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Black specks on leaves


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
First of all, I had this severe Whitefly problem. I released three different predators in the garden to eradicate the Whiteflies. Encarsa formosa, lacewing, and ladybugs. I haven't seen any whiteflies flying around, BUT there are these microscopic "black specks" that seems to be devouring my fan leaves starting from the bottom up. I'd need a macro lense to dial it in close enough for anybody to see. They also seem to be congregating on the tips. Any ideas what this might be? Eggs of some other worrisome insect, maybe, or the poop of one of them?


Sounds like spider mites... snag your self some neim oil and get to sprayin and quick! They are nasty little fuckers to say the least...



Dr. Doolittle
WHat is it doing to the leaves? Can you show damage leaves?

Black specks with all the stuff you released it could be poop.......


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
As soon as the uploading is enabled, I will show pics. I don't think it's poop because it looks like every plant is starting at the bottom and it's devastating the leaves. To be quite honest, I don't think too many encarsa was released because I don't see any hanging around - or lacewing. The ladybugs all died, those of which didn't get caught up in the light. i'll show pics as soon as possible.


Dr. Doolittle
Ok, so the black specks are on the leaves and they don't come off right?

Any leaves looked chewed or anything?
We will need more grow information from you then since you don't think it's that.

Need nute information, pH and such soil content how often feeding and the dosages of each with how much water.
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Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
No, the black specks don't come off, and where they are congregated they take the coloration from the leaf leaving it looking speckled.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Sorry for the double posting. Didn't read the whole thread. I'm using PureBlendPro with ProMix BX as a medium. i've also added earthworm castings along with chunky perlite. EWC is about 10-15% of mix. Right now using basic PBP recipe.


Dr. Doolittle
How old and big are these plants?

Following the feeding I bet they are slightly burned depending on how often you feed them.......

15 ml to 4 liters of water I presume?

Have you tested the pH run off?

Sounds like a possible burn or pH issue.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
The plants are anywhere from 45 - 60 days old. i use R/O water and adjust the pH with baking soda. I really don't see a burn, so to speak. Would a pH issue cause these little microsopic looking black specks? Under the microscope those little "black" specks actually are dark green.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Ok, Stitch, I went to the infirmary. It looks like from what i see in the pics there, and descriptions of those "specks", it's thrip poop. Under Pic 1, the leaves look a lot like what I have. Also, under "leaf miners" in pic 3 you can see some "specks". Those are identical to the ones I have.


Vash, I just noticed I have thrips today too, so I picked up nematodes for the medium and einstein oil for foliar. That's what I was told, I'm hoping it will murder em' all. I'm not sure how long that's supposed to take though.


Dr. Doolittle
Ya, that is why I asked if it was poop cause it sounds like it is.......

If you read the guide it will give you stuff you can use to rid of them.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
phattybudz said:
Vash, I just noticed I have thrips today too, so I picked up nematodes for the medium and einstein oil for foliar. That's what I was told, I'm hoping it will murder em' all. I'm not sure how long that's supposed to take though.

phatty, jump on em' quick as you can. They will literally destroy your plant, starting with the fan leaves. I just sprayed using spinosad. I will be using nematodes for the medium, but I think I'm going to bring in some predators, such as the minute pirate bug to start. I'm wondering if the ladybugs are good for thrips as well.

Thanks for your help, Stitch :yes:

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