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Black Russian BX2 - ?


Empowered Super Kabookiewomen
:wave:Hello to all!

I scored some Purple Bastard (F3) off of the Server Fund and I was wondering about this strain … it is actually a Black Russian BX2 … right? A BX2 is at what percentage 75%, 100% of the main genetics? I’m very excited to have gotten these just the same as I love the genetics and the end cost was way lower than I expected too!!! I love Core genetics so this was the perfect win for me … it is from Core? Any help will be most appreciated and welcomed! Below is what I can find on the Black Russian half of the family tree.

Thanks a bunch for looking!

Purple Bastard

Black Russian x Double Purple Doja = 100%BR

Double Purple Doja

Black Russian x Sputnik #1 = 75%BR

Sputnik #1

Black Russian x Apollo-13 = 50%BR

Black Russian

Blackberry x Cherry AK47

Peace and warm Blessings,
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Well-known member
Your math is off. In actuality, the 2nd BX to Black Russian would be more like 88% BR. A 3rd BX will give you something like 94%. You will never achieve 100% BR since it was crossed with A13 and there will always be some A13 genes no matter how many BX's are done.

As for the F3 part of it, F stands for filial, or child. That means the PB's were crossed with themselves two more times. BR x DPD = PB. PB x PB = PB F2. Seeds from PB F2 crossed together = PB F3

It could be argued that the F3 part is not technically correct, as PB is the result of a BX, but it simplifies the explanation. A true F1, F2, F3, etc is the result of crossing two parents (of preferably stable and differing stock) or P1's.

P1 x P1 = F1
F1 x F1 = F2
F2 x F2 = F3


Empowered Super Kabookiewomen
:tiphat: Hey WelderDan –

Thank you very much for that information. Yeah, that’s what I thought but I wasn’t too sure. I use to breed leopard geckos for color, pattern, size, and etc. but I wasn’t sure just how much was similar with breeding marijuana (plants). People seem to go a little crazy when a (BX2) is offered sooo I just thought that maybe with plants the inbreeding was different when it came to the percentages … I had to ask. Since the description did not point out the (BX) I wasn’t sure if it really was considered a (BX) at all, or if the interested party was to already know that information. But, yea … I seriously had my doubts too because of the A13 in it as my percentages just did not add up to me either … but then again, I have never been that great at figuring out these types of percentages. I can be a little slow and maybe a little dyslectic too at times. Still, the PB is a note worthy strain even as a F3 … I’m still pretty excited as these should fit fairly well into my breeding ideas just as they are ... just some great genetics in there I feel!

I figure that in this case the PB (BX) was to lock down more of whatever the Black Russian offered – I suspect it was for its color first, then taste, and then for its yield. Since Core did not make the PB, and the original seeds were supposedly gifted to him, we will never know for certain. I think Core might have mentioned that he didn’t have any other info on the PB anyways. I’m not sure but I think you could still get 100 percent Black Russian (in appearance, taste, aroma, yield, etc. at least) into seed form by BX’ing back to an original Black Russian over and over and over … it just would not be considered truly stabilized – I think. That’s when the (F’s) come in I believe but isn’t this just line breeding after this point – I think. Seriously, I’m just guessing at best here … there are just too many words it sounds like describing the same thing to me after awhile. We just never used this much lingo to describe this many ways of inbreeding with our animals – lol.

The (F) in this case is most likely just what it is … to make more seed. But, it could have been the start of a line breeding (IBL) too since the description only said two phenos. This I would have to ask Browser since it was them that donated this fantastic strain but my questions were merely out of pure curiosity and to obtain a clearer understanding of plant breeding terms.

Again, thank you very much for answering my query about the BX! It was very kind of you. BTW - I love your Cherry Bomb x C99!! I'm guessing that is an increable hyrbid too ... sounds very tasty.

Peace and warm Blessings,
Kabookie :blowbubbles:


Well-known member
Glad I was able to help you make sense of it. Once it clicks, it's like "oh, I see it now".

If I was to guess, I'd say you are probably correct about the BX being used to stabilize some of the traits. The sibling crosses done after the Bxing was probably an attempt to further homogenize the line. I'd guess that if you made good selections, you could probably get a fairly stable line out of it. It's probably pretty stable for certain traits already.

If you look at C99, it was BX'd in the same manner to stabilize traits of the Princess clone. Mr Soul simply BX'd it an additional time to get the 94% Princess, and called it C99. Look how well that turned out.

I've seen pics of the DPD. If the PB smokes as awesome as the DPD looks, it must be super nice stuff.

The CB x C99 was one of my faves. It was one of my first breeding attempts. Too bad I was a noob and lost it. I gave away a lot of beans and lost my personal stash due to poor storage. Live and learn. It still may be going somewhere, I gave away a bunch of seeds. If not, someone could still recreate it easily enough. It was a simple pollen chuck that turned out to be something nice.


Active member
Hiyah Kabookie!!

Its Sooo Sexy to See a Female Seeking Info Such as This!!

So When I See a Damsel in Distress...

Seriously, Good Example WelderDan, a While Back, I Did and Decent Write Up on the Creation of C99...

(Only 25 Emoticons Per Page



Active member
History of Cinderella 99


Originally Posted By Mr Soul:

(Co-owner of Bros Grimm)
In 1997, I discovered a few seeds in a bud of Jack Herer I bought @ “Sensi Smile” Coffeeshop in Amsterdam [Owned and Operated by Sensi Seeds] while there to buy seeds.
I didn’t expect much when I grew them, but one of those seeds from the JH bud produced a very special female that I call “Princess”.
Therefore Princess’ mother was a Jack Herer (IF we can believe what Sensi Smile printed on the package) and her Father is a totally unidentified mystery plant.
I also got 2 more females (Genius & Cafe’Girl) & several males from those seeds. I used pollen from one of the males on a heavy-yielding, dense, resinous Shiva Skunk (from Sensi Seedbank) female, then grew the resulting seeds to get males to produce pollen to cross Princess with, beginning the Cubing process.
The First Generation of seeds from Princess were called P.50 because they were 50% Princess. I used males from the P.50 Generation to Back-Cross to Princess to get P.75 and again Back-Cross with the P.75 pollen to get P.88 and again with the P.88 Pollen to get P.94 which is “Cinderella 99", a Cubed version of Princess.
The name “Cinderella” was chosen because of the Parallels between this story and the well-known Fairy Tale in which Cinderella becomes a Princess despite her humble beginning. It’s also VERY similar to the story of the “Morgan Horse”…go Figure...
Simplified Cubing Project:
Shiva Skunk
x [Jack Herer x ?
] = Pollen for Initial Cross Process (SSxJH/?
Princess Clone
x (SSxJH/?
) = P.50 (50% Princess)
Princess Clone
x P.50
= P.75 (75% Princess)
Princess Clone
x P.75
= P.88 (87.5% Princess)
Princess Clone
x P.88
= P.99 AKA Cinderella 99 (94% Princess)

I'm Sure Many People Knew JH Was the Mother of (To Prevent Complications - Technically Princess) Cinderella 99.
But How many Knew Her Brother was the Famous Elite Genius Clone??

Cafe' Girl
...Anyone Ever Heard of Her??

Theoretically the Jack (Cindy's Mother) Didn't Hermi because, as stated "Several Males" Where Found, Plus C99 is Very Insusceptible (Opposite of Sensitive) when it Comes to Hermi-ing.
Mr.Soul said:
“I personally think the plants these Cinderella 99 seeds produce are every bit as good as a cutting from Princess herself (or better).
I say better because the flavor of no two plants is “identical”; there’s a personality to all living things. Like Princess herself, Cinderella is sweet & fruity to the palette and nose,
and when you take a hit you’re BLASTED…with the same “racy” high as Princess!
The improvement comes in the yield department; 25% greater yield and a stronger branch structure, which I accomplished by starting with some Shiva Skunk genes in the original father in the cubing process.
I knew I’d blend out the majority of the traits from Shiva Skunk in the cubing process, but I was hoping to incorporate the Shiva Skunk’s stronger branches because Princess had a tendency to need supports in the final two weeks of flowering. As it turns out, I got lucky and it worked.
The name suits the strain IMO – it’s a true Cinderella Story.” – MrSoul

I Wondered why a Breeder, Who received Males (Princess' Brothers) Would Use Shiva Skunk in the Mix

The Original Princess, Must have been Real Spindly and Lanky (Cinderella Still is a Little)

I Spent A Lot of Time
Trying to Figure Out Who the Potential Father Could be...Coming from a Sensi Shop, Obviously Hes a Sensi Strain.
First Thoughts (I'm Sure for Many) is Shes a JH F2, However I Disagree...Theres Plenty of JH F2-F5's and Even a White Label Jack F2, None of Them are Anything Like C99 or Genius.

Jack Herer
(Sensi Seed)= Skunk #1 x Northern Lights #5 x Haze

So I Thought about the Phenotypes NOT Expressed in Jack Herer (Which is Very Difficult Because of Jacks Diversity/Instability) which are:
-Very Short Flowering Time (Especially for a Sativa) 50-55 Days
-Almost Overpowering Citrus Smell and Taste
-Very Thin Sativa Looking Leaves with Very Distinctive Double Serrated Leaf Blades

Picture Courtesy of jonas@diesel

The Double Serrated Blades is a Common Trait in What Seems to be the Better Phenos of Skunk and Skunk Crosses. Although Very Rare, Its Can be Found on Some Jack Herer Phenos...


Flying Dutchman's The Pure (Pure Skunk #1)

In Conclusion, my Theory is C99 Dad was a Very Special, Fruity Skunk (#1 or Shiva). Unfortunately Even if That was Fact, C99 Could Never be Replicated. Its Was a Chance Meeting of 2 Very Special Phenos... Ironic, How many of Our Great Strains Where Accidents...

C99 Phenos


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Well-known member
nice run down on the BLACK RUSSIAN work..

going to be remaking black russian--double purple dojo & then a REWORKED PURPLE BASTARD...

CHERRY AK IN HAND AND I GATHERING BLACKBERRY POLLEN AS WE SPEAK..they wont be exact but close as i can get..

peace ..