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blacked out?


Well-known member
Happens to me too, especially if I've been drinking. Or I take a break from smoking. Take a few puffs, stand up, and the world goes gray. If my tolerance is high from regular smoking, no problem.

It's happened at the same friends house. Twice. Both times they called 911. After EKG's, blood gas tests, CAT scans, chest XRAY's, etc., no one could find anything wrong. I told them that if it happens again, LEAVE ME ALONE, I'LL BE FINE!

I asked my doc about it. He says "stand up slowly, wait a second or two. If you feel woozy, sit down. Or quit smoking pot."


I knew idiots in jr high who would squat and take 10 deep breaths, then stand and wobble. When that wasn't enough they'd do the same thing with a bong toke. Then another idiot would bear-squeeze em while they held their breath.

Some peeps are just idiots.

when I was in school, there were kids that would smoke and then take one another and do a choke/hold, squeeze the person's neck until the person blacked out.