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Black Ra1n's Grow Journal ~2008~

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Finally an update!

Finally an update!

Hey guys thanks, I don't have much time to thank everyone individually. I have a problem getting my 150 cab into my basement. The door opening is smaller than my cab, I was pissed, it will fit when I take out the toilet flange for the scrubber. The lil ones are doing great so far even though the temps down there are pretty cold. There is still 3 feet of snow here, and it's still pretty cold. Here's a pic I took on the 25th of last month, they are a little bigger than this now. I've been giving them PBP grow and just introduced some cal mag the other day.

I'll be popping some mumbles soon, as well as some of the straw d cross's I got from T. That's it for now, I still have tones of crap to unpack... it's amazing how much shit you have.... I have enough grow supplies to open a small store in the back yard....

Take care all..


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro, good to see that you got yourself set up, we need to see some updated pics dude
i will be chatting with ya very soon I would imagine

Take care bro


I love watchin your grow man!

Great job buddy!

I love it man keep up the good work and keep the pics rollin! +++

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, I'll take some pics soon. Have to find what box the camera is in.

Bigtimer7, thanks for the kind words man.... grab a seat it's been a while since I've had room to flower indoors... it's going to be a nice ride.

Well I just put 4 true Mumbles beans in water to soak for 12, then into paper towel they go. I hope to get a nice male and a few females out of these to make some more beans to donate. The bc seedlings are looking good, stems are getting fat, probably going to take some clones near the end of the month then flip them over. They have a nice sweet smell to them.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
:woohoo: Sounds like BR is getting back into action!

I realize you're a busy man right now...keep up the hard work and your efforts will pay off. Plus, the growing season is nearing...I think I seen some of the big box stores rolling out the seasonal supplies :jump: Time to stock up!

Give my love to the seedlings :ying:


Oh man, the whole "couch won't fit thru the door" syndrome. I freakin' hate when that happens. I hope everything goes well with moving in. It always takes a few days to readjust to the new place. Gotta get used to the new noises especially. I'm sure you'll be getting up every now and then to investigate your cab. Enjoy your new digs, bud!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
TML16, hey bro, I was admiring all the products as I drive by the local botanix down the road. I'm popping those two tangerine's as we I write this. Take care man.

twistedtree, oh it was fun. I had to rip the whole thing apart then assemble it in the basement. It's up and going now though. I'm using my flower chamber as a seedling chamber for now till I decide to flip the 150 on. Thanks for stopping in man.

Core, I'll be flipping in about 2 weeks or so. I want to take some clones off these in case they end up being keepers.

I finally took some update pics, sorry I've been a bit busy. Plans are still in the works for the 600 watt flower room later on this summer. Till then I'll be rocking my 150 again.

Here's the seedlings..... first batch is the mutant and a sativa bc seedling...

These two beauties, they smell so fruity already... stems are thick....

The stems...

The top...

I have 3 of 4 Mumbles seeds in soil... should be up shortly.

That's it for now, take care.


D Rock

Wow that first pic is crazy that plant looks like lettuce. good looking grow though.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great to hear you got the 150 cab back in order :yes: Sounds like your grow is coming back together nicely amongst the confusion of the move.

Plants look great :canabis: well...that freaky mutant scares me a bit, but I've seen plants like that bloom to be some of the better of the bunch. Maybe call it the ugly duckling syndrome? :ying:

Bless those little Tangerine seedlings, I'll make sure I stop by and post some pics of them for your reference :lurk:

Nice to see things settling in for you bro :smile:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Crazy Crazy mutant bro, D rock is right, that mutant looks like lettuce
Plants look like they enjoyed the move

About time you grew out some mumbles, good luck with them!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
D Rock, yeah the mutant is still growing like that. It's looking like a male, so it's going to get culled.

TML16, thanks man. 150 cab is rocking. I have 4 in the veg cab and 6 lil ones in the flower area. I just put in two daylight bulbs in the flower cab till I flip the other bc's over. I'll be building a clone room soon. Take care bro.

MoleMcHenry, thanks man.

Dr Dog, hey bro, that plant is crazy. I've had mutants in the past but never one that hasn't become normal after a few nodes of growth.

Well I have 2 females confirmed of the bc seedlings. As I said above I'm pretty sure the mutant is a male and the other is still not showing yet. I put 4 mumbles beans to germ and all 4 are now in soil and up. I also put two tangerine's into soil and they've both emerged as well. I got some primo big bud samplers from my buddy. I found one seed so far and some pollen sacs, so I took the pollen sacs for future use. They were stressed in late flower and tried to reproduce themselves, all the better for me. :jump:

I'll take some pics Sunday, I have some renovations to do, take care all.



On the road to clone only...
Hey BR...did ya ever pop those White Rainbow beans??....happy growing brotha!


Active member
still tagging along...

still tagging along...

keep up the good work, Black Ra1n!

looking forward to more! :rasta:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
I hope you don't mind me coming in and posting up a few pics of what you can expect with Tangerine







I'm sure you'll have just as good a turn out with her...well except the TML hat :biglaugh:
Hope you enjoy that bro :smile:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Sleepy, thanks for stopping in man.

TML, great photos man, did a nice job on em. Looking forward to flowering some soon.

Update time... still no more confirmed females... here's a picture of the new lil ones... upfront is the Tangerine and behind are the Mumbles, lost one mumbles, it just puked.

The BC seedlings... you can see the sativa dom... it has nice leaves and a pale green to her. The mutant is just odd.

The Two Indica dom's.

Closeup of the Mumbles preflower.

Take care all.



Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hey BR...its nice to see you up & running again bro, welcome back to the show!!! :jump: Your babies look great, and I like tha mutant...weird stuff...Glad to see you're finally growin out the fineass Mumbles...have to say man, its a beautiful plant, you did a great job with 'em... :headbange All 4 plants I flowered out turned out to be super frosty, very dank plants...I got some really dense, stinky nuggs...Ill get u some pics tomorrow or maybe later today, so look for them...Keep growin man, you are very good @ it!!! Peace bro..

- Z :wave:
