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Blackone's Bubble Gum Battle


Active member
I'm just waiting for some 11l pots. I think 6.5l pots will be a little too small and I will be forced to water every single day in mid flower.
Decided on Hesi nutes because I've had good results with those before, even in reused soil. This time around though I'm using fresh soil, mixed with a bit of diatomite clay cat litter.
I was irritated that I couldn't get the camera to focus properly when shooting macros, but then I found the manual focus setting - DOH!
A little preflower, and the result of a semi-accidental FIM. I think I'll be FIM-ing again next time I start seeds, although with a bit more care given to not cutting too close like I've done here.


Active member
Thanks. I wasn't really trying to FIM but I knew it would probably happen because I chose to top when the shooting tips were too small for me to get under them with the scissor. I kinda wish I had done it to all of my plants.


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Did a little bit of rearranging. Ordered the plants by size instead of by strain to let all of them get close to the lamp (front lamps hung a bit higher for the photo)
Today some pots were a little bit drier than I like them to get but no drooping leaves so I got there just in time. I checked on them yesterday and thought they were a bit too heavy for water still. I guess it's time for the final repot soon. This means the next picture will probably have a yellow tinge :)


Active member
Finally got them under the 400w light. If they look like they like it tomorrow then I'll put them under 600w and flower them.
I've totally forgotten how much work goes into mixing soil and repotting plants for flower - or I'm getting older, or just out of shape:) Good thing I didn't expect it or my lazy ass probably wouldn't have embarked on this yesterday but they really needed a bigger pot and I also want to see some flowers soon.
I'm quite amazed how little space there is between the plants immediately after potting up.
Around week 1-2 I think they will need both lights. Clones will probably be cut around day 3 12/12.



Active member
It's on!

It's on!

I let them have 2 days under the 400w and they have grown like weeds. Now under the 600w and they STILL keep asking me for more space. They will have their first 12 hour night today Oct 4th. With the way they have been vegging for these last days I think the stretch will be explosive. I'm so happy I went for 11l pots instead of my time old 6.5l ones. Watering would be a nightmare in those!
I wonder how long before they will need the whole room? Perhaps less than a week.

I'm so excited to finally be flowering again after so long without growing and it's looking to be a really nice grow.



Active member
Thanks. Got my clones cut on day 3 12/12. 2 cuts from each to minimize risk of losing a pheno.

Kinda thinking I should put up the extra light tomorrow, so that the plants know they have more space and don't start shutting down branches that are currently somewhat shaded out.
The TH Seeds plants were all larger than any other plant late in veg although the Serious Seeds plants were the largest in early veg, and they still are. OG13 and White Widow are the smallest, and have pretty much been from day 1.


Active member
If you wanna run dual...

If you wanna run dual...

We're around day 5 12/12, and the plants got their first feeding since the transplant. They only got half strength bloom fertilizer according to Hesi's schema. If they seem to like it then I might up it to full strength next watering.
I also spread them out a little more and put up the 400W like I planned. They were really fighting for space under the 600W. They're still touching leaves a little so I don't think it will be long before they're blocking all light from hitting the floor.
The plants under the 600W are between 50 and 70cm, while the ones under the 400W are between 40 and 50cm.



Clones seem to be looking pretty good. A few are drooping a little but not more than I remember them doing before. I haven't sprayed them at all, because I've had some mold problems in clones before, and I've also cloned fine without spraying previously. 3 days since the cut, and I used to see roots in 7-12 days in jiffys. This time around they're in rockwool cubes. I haven't tried that medium before but I wanted to give it a go.



King of Schwag
Looks solid mate, clones look to be fine too.

I find RW cubes are a bit slower, but more relyable then jiffys.
Maybe it's just me, but prefer RW over jiffys.


Active member
We'll see how it turns out:) I was inspired by how fast your rockwool cubes rooted compared to the coco. I've normally used coco jiffys before because peat jiffys tend to get very soggy when saturated with water.
I was actually planning to use the smaller size that come in trays of 77 each but they were sold out so I got the 4cm ones instead. They fit perfectly in the clear plastic cups and are able to stand up pretty well by themselves where jiffys are a bit unstable.


Active member
It was a real jungle in there today, with a lot of big leaves shading out lower budsites and fighting for space, dripping wet with guttation fluid.
Decided to give them a light defoliation. Only fan leaves blocking lower shoots were removed, and the aim is still to let the plants suck up as much light as they can. Light hitting the floor equals waste of photons for me:)
It's time to stake these soon and create a bowl shaped canopy. Also I'll probably clean up the bottoms a little bit.
Plants range from 60-90cm and still going.
Watering with 20 liters every second day.
This picture is after plucking leaves:


Active member
Day 13 12/12

Day 13 12/12

Got myself a carbon filter and it's already getting smelly in here, but I haven't had the chance to put it up yet. I also need to stake them. These TH Seeds BG are wicked - almost 120 cm and still going. I need to bend down their tops. I thought Serious was supposed to be the more sativa version?


The Serious Seeds BG are more compact and also entering flower faster. Already building buds on day 13. I expect to see trichomes pretty soon.



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My UnderDawg OG was expressing some confusion about her gender identity. I plucked off her balls and she is now on suicide watch.


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Day 17

Day 17

Thanks. No you're right they're pretty indica in structure and early, but still able to fill some space. I like that, compared to the large node distances on the TH Seeds plants.
THS BG were up to 140 cm today and actually shading out the plants I have in the middle under the 600w. They were up to my head including their pots.
I hung the carbon filter and put up some scaffolding to restore the bowl shape around the lamp. I've always tried to achieve a semi-vertical grow.
The tops of the tallest ones were tied down.

Under the 400w the height is more even.
The UnderDawg OG hasn't shown any more balls but I will have to keep inspecting her.
Sometimes balls on plants I've grown in the past have been restricted to early flowering on seed plants, without triggering later in flower and on clones. Other times they have not.
Critical 2.0 and White Widow are showing some interesting structural traits.
A bit of defoliation took place all over the room.


Active member
Thanks. It's been a bit unruly here. Hopefully things will slow down a bit now that they're entering flower for real. I've never experienced anything like this before.
I just wish the clones would root soon. It's been 14 days since I cut them and they're starting to turn yellow and look pretty sad. I did open up one of the UnderDawg OG clones and there were roots starting. Perhaps I should try give them some more air.