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Blessings for Urtica dioica...

Ive not done this yet, but there is a time for all.

Please if I may ask if we could send healing vibes and kind blessings to my personality manager, friend for life, and according to my perceptions one of the more enlightened beings out there.

He was given one or two months to live last fall.
Cannabis oil has allowed him to stay here for a bit longer and thanks to his devotion to the cause he has put too much effort into helping others get better and has not taken care of his own metastasing self.

We all have lessons to learn in our lives.

Urtica, we shall call him has ignored the pain of the cancer so that persons in stage four can get the answers they need and so a cannabis clinic we are involved in can continue its path rightly...

Hes finally in bed of course as it was bound to occur this way.

So I ask from the depth of my heart, though scarred but in good intentions.....

Fellow friends and symbiants of Icmag. Lets do that one thing we are so good at...

I am calling out in need for healing energy strength to be sent to my Urtica Dioica.

You may not know him today, but one day his work may touch thousands if not more, just as the shamanistic works of my fellow brethren has in the past.

Many thanks ahead and kindest regards to all,
... shamans with gelcaps.

Oh, and of course from me!

Whomever that is...

By the way, this post is not fictional, marijuana exists and does actually help to heal thousands. Fear is fictional...

Learning day by day, hoping with all help to pave the right way.

:thank you:


Mr. Mountain

Love and healing Vibes from your friends here at IC.

Never give up.
We are at 0.6 g of Medicine Man ethanol extract, rextraction hexane salted, added to cacao oleum capsules for dosing and to help prevent burning of digestive tract (damage) twice or thrice daily still working that one out.. Also, at 11 morn 30 mg cbd capsules, and 1700 eve, cbd 30mg capsule.

Also beta glukans to cleans e and protect and other herbal medicines, diet and proper H20 regime.

Thanks for all to each and everyone...



Natalie J. Puffington
I too am sending healing energy out into the universe, for your friend, Urtica. :ying:

It's wonderful to hear that our beloved plant was able to give him the gift of time; though probably not nearly as much as he deserves.


natural medicator
Just sent out a prayer for your friend and will continue with positive vibes and love. May your friend live an ever longer and happier life
Ive been upset by one of the mods here and will be taking some time off from posting as I have been grieved deeply by this conflict and Im obviously...viz above posts... too stressed by the works I do to be dealing with passive aggressive mods whom feel like pushing my buttons.

I deal with cancer and cannabis daily and have been criminalized for this by governments and am literally tormented by pharma... BUT I gotta say its become a pleasent alternative compared to some of the treatment I get from certain members on this site.

I will say though, that the good healing strength here has always been strong and I value this greatly as well as the efforts placed into this positivity. Kinda like plus and minus the extremes bring the extra energy needed.

I would now ask that we add a bit of energy for caretaker, Callendula O. so that I can come back here.... cheerfull as ever.

Take care folks, and thanks as always. Weve got a big team working on this one so it looks like all will be well. Its gonna be another year or two because its deep in the bones and prostrate and we are dealing with a workoholic whom just wont stop trying to legalize for others instead of giving himself a break. I have a similar problem I get so involved in trying to make things right I forget about my own health and sanity.

So double blessings now, pls....

Also on tuesday somehow our parlaiment managed to add in a vote on internet censures, so who knows where thats going. I think its best to prepare for whats about to come, and concentrate on those that need it most.

Thanks all...¨


natural medicator
N.Acc I'm really sorry to read about people, especially on this site, giving you grief when you obviously don't need more to worry about. Please remember that some here mean well, but can get carried away in what they do and say, to a point where it is only negativity that rears its head.

Though its understood that you might not read this, since you're done posting for a while, the hope is that you will feel the love anyway.

Also wanted to bump this thread, if only to keep you, Callendula O. and Urtica D. in the thoughts and prayers of the many kind members here.

Please stay strong, keep fighting the good fight, and know that prayers are coming at you and those you care about.

Much Love and Many Blessings

Thanks for teaching me one of the more important lessons in life FT, ACCEPTANCE.

Particularly knowing what a lack of acceptance can do to the endocrinological system in reference to stress. I try to keep from oxidizing too much. I feel better socially thanks to acceptance, but am incredibaly overworked physically.

Urtica has been throwing up incessantly so the next few weeks will be the teller.

The other natural herbals and mushrooms are getting scooted out the regime and we are going to knock the CBDs down to half strength. Id explain more just for the sake of others but the time will come when more will be clear.

Thanks again for teaching me acceptance.
...and blessings to all whom have given their strength, and to Urtica Diotica.


Genetic Resource Management
A10, all the best of healing energy to your friend Urtica diotica.

Keep up your honourable work friend, and remember to take time to care for yourself as you are caring for others...


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