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blackout butter/poison live


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
well i succeded in previous attempts in getting others talkin to themselves in a corner now lets see if i can get my self im postin this as i do it going through the process id like to start be thankin che and haps for all the tips as i tryt again to accomplish my goal of odn
i started by dumpin about 8oz of trim dried and 1/2 an oz of northerlights into a trayand into a preheated oved 325 for 10min
at the same time i boiled some water in a big sauce pot and added 6 stksof butter to a boil then i take out the bud and dump it into the butter

lettin it simmer low very low stirring and pressing bout every 20min or so for bout 2hours
then im gonna give it some kick with these extras
im not using all that kief and hash
im gonna add 6tsp of kief and 6gs of hash 1 per stick of butter
and let it rock for 2 more hours
lets go! my house is reekin rightnow so if u plan on tryin this make sure this wont be a prob before u start
peace for now


that sounds awesome cant wait to see how it turns out..

how did the hash melt into the butter?


Active member
I've never tried adding hash into my cannabutter, I hope it works out for you stoney! You're right about the odor, I'll open a window or two and crank the kitchen exhaust fan for the duration of the cook down period.
I'm going to try making an Apple bread this week, if it's decent I'll share the recipe! Have fun man and enjoy Overdosing heheh


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
2hrs in

2hrs in

now im 2 hrs in stoned stupid of bluedream/kief/hash bowls in my roor so...
i minced the hash into paper thin slivers like garlic and added it slowly placing them ontop of the greenery thats in there pain in the ass took bout 30 min to chop this shit up but it was worth it

trips it melted very nicely dissolving ontop in front of me as i added it
then i just shoveled some kief in

let it do its thing for about another hour stirring occasionally
time to pack another bowl
be back in a few
peace stonE


Active member
god damn that's gonna be some killer butter. I can only imagine what my two pieces of raisin toast in the morning, covered in that would do to me.


I dont understand why you put it in the oven first?? I'm surprised you didn't kill it!

Is there a good reason to put the bud in the oven before it goes into the butter?? I would think in the oven like that you vaped about half of it


Active member
I dont understand why you put it in the oven first?? I'm surprised you didn't kill it!

Is there a good reason to put the bud in the oven before it goes into the butter?? I would think in the oven like that you vaped about half of it



i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
everything almost worked out great we had a small accidented during the strain . im not pointing ne fingers or sayin names but someone well call she had butter on her hands and while strainin sliped and spilled a nice amount of the liquid on the counter and floor ii did my best to sop up what had spilled on the counter and put it in the bowl but what hit the floor was scrapped i still have a nice peace of butter so far butter is in the fridge update n more pics comin later 2 night when i use it to make some sort of food later
peace stonE


Active member
Awww that's rough stoney, but as they say... it happens. I've found that a larger container makes for easier straining. I just drape the cheesecloth across a big strainer and slowly pour it through. I'm sure what was saved will be good quality, you can recook it with water quickly and restrain if it has any remaining particulate.. this will also give the butter a cleaner color, taste, and texture.


stone fool
Reckon we all have slipped during our stoned cooking experiments, I have spilled stuff all over me over the last few years. This helps us to improve our methods.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i m sure it does brotha cookies comin out theoven rightnow pics and report will follow


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
the butter aint put me out the baker got pissed n left im the baker n the buttermaker both now fiuck im burnin em

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