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Black market Cali


hi all

I saw a documentary recently about the Mexican drug cartels have moved to cannabis production to California. Where after 90% of the harvest was sold outside of cali, and the remaining 10% was sold in California.

How can there be such a big market (10%) When cannabis is legalized, or is there something I have misunderstood?

:thank you:


Cannabis is not really legalized in Cali we just like to act that way :). The truth is there are a lot of people who smoke who don't have a prescription and still need regular street dealers to supply them. Even people with cards still use street dealers because a lot of the time it is cheaper.


Logically, California is a border state (where the Mexican cartels prefer to dump their drugs wholesale) and it's relatively easy to enter illegally.

Going by the numbers, California happens to contain about 12.12% of the total US population. Discounting the optimistic estimate with regard to prescriptions in California, that would be about 11.76%. Subtract from that the fools who still grow cannabis illegally in a state where they don't have to and ten percent sounds quite plausible.

Edit: if you're in any border state, don't buy anything below primo shit unless your dealer can trace it to its source. I myself avoid shwag in Texas because it almost certainly comes from Mexican cartels and I refuse to fund terrorism.


passing the gas
don't believe everything you hear in a documentary. if you look for cheap labor in cali you will be hiring mexicans but that doesn't make you cartel. cali LEO cries cartel whenever they find a can of refried beans in the woods at a growsite that they bust because they know it will inflame more viewers on the 6 o'clock news.


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