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Blazeoneup's Recirculating Dwc Construction Tutorial!


Active member
HGC! Good to see ya on here. I sent ya a karma point with who I am. Really miss the days of the old Freedom Crew....im in CO now growing all legal....man how things change.

Take care man...


Active member


..... "mistress", you mentioned one of the most knowledgable and competent tree growas out there. SKUNK WORKS, he IS da man. we were good friends for yrs, i lost touch w/him. if ANYONE knows how to contact SKUNK WORKS, please, please, please pass on HGC luv him long tyme, and i truly miss him and would love to get hooked up w/him again. here, icmag, or myplanetganja. he'll find me, n, HGC be sooooo happy, like a pig in shit.
..... again, "mistress", i'm positive i have to know you under another handle, we were in same threads etc, and your knowledge and recollections of events is uncanny.:thank you:
..... peace
..... HGC


Active member
..... so sorry blaze, my friend. sorry HGC, and others, who shall remain unamed, teehee, "jacked" yer thread.
..... but you know me. i don't play much in lounge, do my socializing and growa stuff in hydro threads only. lol, REALLY used to piss shabang off. tough titties ese!!!!! HGC founding memba of FREEDOM KREW, n you know, we did perty much what we wanted so long as decorum was upheld.
..... yea, ryte...
..... peace
..... HGC
Do your nutrients settle?

Because I built a RDWC and my nutrients are settling in my return tubes. (I can see it because I have clear return tubes)

My pH was very high when I added nutrients. Like 8.0, I adjusted down a couple of days later though. Could that be the reason?

The buckets exchange at about 8-10 times an hour.

What can I do to fix this problem?

Any help would be appreciated.

World Peace,


Active member


..... ILIKETOLEARN,.....,.....,....., well now, you seem to be inna pickle now doncha??? hope things work out for you.
..... what kinna nutes you using??? i never had issues w/nutes settling to bottom of buckets or rez, or any part of active or passive system. i did kbs, which is lil different than our esteemed brudda blaze does. but pretty similar.
..... i suggest ya make the switch to GENERAL HYDROPONICS FLORO 3 PART SERIES NUTES> they so simple even 10K n OP , or even kharmagirl could do well w/them. teehee!!! jes pulling yer chains lil bit guys.:dance013:
..... anyways, GH nutes are so simple w/3 parts and when ya use them FULL STRENGTH in city water or they also make a HARD WATER SERIES for well water and streams/lakes/ponds etc that they AUTOMATICLY AJUST PH TO 6.5 or so. n stay that way throughout the cycle. IF, yas got alla yer ducks inna row so to speak.
..... in fact, my system came in at PH 6.0 and stayed there three outta 5 days i ran nutes in my system, then PH would DROP to round 5.0 for last 2 days of nutes b4 i flushed 2 daze w/plain h2o. then i'd redo the nute thingie again. not sure IF i still have any pics here as they changed the galleries etc but i did real real well w/1 1/2#ers per 5 gallon bucket.
..... 'course, i wuz running EXTREME LIGHT/LUMENS 10K WATTS W/EXTREME AIR going to each bucket and fed 24/7. hey it werkede 4 me. n HGC jes 1 old dumb hippie mofo growa, so it kan't be rocket science. look around at some the old school threads here and other sites toget yer ducks marching to the same old funky beat n i bet yas ya won't have issues w/nutes separating and fluxuating PH levels.
..... hope it werks out 4 yas as i likee see peep do good growin' ganja, cuz it's a GOOD T'ING ESE!!!!!:wave:
..... peace
..... HGC
..... P.S. get rid a those clear tubes too bro, they CAN promote algae n thas bad juju... g' luck!!!
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New member
what fertiliser should i use on this RDWC got a 8 pod set up
some thing nice and easy as new to the rdwc but love it do you think i could use peters exel 20 20 20 but its hard to find where i am


what fertiliser should i use on this RDWC got a 8 pod set up
some thing nice and easy as new to the rdwc but love it do you think i could use peters exel 20 20 20 but its hard to find where i am

GH 3-part and/or Lucas/Rez Recipe works great! Also I recommend Botanicare Aquashield as an additive.


Anyone have a good method to raise these buckets? I have high ceilings and I want to get them off the ground. I could build tables for them, or just use cinder blocks, but I was looking for something more creative and functional!


Active member
Im gonna get some of those 4x8 sheets of styrofoam from lowes, the thick ones. Cut them in squares and use a couple squares per bucket. Saw some dude on here that had em like that. Easy to make, cheap, and light too.


Thank you for the wonderful tutorial!

Thank you for the wonderful tutorial!

Blaze, your attention to detail is fantastic. Having no experience in doing anything remotely like this before, I have two questions.

What kind of float valve am I wanting? I have seen pressure fed and gravity fed....are there other options, and what kind do I need?

Also, can you elaborate on what kind of capacity my air pump ought to have, please. Thanks. Hopefully, I'll only feel this retarded, the first time. {smiles}

Thank you again, sweet, helpful person. Your tutorial is greatly appreciated. Peace.

:thank you:


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Blaze, your attention to detail is fantastic. Having no experience in doing anything remotely like this before, I have two questions.

What kind of float valve am I wanting? I have seen pressure fed and gravity fed....are there other options, and what kind do I need?

Also, can you elaborate on what kind of capacity my air pump ought to have, please. Thanks. Hopefully, I'll only feel this retarded, the first time. {smiles}

Thank you again, sweet, helpful person. Your tutorial is greatly appreciated. Peace.

:thank you:

I always used gravity fed, They carry them at the local hydroponics stores and most online hydroponics stores carry them...

The air pump depends largely on the total capacity of the system, I cannot give you a valid answer without knowing exactly how many buckets and what size controller your using.

The larger the pump the better though, The more disruption of the surface area of the water the better. Stronger pump = more surface disruption and in turn = more dissolved oxygen.

Overkill is not a bad thing when it comes to air pumps...


This is an awesome thread. I have read thread after thread on how to build the recirculating system and never got to grasps with how it works and what I would need. However after reading your thread time after time and thinking about it I have purchased all the parts and built most of it. All I am waiting for now are the 20 Ltr buckets with lids from an online shop.

I could not get the 19mm (3/4") parts so have purchased the 16mm parts. I got the 13mm and 6mm ID tubing to and all elbows, shut off valves, straights, and Ebb n Flow fittings. 210 Ltr waterbutt and 50 Ltr controller tub so I am almost ready to attach it together and test this system. Oh I also attached the water level valve (ball cock) :)

Anyway gain thank you for such a detailed and easy to follow thread. If ever I come across anyone whos finding it hard to build one I will pass this link onto them from this thread.


Wrams ;)


New member
Hi there !

just found this thread, and was impressed by the detailed info in here
love the idea with the auto top up system, looking forward building one for myself.

the thing is, that my space is only 1,2m x 1,2m x 2m

do you think it makes sense putting 6 8gal buckets (381mm x 389mm), each holding 3 3" net pots in the lid and Oasis flox as grow medium.
each pot with 1 shrubbler in the middle of the bottomside of the lid, powered by a hx 4500 pump

using a HAILEA ACO 9820 air compressor (60L/min;;>0.03Mpa)
with a 35" air tube for each bucket.

any suggestions welcome ;)

thx so far



New member
Dumb question if I get a 55gal drum how many 5gal buckets can I go up to?

On the ebb & grow system it says expandable up to 48+ sites, wouldn't the water level on each of those buckets be pretty low?

If I wanted to do 50/5gal site wouldn't I need like x4 55gal drums?

So how is the Ebb & Grow system expandable to 48+ on one 55gal drum, and still have enough water for each plant?

Can any one explain this?
