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Blackhouse for All-Summer Flowering!


Active member
Thanks, Seed Buyer! Heh, your name describes me today, too--I just ordered an assload of stock from Seedbay (Mummia, Stonehedge, Donk, Dutch Treat x NL) and my next stop is the Post Office. Already planning next year's garden. :smoke:

The days are short enough now that I don't need the blackhouse, so I took it down last week. Now in the process of trimming its last residents--the Critical Mass truly lives up to its name. I staked the plants, but it didn't do a helluva lot of good with this one--the heavily loaded branches still cascaded downward. I'm just lucky they didn't break.


The blackhouse was a huge help to me, and I will definitely construct another one next year--next time bigger, and with an entry that's taller than 4.5 feet! I sure don't miss stooping down to schlep large plants in and out every morning and evening.


Active member
Thanks guys!

Herbman, somehow I missed your question back when you posed it. I honestly don't remember exactly how high the gals were when I started blackhousing 'em, but I would guess around 15-18 inches. They finished around 3' to 3.5' tall, give or take.


nice nice nice thread. I'm going to work on fixin how to do that soma style rolling beds wheeled under a blackhouse... i have always cringed at the idea of using coal powered artificial lights. ick! lol... i just think plants must like the full spectrum of the natural sun and i would hate to starve them of that and this is such a neat idea!!
you flower in side and bring em out every night?maybe i miss understood.how many plants?what was your yield?great work by the way.


Active member
eatcannabisraw, someone else was talking about force-flowering a wheeled bed SOG last year--it would be snap to flower this way. I love the idea and would be all over it myself if my wife weren't a stickler about numbers. Do it bro!

bosshoggin, I moved the plants into the structure every evening at about 7:00, and pulled 'em back out the next morning at around the same time. I don't know what the exact yield was because I never weighed the dried bud, but most of the strains I grew were generous producers. I was able to fit around eight 3-gallon containers in there, plus a bunch of one-gallon pots in the spaces between.

I will be doing this again, starting around May 1, using a 10x12 tent instead of building my own structure. Easier, and it'll hold more plants, too. Also, I'm only going to do one round, from May to early July. I'm still going to flower multiple rounds, but it won't be necessary to carry the plants in and out of a tent because the days will be getting shorter come early July. Seems I did a whole bunch of unnecessary work last year to flower multiple rounds, but having read this extremely informative thread:


...I now know better! Tip o' the hat to silverback for that one.


Active member
I thought about starting another flower-forcing thread for the new season, but then decided I'd just continue this one. I'm doing things a little differently this year and it could be interesting to keep it all in the same thread for easier comparing.

So last time around, I constructed a light-proof structure with scrap wood and panda plastic. It was effective but not well thought out: for one thing, it was only about 8' x 5' x 5.5', and the entrance was a scant 4.5' tall, so I was doing a lot of stooping--not easy when you're dragging around large plants, and hard on my 40-something back. Also, it couldn't hold as many ladies as I would have liked. I was only able to flower seven or eight big girls at a time.

Then, last fall, I talked to another guy who force-flowered plants during the summer, but he used one of those canvas tent-type structures people use to house their vehicles outside. It wasn't perfectly light-proof--in fact, it was opaque, so it was still somewhat light in there when he rolled in his plants every evening. Regardless, it worked! So last week, I made a trip to the local army surplus store and spent $65 on this:

With 64 square feet, it can hold many large plants, with plenty of space for smaller ones in between. It looked like this yesterday evening:

I have a nice lineup this year--right now, I'm forcing these varieties:

Grape Ape
Lemon Dust Kush
Dutch Treat
Candy Shiva B

All are from seed except the Candy Shivas, which I've been flowering for over a month without the help of a structure. I'll finish them off in the tent because the days are getting longer.

Later in the season, I'll be growing Hindu Skunk, Caramella, C99, Luna Blue, more Bogglegum, and whatever winners I find among the Grape Ape, LDK (already a big stinker, even in veg), and Dutch Treat.

These are all organic, grown in FFOF mixed with my own excellent compost and fed with a variety of teas. The girls are lovin' it and so am I. :rasta:

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hey mate, it really amuses me look to ur grow. very cool idea, and very great too.

.my back doesn't like it.
had u thoght in a system with wheels , like the shit the people use to carry the gas bottles, know what i mean?something like that ;) (sorry for my bad english, hadnt practice it!!)


Active member
Techattack, thanks for the props. I use a garden cart to haul the girls; not perfect but better than no wheels at all.

Since my last update, I've harvested ten ladies, transplanted most of the remaining plants into five-gallon buckets, and moved some big bogglegums from veg to flower. When transplanting into buckets, I put the plants a little bit off-center so I can still grab the handles. There's room for about sixteen big plants in the tent. Kind of a tight squeeze but do-able.

Here we are at about week three of force-flowering:

Sorry, the pic kinda sucks. It's hard to get good shots in the tent.

A big, bushy Bogglegum, which responds great to topping:

A not-so-happy Hindu Skunk. This lady taught me one important thing: don't toss your pH meter just because you're growing organically! Been trying to green her back up, but at least I got some healthy clones off her a couple of weeks ago.

And one of my all-time favorites, Caramella. I'm not flowering this one right now--this spicy-tasting yielder is going to give me clones all summer long. LOVE this plant.

The terrace as of a couple days ago:



Inspiring :) I suppose the force flowering thing could be done on a smaller scale as well I take it? I'm starting a few more beans indoors over the next few days, not great strains for outdoors but if i begin forcing them now (the ones already growing outside, about 14"-16") by maybe putting a large dustbin over the top of one or two of the girls routinely so as to give them 12 hours light, would that do the trick do you think? I'm not a 'huge harvest' person, just enough for a little treat here and there is well enough for me. The girls have been topped recently at that size and already are shooting out their side branches.
Thanks for any help.


Active member
Noddy, that would work just fine. The only thing I'd be concerned about with a plastic bin is the possibility of mold as your plants put on weight, or powdery mildew--a lack of fresh air could be an issue. You could get around that by using a large cardboard box, which would be more porous/breathable/absorbant than plastic. Maybe an appliance or good-sized moving box? Depending on how much your strain stretches, you'd want something at least a meter high, I'm thinking. You could punch a few holes in it to let in some fresh air. Neither of the structures I've used were perfectly light-proof and I didn't get any herms, so you ought to be OK.

Try it, bro! I think you'll be stoked with the results.
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Active member
So, here we are at week five or so. I'm about halfway through forcing this crowd of girls.

A couple mornings ago when I was pulling 'em out of the tent, I noticed that the inside walls were very damp, so I busted out my dehumidifier. I'm not putting out all this effort just to end up with a bunch of moldy buds!

It's very crowded in there now. I elevate a few of the buckets on empties to take advantage of the vertical space and to keep the best air circulation possible around the buds. It's also the only way it's possible to fit all the plants in the tent.
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what type of tent is that my friend??? how did you black a camping tent out.. looks like a such a wonderful idea.. you got me thinking my friend...
nice work!!


New member
LemonCake said:
what type of tent is that my friend??? how did you black a camping tent out.. looks like a such a wonderful idea.. you got me thinking my friend...
nice work!!

i am probably wrong but i would think that it's not completely light proof...that's the concept of the design? or just throw something over the top of it?


Active member
LemonCake, it's just an ordinary 9 x 7 x 6 camping tent. Got it at an army surplus store for around $65.

Brewtxtea, you're right--it's not light-proof. Last year, another flower-forcer told me that he uses one of those white canvas carport things to "bring on the night" for his plants. Even though it's opaque and not even close to light-proof, the plants inside still interpret the dimmer conditions as the onset of night. So this year, instead of constructing another blackout structure, I decided to just use a simple tent and it worked perfectly. :yes: