filters work each way but so you save some space and you can ´change things fast because its not taking space inside the tent.

i recommend to put a flies over to avoid to much dust and particicles which will cut down your filters life but i honestly never did and i use these system for years before changing, the only very bad thing is what happens

that after a few years the outtake fan is hindered a lot because your filter is dirty as hell and its not working properly anymore, but you just have the clean the filter and fill it with fresh active carbon and thats all 3-4 years... (you can check this with just holding your hand infront of the outtake tube...)

edit: you can clean it at every gas station with the pressure machines for car tires :D

what else to say the intake fan is placed over canopy directly beneath the circulating fans which blow the cold fresh air over plants peaks. the freshintake air is blown over canopy while the old sucked out air is just released into the romm ( a small window for the intake fan does the trick!

this helps to keep temps down without any cooling machine, and also
it keeps the root zone warm at cold nights because pllants can take lower temps but roots dont!

i post the pics here if you have any questions left for the setup just ask!


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the other pics


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because im on day 36 of flowering and i got perfect vpd ranges you do not see the fogging machine which i used before i jsut put it infront of the holes where the tent sucks in the airflow, easy


well here 're some shots of the plants the sativa leaning ones look very overfeeded with Nitrogen....

i just gave (yesterday or the day before) 10/10 cocos A/B and 4ml green sensation but they dont look happy to me.... damn (this is EC 1.1-1.2) with a little drop of cal-mag supply

the plagron schedule, says 35/35 A/B and 10ml Green Sensation for 10 Litres LOL WTF this is a good way to kill all your plants.

and my plants are 6 feet tall so really ? whtas wrong with those companies?

i will later explain how you calculate and mix your own nutrients if you have acess to a good drugstore you should be able to get those things.


EDIT: ok to clear things up yes the plagron schedule is for overfeeding plants but i dont think their products are bad its just
that they dont fit into my growing scheme and they count with tap water of EC0.4/0.5 (lol then you get even higher rates) but so i missing a little cal-mag in mid flowering thnaks for listening
(you can check my tap water chart in previous posts)

you could calculate the exact formula for the fertilizer but because of so much diffrent values (english/german charts and so on) you cannot even know whats really inside!
so calculation is useless (90% indixa, 50% sative (haze))
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