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BlackWreck ( trainwreck X Blackhaze )

abbreviated history...sativa 14wks from seed 12 from clone
spicy,soaring, electric, cerebral, spatial, no ceiling. Foxtailing bud.
great for crosses. if you can stand the wait, the end is magnificent.



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Blackwreck is simply the best sativa from a overall standpoint, that i have grown... in describeably delicious words don't do it justice


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This is a beautiful cannabis plant!


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Registered Pothead
Great looking Sativa! What kinds of smell is she putting off? I am running a TrainWreck cross myself. They all seem to be leaning to the Wreck in smell cept for one. Keep at it man. Love me Sativas.


Active member
Nice, patience is a virtue with this one ha. Thanks for sharing.
Is this a personal cross?

yes, I made the cross in 2010. been working on finding the right phenos. Most of the plants lean to the colombian side, and cold temps outside induces the color
breeders choice had an awful lot to do with it, before i even made the cross. thank u.
I used this plant or a variation of it, as the mother in the
Blackwreck X P19---------> P19Hz


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Lurking in the genepool

Think Trainwreck and the best Highland Colombian BlackHaze


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Active member
Blackwreck has proven itself to be a consistent powerhouse, whether contributing great traits to cross, or d a stand alone beauty. If your a sat lover, Columbians are hard to surpass! Best tipzq


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Black Lemon ......... (Blackwreck x Love Potion #1)
My first intention with this one, was to solidify the Colombian
genetics, after working the Love Potion#1 it became increasingly
apparent that Reef did not use SMCG in the cross, in actuality he used
Lemon Thai from Dutch Flowers. Several people told me this after
the 2004 Cup win, and upon working it and comparing notes and pics
It seemed at least to me it was obvious. So, the LP was great, coupled
with Blackwreck ( Blackhaze from zamalito and crew x zams TW)..we are
now at BlackLemon, I've culled quite a few, but have a very nice breeding
male, and i am hoping to find a equally nice female, so we shall see
best to all tipz


Active member
Disparage polyhybrids if you will, this plant will be dynamic. I say
Make one better! The P19Hz, i used blackwreck male as well...
see for yourself Tipz


Well-known member

Looks beautiful

Im surprised this thread didnt get more attention wen it was started

The genetic combo is special heavy lumbo

I think that BW x LP#1 is a great idea . Id love to see an hear more about the results

Its not important but i dont think that Lemon thai story is true .Reef sold the SMCG pure an the rootbeer pheno was reported in his LP an CG . The LP i recall was more lime than lemon as som say pinesol . But she sure was special



Active member
Hey Herb, Longevity buddy. I know u feel it too!
I think there is a LP thread of mine somewhere With a few pics
I just didn't see any SMCG in the phenos i had, and the resemblance
was pretty darn close to LT, but u could be on point, lots of conjecture
on the man and the strain, and hell, half the time,im looking thru
squinty eyes anyway. Nice to see ya, keep in touch tipz


Active member
I watch all these seed guys throw out seed lists and names,but if you ask
them to provide you with one picture of what they are trying to sell you for
a 100 bucks, they cant.......BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T GROWN IT, short cuts and fast bucks
its amazing how shitty the seed trade has become. How can u access the
progeny or combining ability of seed you have never grown??? Send me your money
and I'll send you some seeds I've never grown. Damn ! Tipz

paper thorn

Active member
Yeah, No one wants to put in the time to test run a bunch of seeds. gotta pop em, grow em, flower em, dry em, smoke em. Easy 3-4 months or more.

the blackwreck sounds amazing. I'd like to test em.


Active member
Hey herb, have you heard anything out of Zam, i lost track of him

When he moved to the mountains of socal

I got these genetics from him many moons ago


Active member
Yeah, No one wants to put in the time to test run a bunch of seeds. gotta pop em, grow em, flower em, dry em, smoke em. Easy 3-4 months or more.

the blackwreck sounds amazing. I'd like to test em.

Yes, it takes alot of patience and time to satisfy the genes in this
One. Zam sent me blackhaze back when they were bringing big bucks
on another auction. I already had Tw from those guys, then i made
The cross. I didn't know what the hell i was doing at the time, but oh how they turned out. I've never let them go. Its a absolutely great sativa. The blkhz was the dad to the tw mom. Tks for the interest. Best Tipz