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Block IR vs Thermal Blanket?



Whats the difference between a Thermal Blanket and Block IR or other similar Flir or thermal imaging blocking stuff besides the fact that the expensive stuff has 2 layers with bubblewrap.

Both are 95+ precent at reflecting heat but can both block thermal imaging devices?


i dont understand products that say they can block thermal imaging. FLIR sees heat. i guess if you can find a product that doesnt absorb heat then you have a good product. does this exist?


Patient Grower
The premise is just to separate you from your money by helping you feel safer. Spending the money won't increase security one iota, but some people respond to placebos. The only way this works though would be by keeping the heat in the garden, which is very counterproductive. It's simple physics. The heat is created, it has to dissipate somewhere.or be contained. There's lots cheaper ways to contain heat than overpriced mylar bubblewrap. But you don't want to contain the heat in the garden. You'd do better paying up for water cooled lamp fixtures though the jury is still out on those guys. Really they have to be long term leak proof.


IR imaging is illegal, period. On top of that, local and state cops have no where near the resources to fly around scanning houses. It just doesn't happen. Unless you're dealing with federal-level shit, and have a reason to believe your security has been compromised, you have nothing to worry about.

Even the feds don't roll around scanning every house. They'd have to have a tip, or some knowledge that something is going on before any of that happens. IR is the very last thing you need to be worrying about, in other words.


So would a thermal blanket be the same as that expensive bubble wrap they sell at grow shops? Reflectix which they sell at lowes for 45bucks for a 4x25foot roll looks like the same crap too which sells at grow shops for 90.
There is no reason that those foils can't help if you do it smartly, I'd suspect that if you use it and vent very very well, you'd not have a signature coming through the walls at least, then you need to vent where your normal chimney or boiler vent is, so all they'll see is a plume coming out of a chimney. A properly insulated room will go a long way to not getting you busted if someone were to deploy FLIR illegally against you.


Does anyone honestly think a few thin layers of foil will offer any more protection when compared to the thick walls/insulation of a house? For that matter, has anyone actually heard of a case where FLIR was the only thing that got someone busted?


My question is there any difference between the two from a techincal standpoint. I am more curious if anyone has how the stuff and how flir actually works.

I have a thermometer on my exhaust air in my attic and it gets between 80-95 degrees then if my whole attics gets to 80 degrees my attic fan will kick on. During the summer I change my attic fan to whatever amibient temps around when he sun goes down so it does not run as much. So if people where to actually fly over my place would look cooler because heat never has a chance to build up.

My method is to put a line voltage thermostat and timer or photocell outside to control a attic fan and keep it adjusted to 5-10 degrees over ambient temp. The timer or photocell keeps it from running all damn day.


I am more curious if anyone has how the stuff and how flir actually works.

Search 'FLIR Technology' on YouTube for a short Barry Cooper video that explains the basics. I used to be under the impression, as you seem to be, that the heat signature from the actual HID lamps is going to be a total giveaway. It's not. What will be a giveaway is heat being exhausted from your attic..


Thanks for the video link never saw that one.

Sweet I gonna set up another fan into my attic to pump outside air into my attic instead and put my attic fan back to normal.


I think for people who use there attic for there grow room exhaust having a low power fan somewhat near the grow room exhaust to blow outside air into the attic to mix with exhaust air to make the the attic air near outside temps is the ticket to masking or do the same if you vent under a raised house.

my friend vents with hot water heater but I think it makes the heat escape to fast. I wish I had a fireplace cause that would be great except during the summer would look pretty weird.


IR imaging is illegal, period. On top of that, local and state cops have no where near the resources to fly around scanning houses. It just doesn't happen. Unless you're dealing with federal-level shit, and have a reason to believe your security has been compromised, you have nothing to worry about.

Even the feds don't roll around scanning every house. They'd have to have a tip, or some knowledge that something is going on before any of that happens. IR is the very last thing you need to be worrying about, in other words.

LEO not scanning all the houses might be happening in the cities, but what about the country side?

I can imagine LEO flying around, burning fuel, nothing else to find, bored. Then they see a lone house in the country and zap every one they come to!

My pet peeve is in the country, we are supposed to have 500 feet of clear air space ABOVE the treetops.

Not so here, choppers literally running around doing grid searches at 50 feet above the ground. These country cops are bored! They gotta find something to feel good about when they get home!

I think with the depressed economy perhaps outdoors will be free of choppers this fall. I think this will be a good year with few choppers! Hope so anyway!


IR imaging is illegal, period. On top of that, local and state cops have no where near the resources to fly around scanning houses. It just doesn't happen. Unless you're dealing with federal-level shit, and have a reason to believe your security has been compromised, you have nothing to worry about.

Even the feds don't roll around scanning every house. They'd have to have a tip, or some knowledge that something is going on before any of that happens. IR is the very last thing you need to be worrying about, in other words.

Its illegal but done without a warrant all the time in FL, CA and I believe TX. They flir, see abnormal activity and then work with power companies (Some do not release info without a warrant, I know for a fact Austin Power gives the info freely to any LEO without a warrant). From there a "anonymous caller" reports a grow (hint hint), a look on their electricity bill becomes subpeonaed (although they already have it, but they gotta make it look legit for a conviction). Search warrant (and yes search warrants from "anonymous" tipsters do happen although not supposed to happen) on the suspected grow house, and done.
If they dont do have access to power records (I dont believe any judge has signed a subpeona/warrant from an illegal FLIR) they will do a KNOCK and TALK.


Oh and I believe there was a previous thread about Block IR/Thermal blanket made of polyurathane and someone said on the news there was a chopper that lost the target it was chasing because flir could not see behind the thermal blanket? Not sure about it though, no sources.

Heres a link to another forum talking about Block-IR

The Apache and Black Hawk have infrared engine exhaust suppressors, and the OH58D can be outfitted with thermal blankets to reduce IR signature. Smarter, more sensitive missile seekers nevertheless demand active countermeasures. The U.S. Army first fielded the AN/ALQ-144 infrared jammer against Band I threats in the late 1970s. The ALQ-144A(V)5 on Apaches in Afghanistan and Iraq provides some Band IV protection against SA-12 and SA-16-vintage missiles.

Found this


Do you guys have any idea how much it costs in fuel and maintenance to keep a chopper in the air? $1000 per hour, not including pilot fees, equipment rentals, personnel, etc. Only the feds have the budget to do any serious scanning, and even they aren't doing it unless they have solid info first.


Do you guys have any idea how much it costs in fuel and maintenance to keep a chopper in the air? $1000 per hour, not including pilot fees, equipment rentals, personnel, etc. Only the feds have the budget to do any serious scanning, and even they aren't doing it unless they have solid info first.

Well in all metro areas (big cities/counties) They have a Sheriff Air program and it on duty 24/7. Usually bigger counties are manned by 8-10 officers for an average of 2 copters (usually they are civilian MD500's-600's or the ASTAR. They assist in Patrol, officer ground assistance, aerial surveillance, transport and responding to scenes.

When they do patrol, the observer usually looks around with wescam which can be on FLIR mode, they cannot use FLIR without a warrant on a house, BUT its not like they never do.