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Blackberry Jam


goes right off on buttered toast :smile:
heres my fruit smoothie recipe:

1 banana
1 scoop of vanilla yogurt
8 frozen strawberries
10 frozen raspberries
1/2 cup of fruit juice

throw it all in a blender and consume. I bet blackberries would go pretty well with it too. I like to use frozen fruit so its nice and cold for drinking, and then you dont ahve to ruin the flavor wiht ice.

would your jam work with rasberries? they're all over the place right now, but I cant find any blackberries... or maybe I just dont know the difference


ICMag Donor
Jack, rasberry jam rocks!!, it would make wonderful jam! ...give it a try, the recipe is on the pectin box :)

cdc, you seal the jar so no air gets in and that keeps it from spoiling :)
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Hey Babba and Doc and EVERYONE..LOL..
I am an avid berry and jam maker as well.This weekend I am making concord grape jelly and tomato sauce for winter dishes.The concord grapes grow wild where I am and the plum tomatoes are my own...great thread.
In fact..10 pm last night my friends and I were looking for grapes with my flashlight cuz we were baked and they are so ripe right now...mmmm..mmm..m


ICMag Donor
hi Mrs. B :wave:

good to see yo'll keeping up with annual traditions :D :yes:
did you remember the organic trick with the apples (or did you use pectin again this year??) :chin:

we had an average crop of brambles, but lots of sloes due to May rains :badday:

didn't get round to making any jam this year (hanging head in shame) :no:
but did some country winemaking for christmas already,,, :friends:

stay cool
dLeaf :joint:


ICMag Donor
What's cooking this year Mrs B ? :wave:

My jars are washed and ready for jam filling .. with strawberries, raspberries, and brambles :D

peace out
dLeaf :joint:


ICMag Donor
Hey Doc!! :wave: how was your winter?? ...we had some good and bad times :tongue: planted some veggies yesterday, tomatoes{24 plants} and a few kinds of peppers{anaheim, jalapeno ,bell} ...havent planted any seeds yet, will do this week. Havent gotten ready for berry pickin yet, they dont be ready till aug. so I have a little time still. Its good to hear from ya, and as soon as I can Ill post some pics of the garden, this computer has some issues :spank:

:joint: :jump:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey Mrs. Babba...I thought you were my real close neighbor in the real Northern CA.....but I have a couple weeks yet till I'm past the chance of frost. I have killers on the 23rd and 24th of May on my calendar. I'm a real grape grower for jellies...Jalepeno Concord...White Grape Rubarb...a couple of my.......creations? ......great to see grower/canners here..DD


ICMag Donor
Yo Mrs. B :wave: :friends:

The peas, beans, toms, chilies, pumpkins, and squashes are all growing OK this side of the pond.. May has been kind so far this year ,, mild and warm. Trying some aubergines , achocha , and okra , for a change this year... never grown any of these crops before,,, it will be as much fun working out new recipes on how to cook them after harvest as learning how to grow them :D

Hi doobieduck :wave:

When you say grape for jellies do you mean 'grape jam'? (sorry I'm English),, if so that sounds rad. I recently got a jar of watermelon jam (jelly) from my buddy in Italy... and it was one of the tastiest I've ever sampled. Grape jam also sounds interesting :yummy:

peace out all


ICMag Donor
Hey Doc!! ...yup, our garden is all planted also, we are trying corn this year, we see if we get any.....its been really windy around here, so keeping the seeds damp has been a challenge.

whats aubergines,achocha ? ..i know what okra is. watermelon jelly sounds really good...cya :wave: :joint:


ICMag Donor
Hi Mrs. B :wave:

Mrs.Babba said:
whats aubergines,achocha ? cya :wave: :joint:

aubergine = egg plant

achocha = caigua

I got the achocha seeds from a heritage seed library... the idea behind the heritage library is that growers ibl the plants and preserve the genetics. so we sent some out to the next mans in the smoke :friends:

We've also got some Edwardian peas growing (25% protein). :D

Peace out
dLeaf :joint:
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Started some Strawberry popcorn, put them out next to a Loganberry(thanks man..:D) and a Strawberry plant..all in 30L pots. In the greenhouse i have Tom's: Beefsteak, BlackRussian, GoldenSunrise and StPierre, n another S.berry in a smaller pot...also Parsnips and peas out in a bed behind the house, the spot is under trees and quite shaded...soil gets dry too so not an ideal place...the snips are ok but the peas arent, think i need to string them up.:chin:

Hope everyone is cool..:D
Sweet memories

Sweet memories

This really bring's back childhood memorie's, helping my mom make jam's and jellies..Those day's are long gone, but I'm glad that the tradition was never lost. I am however suprised that no one has tried to infuse any Herbal medication into their product. Is it feasible, Jam's and jellie's with a kick...? I'm curious as all hell about this. Has anyone tried..?


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well we are down to about 3 jars of jam left. Hope the blackberry season gets here soon. Looks about 2 months off. We will be out there pickin big time again this season. Hopefully we can pull off a double batch and have lots to share :)


Active member
hey mr n mrs babba nice to see others making jam great thread , made some plum jam last year that was delicious,
'I am however suprised that no one has tried to infuse any Herbal medication into their product.'
bettys boy i made jam with purple weed a few years back and it tasted exactly like blackberry jam and was a lil trippy
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ICMag Donor
Yesterday was jam day, went out early in the morning and picked a 5 gallon bucket and went home and made a bunch of jam!...should last the whole year, we were down to one jar from last year, so we did pretty good, and thats giving away a lot of jars over the year!

didnt take alot of pics but heres a few...

DocLeaf...how was your summer dear?? busy Im sure!! :wave:


Non Conformist
HEY.... I love blackberry jam!

HEY.... I love blackberry jam!

Hi there Mrs. B oh buddy, oh pal I jus love blackberry jam ( hint-hint ) lol I'm jus kidding. It looks great tho. Picking blackberries brings back memories of when I was a kid ( I almost fergot what chiggers were, all part of pickin berries in the south. lol ) I live in the north now so there's not alot of BB's here that I'm awhere of. There are red wild plums here tho, man are they sweet too! They make excellent jelly! .... That watermelon jelly sounds purdy tasty too! I've never heard of it before now? I'm not sure why, it's prolly made jus like any other jelly, with sure-gel fruit pectin. I might have ta give that a shot before the season slips by. Sure sounds good!.... I'm diabetic so I really don't need any of it, but we'll see. lol Take care... BC

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