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Black Lives Matter "protest" lol...

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Well-known member
That's the first time I ever heard that, you have proof of this?

Whistleblower Alleges 'Medical Neglect,' Questionable Hysterectomies Of ICE Detainees


a nurse who worked at an immigration detention center in Georgia filed a whistleblower complaint alleging a lack of medical care and unsafe work practices that facilitated the spread of COVID-19.

She also says that immigrant women received questionable hysterectomies, an allegation that lawmakers seized on in statements issued Tuesday.

^recieving a hysterectomy (the removal of your uterus) against your will is forced sterilization

Trump Launches 'Patriotic Education’ Commission, Calls 1619 Project 'Ideological Poison’



Well-known member
Whistleblower Alleges 'Medical Neglect,' Questionable Hysterectomies Of ICE Detainees


a nurse who worked at an immigration detention center in Georgia filed a whistleblower complaint alleging a lack of medical care and unsafe work practices that facilitated the spread of COVID-19.

She also says that immigrant women received questionable hysterectomies, an allegation that lawmakers seized on in statements issued Tuesday.

^recieving a hysterectomy (the removal of your uterus) against your will is forced sterilization

Trump Launches 'Patriotic Education’ Commission, Calls 1619 Project 'Ideological Poison’


I wouldn't exactly blame Trump if the hysterectomy bit is true but I will also say if it's true I definitely don't support it. Bad things happen by mistake or not but to say Trump supporters support something like this is simply not true.

Saying Trump is reeducation people is way over dramatic, looks like he wants people to be proud of their country and that is something most countries practice. By this logic I can claim liberals are pushing for reeducation by showing me all the climate change videos in school. One of just many liberal talking points things pushed on me since elementary school.


Well-known member
I wouldn't exactly blame Trump if the hysterectomy bit is true but I will also say if it's true I definitely don't support it. Bad things happen by mistake or not but to say Trump supporters support something like this is simply not true.

Saying Trump is reeducation people is way over dramatic, looks like he wants people to be proud of their country and that is something most countries practice. By this logic I can claim liberals are pushing for reeducation by showing me all the climate change videos in school. One of just many liberal talking points things pushed on me since elementary school.

Maybe the asshat should do something his country can be proud of?

First thing that comes to mind is he should start building rockets at home and start trying to observe the shape of earth from above. It worked out for the last guy.


Well-known member
Trump's talking about a "Patriotic Education" commission lol. AKA 'we don't like talking about the genocide or land theft or slavery at the origins of this country so we only want to tell you about the good things and censor the bad things'. Fascists definitely don't do shit like that. They love the exchange of free and factual information lol.

Trump expanded ICE's budget, so yes he is responsible. And it's definitely not a mistake. The US government has a history of sterilizing and experimenting on minorities.
Remember when the left called ICE camps concentration camps and everyone thoguht they were being hyperbolic? Turns out they actually are.


Well-known member
Trump's talking about a "Patriotic Education" commission lol. AKA 'we don't like talking about the genocide or land theft or slavery at the origins of this country so we only want to tell you about the good things and censor the bad things'. Fascists definitely don't do shit like that. They love the exchange of free and factual information lol.

Trump expanded ICE's budget, so yes he is responsible. And it's definitely not a mistake. The US government has a history of sterilizing and experimenting on minorities.
Remember when the left called ICE camps concentration camps? Turns out they actually are.

No, in concentration camps people are forced into slave labor, put in gas chambers, or killed by other means. They are definitely not sent back to their country of origin.

I read the link and didn't see anything suggesting censoring the bad things in our history, it will still be taught along with the good things we have done in our history.


Active member
Oh good, you've solved racism! Black people need to clearly shut up and participate and like magic, billionaires will rise among them. After all, in America, all you have to do is lick the boots of the rich and you're guaranteed to join them right? I mean, most people become billionaires eventually right? That's TOTALLY a justification for keeping this system going! Let all eat boots together with you; I bet you have a whole recipe book devoted to boots.


THAT is AGAIN the HARD TRUTH you and blacks and hispanics who are still stuck on this bullcrap need to hear. (But honestly more and more blacks and hispanics actually DO get it so I'm not preaching to them, I'm preaching to RACIST IDIOTS LIKE YOU... RACIST LIKE YOU.. YOU ARE A RACIST, DIDN'T YOU KNOW)



Funny how poor asians, indians, and middleasterners don't have the problems blacks and hispanics do...

why is that???

I know you're answer is "its muh wayyyycism"

No, the real answer is YOU DIDN"T WORK HARD ENOUGH LOSER


You worthless LOSER

Get the f up and try harder, try again, and stop blaming anyone else, society, the man, non-existent racism, or non-existent privilege, or

any other bullshit you make up in your head to hold yourself back


You think it's , ROFL, "white privilege" or "systemic wayyycism" holding you back black people???


And you'll see how much your so called privilege holds up there LOL. YOU MORON.

IF your bullshit is SO true, you should be able to go to Africa and be the next king. Or, warlord, or whatever.

:hotbounce:plant grow::kitty:

HEY! Why is it that most millionaire and billionaires WERE TOTALLY DIRT POOR BEFORE THEY BECAME RICH????


And then you go and >.............. ROFL...... BLAME rich people rofl rofl as if it's impossible to become rich with hard work and all....

YEP if you are smart and work hard and help enough people and make a good enough company YEP you CAN get rich and become a billionaire UH..........



WHAT THE F are you babbling about "eating boots"???

Even the homeless people in this country have housing, food, money for cigs, DRUGS, and cell phones.

It's 2020 you f'n moron not 1720 or 1820 or even 1920

You are on a website where IF you just pay attention to like, 5 guys who actually know what they are doing and talking about you can literally grow your way out of any poverty situation you are in and all it takes is time, gumption, a little bit of brains, in fact less in this instance is probably better than more brains since you'll over think it, and JUST GET TO WORK.

You're just poor loser idiot :flowers2::smoke out:

OH! And racist.

You are SO f'n racist, you think blacks and hispanics or other minorities or perhaps poor people in general simply can't make it, they aren't good enough, or smart enough... Its ALL just the color of their skin, THAT'S IT, its just "DA SYSTEM" and their color... That's all it is to you, skin color, NOT anything to do with brains or brawn or merit or CONTENT of Character LOLololo... Just the color of skin....

As IF whites just work hard and like magic they are billionaires but blacks no because again, muh waycism. UGH GROSS.

And all those Jewish physicists! It must be some giant Hebrew conspiracy to be good at quantum mechanics or something.
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Well-known member
No, in concentration camps people are forced into slave labor
what a coincidence you'd bring that up. thanks for making my argument for me.




put in gas chambers, or killed by other means. They are definitely not sent back to their country of origin.
more than just the nazis used camps. not all camps were like the nazis. holding someone against their will in inadequate living conditions is a concentration camp (it's the reason why prisoners aren't caged and left outside year round. it's a crime to not do so).

I read the link and didn't see anything suggesting censoring the bad things in our history, it will still be taught along with the good things we have done in our history.

"the President of the United States warned of another national crisis on Thursday: the “ideological poison” of “radical” history education.

President Donald Trump announced that he was signing an executive order to establish the “1776 Commission,” a group that would “promote patriotic education,” and that the National Endowment for the Humanities would be awarding a grant to support the development of a “pro-American curriculum that celebrates the truth about our nation’s great history.”

In the course of his announcement, Trump claimed that people on the left want to “bully Americans into abandoning their values, their heritage and their very way of life,” and denounced the forces that he blamed for propagating that view in history classes. He called the New York Times’ 1619 Project, which reframes the story of nation’s founding around the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Virginia, “toxic propaganda,” and he also singled out the late Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States. Zinn’s book, widely used in schools since it was published in 1980, is credited for helping popularize a bottom-up approach to history, as an alternative to telling the story of the U.S. via the top-down achievements of elite white men.

Trump said. Under his plan, he said, “Our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul.”

The federally-funded “patriotic” curriculum Trump promised is set to be an adaptation of Land of Hope: An Invitation to the Great American Story, by Wilfred M. McClay, a University of Oklahoma historian who also spoke at the Thursday event. Prior to the President’s speech, a panel of professors and education experts—as well as Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development—sang the book’s praises. When it came out last year, it was hailed by the right-leaning The National Review as “essential” and “an extraordinary act of patriotism”; on the other side, Georgetown University history professor Michael Kazin argued it “ignores most social movements ” and gives the “silent treatment to the long struggle for black freedom.”"

fascist history revisionsm


Well-known member
what a coincidence you'd bring that up. thanks for making my argument for me.




more than just the nazis used camps. not all camps were like the nazis. holding someone against their will in inadequate living conditions is a concentration camp (it's the reason why prisoners aren't caged and left outside year round. it's a crime to not do so).

"the President of the United States warned of another national crisis on Thursday: the “ideological poison” of “radical” history education.

President Donald Trump announced that he was signing an executive order to establish the “1776 Commission,” a group that would “promote patriotic education,” and that the National Endowment for the Humanities would be awarding a grant to support the development of a “pro-American curriculum that celebrates the truth about our nation’s great history.”

In the course of his announcement, Trump claimed that people on the left want to “bully Americans into abandoning their values, their heritage and their very way of life,” and denounced the forces that he blamed for propagating that view in history classes. He called the New York Times’ 1619 Project, which reframes the story of nation’s founding around the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Virginia, “toxic propaganda,” and he also singled out the late Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States. Zinn’s book, widely used in schools since it was published in 1980, is credited for helping popularize a bottom-up approach to history, as an alternative to telling the story of the U.S. via the top-down achievements of elite white men.

Trump said. Under his plan, he said, “Our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul.”

The federally-funded “patriotic” curriculum Trump promised is set to be an adaptation of Land of Hope: An Invitation to the Great American Story, by Wilfred M. McClay, a University of Oklahoma historian who also spoke at the Thursday event. Prior to the President’s speech, a panel of professors and education experts—as well as Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development—sang the book’s praises. When it came out last year, it was hailed by the right-leaning The National Review as “essential” and “an extraordinary act of patriotism”; on the other side, Georgetown University history professor Michael Kazin argued it “ignores most social movements ” and gives the “silent treatment to the long struggle for black freedom.”"

fascist history revisionsm

I suppose it would be better to send them back the same day instead of holding them which is costing taxpayers money. Every country has immigration laws, Europe is definitely paying the price for not enforcing theirs. By your standards almost every country has concentration camps for enforcing immigration.

I'm still not seeing anything that suggests he will censor history. And with technology today the truth will always be accessible. He wants kids to hear more good things about our country which is not a bad thing. Most countries practice this because they understand that a country can only go downhill if most hate their own country.


Well-known member
I suppose it would be better to send them back the same day instead of holding them which is costing taxpayers money.
lol private companies dont give a shit about taxpayer money. they are profiting off keeping the detention centers and jails full.

also this;

"ICE could have deported her at any moment. But it was only on Wednesday — in the wake of the whistleblower complaint’s publication and after Huynh sought an emergency pause on her deportation, identifying her as a victim of a nonconsensual gynecological procedure — that ICE finally tried to put her on a 9:30 am deportation flight out of Chicago."

Every country has immigration laws,
every country also doesnt force labor or force sterlize the people in their care. what does this have to do with what i'm talking about?

Europe is definitely paying the price for not enforcing theirs.
again has nothing to do with US policies

By your standards almost every country has concentration camps for enforcing immigration.
ah yes my "standards" of not violating people's rights. also, no.

I'm still not seeing anything that suggests he will censor history.
the right gets triggered when kids learn about the genocide and slavery that this country was built on. also the long list of labor gains made by early 1900's socialist/leftist labor movements. like the georgetown professor says, they want to leave out all the parts they don't like. in other words - censor. the simple act of making knowledge less accessable, especially to students, is censorship.

And with technology today the truth will always be accessible.
really? then why are righties so dumb? is it a choice?

He wants kids to hear more good things about our country which is not a bad thing. Most countries practice this because they understand that a country can only go downhill if most hate their own country.
incredibly infantile take


Well-known member
lol private companies dont give a shit about taxpayer money. they are profiting off keeping the detention centers and jails full.

also this;

"ICE could have deported her at any moment. But it was only on Wednesday — in the wake of the whistleblower complaint’s publication and after Huynh sought an emergency pause on her deportation, identifying her as a victim of a nonconsensual gynecological procedure — that ICE finally tried to put her on a 9:30 am deportation flight out of Chicago."

every country also doesnt force labor or force sterlize the people in their care. what does this have to do with what i'm talking about?

again has nothing to do with US policies

ah yes my "standards" of not violating people's rights. also, no.

the right gets triggered when kids learn about the genocide and slavery that this country was built on. also the long list of labor gains made by early 1900's socialist/leftist labor movements. like the georgetown professor says, they want to leave out all the parts they don't like. in other words - censor. the simple act of making knowledge less accessable, especially to students, is censorship.

really? then why are righties so dumb? is it a choice?

incredibly infantile take

Now you are just blowing smoke, you definitely are good at twisting facts to fit your narrative. So far a whistleblower has made a claim, I honestly doubt it's true but we will find out the facts, could just be a political stunt beingsoclose to the election. Why are lefties so emotionally unstable making them easy targets for propaganda?


Well-known member
how am i twisting facts?

it is well known the right thinks education is some giant liberal commie indoctrination scheme by (((you know who)))

this is how they plan to level the playing field. by further whitewashing american history as if it wasn't white washed enough.

i used to think Howard Zinn was an anti american commie too... Until I grew up.


Well-known member
how am i twisting facts?

it is well known the right thinks education is some giant liberal commie indoctrination scheme by (((you know who)))

this is how they plan to level the playing field. by further whitewashing american history as if it wasn't white washed enough.

i used to think Howard Zinn was an anti american commie too... Until I grew up.

I was subjected to the climate change theory as if it were fact since elementary school so there is a level of left wing propaganda in schools. Polar bears should be extinct by now from what I learned. Many teachers have left wing views, so it's not all that suprising. I believe how you are raised has more influence on your political views, for some agree with what they were subjected to, others will always rebel against what they were subjected to. I don't even know who Howard Zinn is, nor do I care. You twist facts by making things way more dramatic than they really are, for example saying Trump supporters support whatever is going on in that immigration lockup.


Well-known member
I was subjected to the climate change theory as if it were fact since elementary school so there is a level of left wing propaganda in schools.
climate change is a reality though. and 71% of emissions come from the 100 largest for profit companies.

Many teachers have left wing views, so it's not all that suprising.
can't say i've ever had an anti capitalist teacher or ever knew anyone who did without taking some sort of radical course in college.

Liberals on the other hand are abundant. But that's just because reality has a liberal bias.

You twist facts by making things way more dramatic than they really are, for example saying Trump supporters support whatever is going on in that immigration lockup.
i don't hear any voices or outrage from anyone other than the people you'd usually call "TDS" for pointing this out.


Well-known member
climate change is a reality though. and 71% of emissions come from the 100 largest for profit companies.

can't say i've ever had an anti capitalist teacher or ever knew anyone who did without taking some sort of radical course in college.

Liberals on the other hand are abundant. But that's just because reality has a liberal bias.

i don't hear any voices or outrage from anyone other than the people you'd usually call "TDS" for pointing this out.

I believe the climate is changing, I'm also skeptical on how much we have to do with it. This is for a different discussion and I don't care to discuss this any further.

Most people are probably trying to figure out whether the story is even true or not, with all the fake stories regarding Trump I don't blame people for waiting for the facts first. Liberals being immediately outraged at everything true or not is par for the course.
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