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Blazeoneup's Recirculating Dwc Construction Tutorial!


Active member


..... :tiphat:
..... hello "mistress", damn you bring back wonderful memories of all/most my trre grwa brudas.
..... no-one was klass act w/ "the freak", syk, tried to do hiz own site but floundered,
..... whatever happened to that other crazy off the wall aussie tree growa who was no-one's friend. damn, he was fun and krazy.
..... don't forget dhf, the colonel, lex deslic, and few others especially REAPER, i think he retired now but i know he did pull off at least one tree grow that was successful. also, webe, bramsky etc etc :dance013::thank you:
..... krusty was a pioneer, i luv n respect hiz abilities and refined way he dealt w/naysayers, lol, NOT. BUT HGC really misses "debating" and fighting w/the klown. i have ultimate respect to his abilities and contributions to growing and i miss our love/hate ongoing war jest from the shitz n gigglesz i derived from those brief encounters., '
... if "MOD SQUAD" had only left us alone he might still be here posting who knows.
..... thank you so much for remebering HGC yea, i did hang out n post here until freedom of expression was overmoderatede, imho!!!:bump::jump::jump:
..... hope you n yours are having wonderful easter holiday u bett cha. i promise to post lil bit here again tyme to tyme and drag krusty out from under the rock he slithered under for some constructive debate and good olod fighting. he was the best and i still to this day respect his abuilities. he thaught HGC anything and everythinhg i know about KBS/FREEDOOM BUCKETS/SKIZZLE BUCKETS!!!
..... KRUSTY, COME OUT NJ PLAAAAAY!!!:jump::wave:
..... peace
..... HGC
..... P.S. thx blaze for letting HGC run hiz big fat mouth in your fine thread. u too are positive assett to "this thing of ours", and your willingness to help is unparralelled. luv ya bro
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..... :tiphat:
..... hello "mistress", damn you bring back wonderful memories of all/most my trre grwa brudas.
:)just lurker, but in imagination, kbs/kfb, aero-buckets, coco/perlite, after did :yes: w/ 60/40 coco/hydroton...;)
..... whatever happened to that other crazy off the wall aussie tree growa who was no-one's friend. damn, he was fun and krazy.
a tree gardener or several re-appear on boards, from moment to moment;):...
..... don't forget dhf, the colonel, lex deslic, and few others especially REAPER, i think he retired now but i know he did pull off at least one tree grow that was successful. also, webe, bramsky etc etc :dance013::thank you:
:) dhf still :peek: from moment to moment, on boards.
..... krusty was a pioneer, i luv n respect hiz abilities and refined way he dealt w/naysayers, lol, NOT. BUT HGC really misses "debating" and fighting w/the klown. i have ultimate respect to his abilities and contributions to growing and i miss our love/hate ongoing war jest from the shitz n gigglesz i derived from those brief encounters., '
:good:... many others also got rewards, also...
... if "MOD SQUAD" had only left us alone he might still be here posting who knows.
:)... those threads were fun!
..... thank you so much for remebering HGC yea, i did hang out n post here until freedom of expression was overmoderatede, imho!!!:bump::jump::jump:
:thanks: for keep trees live!
..... hope you n yours are having wonderful easter holiday u bett cha. i promise to post lil bit here again tyme to tyme and drag krusty out from under the rock he slithered under for some constructive debate and good olod fighting. he was the best and i still to this day respect his abuilities. he thaught HGC anything and everythinhg i know about KBS/FREEDOOM BUCKETS/SKIZZLE BUCKETS!!!
..... KRUSTY, COME OUT NJ PLAAAAAY!!!:jump::wave:
..... peace
..... HGC
..... P.S. thx blaze for letting HGC run hiz big fat mouth in your fine thread. u too are positive assett to "this thing of ours", and your willingness to help is unparralelled. luv ya bro
:ying:thank, also blazeoneup!


Active member
..... YES "mistress", it was arcy, what a good guy once ya understood his macarbe sense of reality and humor.
... also, i forgot brudda spooky, and few others, webe, the colonel andrest of FREEDOM. we were real tight and up until late '08 whilst HGC wason "sabbatical " w/state, we had had our own private web site w/server in switzerland. gosh they were fun threads even when fur n four letter werdz were flyin' aboot.
..... those links i will happily ck out as able. you were definitely around to see all the action based on yer ryte on 1st hand knowledge of peep involved and events. my hat tips of to ya, obviously you are a lady w/lotta class. alla best to ya.
..... peace
..... HGC
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Active member
D teehee, KHARMAGIRL, lol what an enchantress, so provacative sweet and AMN, SILLY ME

D teehee, KHARMAGIRL, lol what an enchantress, so provacative sweet and AMN, SILLY ME

..... HGC almost fergot to wish and bury hatchet w/me MOST FAVE MEMBA OF "MOD SQUAD",
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Active member


..... HGC almost fergot to wish and bury hatchet w/me MOST FAVE MEMBA OF "MOD SQUAD", kharmagirl. what a sweetheart she is.
..... happy easter kg, HGC bury hatchet smokee smoke smoke da PEACE PIPE w/u2!:dance013:
..... damn, i getting too soft sweet n sentimental in me old age i guess.
..... happy easter one n all.
.....:thank you:
..... peace
..... HGC


New member
I'm new, so pardon me if this is a stupid question, but if you use this setup for a perpetual grow, how would you flush out the plants ready to harvest? Is it possible, or no?


Active member


..... THIS BLAZE'S "nightmare", so HGC prolly shouldn't stick his fat head, nor his big nose inna other peep;s biz, but, .....,....., ....., ALWAYS wanna hep out a newbie.:dance013:
..... HELL YEA, u can flushie flush flush dem ol gurls b4 harvest. blaze's set-up as i rememba from last on sight view, same same as KBS type system. it hydro set up on one rez to all seperate plants, like KBS. so, fer sure u can/should/BETTER flush on regular basis. i ran 5 days w/nutes, n two days w/flushing h2o the entire veg cycle n into flower. i likee like like flush last 5-10 days w/pure h20, NO NUTES OR OTHER BABYLON BULLSHIT CRAP HYDRO STORE TRY TO TELL YA YA GOTTA HAVE, n i always had nice sweet mean green tasty budz to burn/barter yada yada yada. hell yea ese, FLUSH DEM BITCHES, or they cum back n bite you in you fat ass. lol.
..... seriuosly, good luck, read a lot of grow threads here n they help ya get yer shit together. 'ts really easy, once ya get the hang of what's what. IMHO!!!!!
..... but who knows, some peep thinckee thinck thinck HGC big fat ass no nuthin' mo fo, teehee, father forgive dem, they know not what they do...:jump:
..... good luck my friend, sorry blaze, it u thread, but u not here. listen to blaze, he NEVER STEER YA WRONG...:bump:
..... peace
..... HGC



both blazeoneup & HyGradeChronic, maybe been on boards (ic & others defunct...) for several moments...
both :good: gardeners... both have :scripture: on gardening... both master gardeners...


New member
Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. What I meant by a perpetual harvest is that the growing times are staggered so that a batch of plants is ready to harvest each week.

Since they are all on the same res and nut cycle, is it possible to just flush the plants that are about to get harvested, or is that not an option? Or would I need a separate res system for flushing?


Active member


..... !ST OFF, thank you mistress for your kind words and trip down memory lane. those were fun threads w/lotta great grow info and lot of interactive full on take no prisoners fighting. lol, they were fun. hell HGC learned by hit/miss experience and under mentorship of krusty. gawd how i miss him and all the antics etc.
..... damn :thank you:
..... nunya, ya got me confused noiw. ya mean you think you can do perpetual grow with plants in veg and flower off same system??? u must be doing a sea of green type thing or aeroponic tubes. but i think you way off track. too bad krusty ain't here, he'd tear ya a new asshole as it seems you ain't got it all down. imho!!!:dance013:
..... you are taking a big chance w/so many plant sites, over 100 in usa equal 5yrs federal prison tyme. is it worth that to ya???
..... and as to all on same rez, and want to harvest weekly i dont understand how you compensate for or adjust the photoperiod to force flowering cycle. 18/6 for veg, 12/12 to flower. and the nutes for veg are different or should be for veg and flower. no matter what brand you use. of course everyone knows GH floro series nutes are superior to all, most simp-le too.
..... feck if the people who put a guy oin the moon, (NASA), and the people who provide wonder and enchantment to millions of children at DISNEY WORLD use GH nutes, then by gawd they good enuff for us dumb ganja growas u bett cha. 3-2-1 in veg, 1-2-3 in flower using their 3 part product. damn ese, methinks you need to do more research amongst grow threads here, cuz to me it sounds like you are spinning your wheels w/something that in some states of usa will get u locked up long tyme. no more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches no more internewt no more cable tv, no more getting laid except by 6'6" bubba or leroy. feck, is it worth it...:ying:
..... i'd like to see pix of your set up cuz i do not comprehend how you expect to do perpetual harvesting of plants when all are on same rez and nute regieme. sounds krazy to HGC. but who knowsw, maybe ya paid attention to a growa from the "MOD SQUAD" , teehee, or some other fool/idiot and he got ya conned as to how things are done. i never played much w/lil toy systems too many variables of potential failure. growing TREEZ is mo betta imho.
..... but to answer your direct 1st question, i would have to say no. because you have them all on same rez w/same nutes. how can you separate the ones you want to harvest w/out feeding/flushing MANUALLY????? you definitely got HGC by the short hairs ese, i never ever ever ever heard of something like what you propose. afgain, if krusty or even reaper who had extensive table top grow experience in a country where ya could have more than 100 plants at a time, yea, these guys would have no mercy on you. they would rape pillage and plunder yas soo hard you would go home to mama crying that some bully beat ya up and stole your lunch money on the way to 1st grade. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
..... like i said in my 1swt reply to you, read up some on threads of how to etc here and throughout canna cyberspace. cuz methinks you are lil mixed up ryte now w/your approach to things. or you are not well versed in the english language and, consequently can not properly communicate what it is exacvtly you do, how you do it, where you learned it, nor how you expect to be successful.:jump:
..... i really truly hope i am wrong and simply misinterpretted what it is exactly that you do. but, my friend, i think you need to go back to square 1 and start anew.
..... best a luck for you and your project. i am sure once blazeoneup reads these postys here regarding your situation, he will concur w/HGC. and i ain't no rock star growa, yea ryte. but i do do pretty damn good every time i do a grow show from seed or clone indoor or outdoor. so you take my advise and go back to square 1 and figure this whole thing out b4 if you are in the usa you become bubbas new "boy toy".
..... peace
..... HGC
..... P.S. no disrespect intended nunya, teehee this is just a MILD VERSION of how krusty reaper and FREEDOM KREW handled questions like yours. i apoligize if i seemed lil harsh. ....., ....., ....., BUT, think about what it is you say. it is what it is..., g'luck!!!
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HyGradeChronic said:
afgain, if krusty or even reaper who had extensive table top grow experience in a country where ya could have more than 100 plants at a time, yea, these guys would have no mercy on you. they would rape pillage and plunder yas soo hard you would go home to mama crying that some bully beat ya up and stole your lunch money on the way to 1st grade. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


..... P.S. no disrespect intended nunya, teehee this is just a MILD VERSION of how krusty reaper and FREEDOM KREW handled questions like yours. i apoligize if i seemed lil harsh. ....., ....., ....., BUT, think about what it is you say. it is what it is..., g'luck!!!

yes, there was no mercy in those threads... but, by the tyme the thread was page 5 (or closed by mods/admin:)), gardeners had several techniques & methods embedded in garden thoughts... fwiw, now some use that same system, change name & have entire forum for such...

would be a mad house if they had given krusty his own forum, back then!:D:D:D
but, if the klown were to return today, & post on ic... would be deserving of his own forum... & it would quickly be the most viewed... as those techniques+methods still effective @ growing trees...

even though acry did same, or better, w/ simple drain-to-waste & coco/hydroton 60/40...

find what work for your garden/environment & mono-crop only the best!

*mistress* only grin @ when bashed/trolled in threads... nothing compared to the lashing krusty gave out @ nearly every post - & the backlash they got.
but now, even HGC, ~SYK~, DHF, etc, may reflect on the klown...;)... though no-one may have other sentiments, as he didnt seem to like that system took on name of "k"... or, even that it was given to the boards @ large... later, did tutorial on the bucket system, that may be around here somewhere:chin:...

either/or, maybe read the old threads... maybe DHF had flip rooms, that staggered harvests...

why member *mistress* have vivid of past, this/that, methods, etc... from 9-10+ cycle around sun, ago... ran kbs, then aero-buckets.
blazeoneup system basically the same as kbs, to the point, clean, clear - except that kbs has shallow (2") water culture, not deep (4+")... kbs/bucket system/rdwc worked well then & still :good:
nunya said:
Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. What I meant by a perpetual harvest is that the growing times are staggered so that a batch of plants is ready to harvest each week.

Since they are all on the same res and nut cycle, is it possible to just flush the plants that are about to get harvested, or is that not an option? Or would I need a separate res system for flushing?
not ran dwc since 9 tymes around sun ago... but, pretty simple to config...

if run 6 plants, just place 2 plants per wk into bloom - on their own reservoir...

w/ 5 gal bucket, should only require ~10 gal res...

so, total, have 3 ten gallon res', w/ 6 total plants, or 2 plants per res.

maybe, just use same method that thread-starter/member blazeoneup details in this very thread...
modifying only to accomodate the # of plants per rotation.

or... 3 rows of 2 plants, & 3 res's...
if do every ~20 days, can harvest 2 plants every 20 days...w/ 1st batch done @60, second batch done in 16-20 more days, etc, etc...

if want to run 1 res & many plants...w/ perpetual harvest... maybe, maybe can also do so, if ppm kept ~1.0/700ppm & maxibloom/fnb... maybe disconnect & manually flush ea plant, 1-3 days before harvest... or disconnect & reattach to separate res, only to flush...

maybe, listen to HyGradeChronic & blazeoneup... then do slight modification to do perpetual.
this much more work & easier to fail, if rotation not in order.


Active member
jeppers creppers..

jeppers creppers..

.......... what a great memory you have "mistress". yes, HGC forgot good old no-one and acry.splendid aussie growas. yes indeedy, the klown did/does deserve his own forum not matta how wild they got or could get now even.
..... as i recall from private and posted conversations w/krusty he DID have extensive grow system background/knowledge and chose KBS as what i also believe to be a superior system compared w/others IF you have large enuff area and acces/ability to use extreme air and lighting. blaze's dwc is great too, i shied away and went kbs do to basic economics, less water/nutes used in kbs active and passive system then dwc. also mo simple as no need for a controller bucket to achieve proper water levels to each individual bucket/plant sites. and, faster and easier to flush imho.:dance013:
..... i love your approach w/solid advice for our friend nunya, rather then my lil tongue lashing that really did not offer anything positive in ways to resolve nunya's issues with his system. teehee, it was merely HGC venting lil bit like krusty would have done in threads past.
..... yea, i was and am still lil bit bewildered as to how nunya runs this particular system. cuz i assume that since the plants in veg cycle and flower cycle are on the same zez, then i would think these plants are under the same lighting system too. and that baffles me as to how to do 18/6 and 12/12. nunya must have these plant sites separated in different rooms or uses "panda" plastic to separate the veg and flower sites. cuz i never heard of any mj plant doing veg to flower in a photoperiod that doesnt change.
... not sure about some equatorian strians where sunlight pretty much stable throughout the yr. i think but not sure that these types strains have acclamated to environment and just live out their life cycle veg to flower naturally. lol, HGC no rocket scientist, nor biologist, nor true scientifical type horticulturist, simply old dumb hippie ganja growa.:tiphat:
..... as i recall, my particlar kbs systems,(HGC ran two separate rooms w/separate rez' and lighting extreme air etc), but my big 10k watt lighting room had about 30 gallons in the active rez and 50 gallons in the passive rez that kept the active rez at a proper leve/volume and no variance in ppm of nute solution. i used probably 75-90 gallons of nute solution in the 5 days i ran nutes to plants. and about 30 gallons of pure h2o in the 2 days i flushed. i devised a way to run intial flushing by using a garden hose on full tilt from spigot to the nute lines that suppled fluids to each plant by means of tapping into main feed line and then they dripped into plant site through the lava rox that were my medium, trickling thru to the 2" deep fluid at bottom of each bucket before going to drainage and return to active rez. worked like a charm.
..... indeed, no-one did not likee fact that system took on the krusty name. his bucket thread was posted at old now long gone unfortunately, OG!!!!! he covered it with ggreat style and finese, also "the freak" was apparently a super strain to use for treez. i think no-one harveted one at over 5lbs indoors.:jump:
..... aagain "mistress" your recollections of threads and great growas past is uncanny.:thank you:
..... and i like how you are trying to provide positive solutions to help resolve nunya's apparent current dilema. all the best to ya.:bump:
..... best of luck nunya!!!:bump::ying:
..... peasce
..... HGC


Active member


..... so the klown is lurking again. HGC like a pig in shit i so happy to hear dat, u bett cha!!!!!:laughing:
..... thx for welcome and greets bud 13. ya know what budweiser stands for don cha?????
..... Because, U, Deserve, What, Every, Individual, Should, Enjoy, Regulasrly. not as good as canadian biere, or euros, but it'll do in a pinch. ;)
..... hope i run into the kllown soon. methinks it tyme for HGC n Krusty to bury war hatchet, drop war klub, and, smokee smoke smoke the PEACE PIPE!!!!!:tiphat:
..... this is good because he knows his shit, and his stylee of posting is truly unique, bwaaaaahahahahasha!!!!!; to say the least.
..... alla best to ya.:dance013:
..... peace
..... HGC


New member
I don't currently run any system, I was just wondering if it was possible to stagger the plant harvesting... like a dumbass I was so busy trying to figure out how to flush plants on a setup that had everything going to the same reservoir that I totally forgot that in order to have them staggered, they'd have to be vegging at different times, and as such, it'd be alllllllll fucked up when it switched to flower... because there was no way to have some plants vegging and some plants flowering and all be in the same room.

Stupid newbie tricks and all that.
what ever happened to SQ? who DIDNT like to oogle his donkey dick colas on OG? hope he is well..

congrats on freedom hgc

nunya: if you want to use one room for both vegging and flowering, you would have to partition off a section (maybe a veg cab?) to seperate them.


Active member
good things

good things

...... tthz for congrats on freedom my frriend. means a lot to know i have friends here who sincerely care boot HGC's freedom etc.
..... "miatress", HGC luv u long tyme, in case you fifn't already know this.
..... nunya, teehee, glad ya stopped n thought out the situation b4 yas committed youself to 2 a long and potentiaally frustrating grow experience. once you decide how you gonna do what you gonna do, you beeeeeeee on top yer game from research here thid site and a few other canna cyber sites. i wish you the best my friend.:tiphat:
..... peace
..... HGC