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Black Lives Matter "protest" lol...

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Well-known member
- I still wonder though - why would someone go to all that trouble to make a meme about something that lacks any truth what-so-ever? - what's in it for them? - what's to gain from spreading mistruths? - if that is what they are -

Money, lots of money. Some of these meme sights have made millions of dollars. They get paid every time you visit their site, that's why we have click bait. Lol

Definitely good money in spreading lies and misinformation, just look at CNN, the reporters are multi millionaires.

I personally think the Jews are not as big of an issue as Communist China. They are the new Jews IMO, they check all the boxes when it comes to ANTIFA and BLM. They even own some of our big businesses located in America. They own Volvo for fuck sake!! Best thing the Swedes had going, now it's back to Swedish meatballs. Lol


Active member
ask trump. he has not told the truth for as long as i have tracked the asshole. and that was YEARS before he tried politics (he was a Democrat then. they were not stupid enough to help him get elected) memes are utter bullshit designed to distract, nothing more, nothing less. humorous at best, damned lies most of the time. my take...

Trump is this nation hero, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Trump is this nations hero.


propaganda. my take. everyone has an opinion, that is mine. "oh, let's blame the Jews! that is always popular with the neo-nazis..."

Its kinda funny if you ever find yourself accidentally going along with some rant...until the end. "We the people have been held down, the middle class has been eroded as have our civic values. No more should the people be oppressed by a cabal of the ruling elite. Its time to drag them the streets and kill all the..."

Me: "bankers/rich/oligarchs/etc.!!!!!"

They continue: "JEWS!!!!"

Me: dammit, fooled again.


Active member
Its kinda funny if you ever find yourself accidentally going along with some rant...until the end. "We the people have been held down, the middle class has been eroded as have our civic values. No more should the people be oppressed by a cabal of the ruling elite. Its time to drag them the streets and kill all the..."

Me: "bankers/rich/oligarchs/etc.!!!!!"

They continue: "JEWS!!!!"

Me: dammit, fooled again.

A jew does not mean the same thing as a zionist.
Check it out, it may help you understand the hate is not for the jew but the zionist.


Well-known member
Its kinda funny if you ever find yourself accidentally going along with some rant...until the end. "We the people have been held down, the middle class has been eroded as have our civic values. No more should the people be oppressed by a cabal of the ruling elite. Its time to drag them the streets and kill all the..."

Me: "bankers/rich/oligarchs/etc.!!!!!"

They continue: "JEWS!!!!"

Me: dammit, fooled again.

that's how right wing populism works.

snippets of real populism - ala "the bankers are ruining the country"

mixed with all sorts of anti semitism

another word for right wing populism = fascism by the way :tiphat:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I always make sure to distinguish between Jews and Zionists (who are often christians anyway) because of the propensity for Zionists to use Jews as shields to protect Zionism from any and all scrutiny.


Active member
I always make sure to distinguish between Jews and Zionists (who are often christians anyway) because of the propensity for Zionists to use Jews as shields to protect Zionism from any and all scrutiny.

Maybe that is what they call themselves...LOL

Some call them satanists.


I haven't the time at the keyboard to investigate Vox. However in Latin 'vox' is 'voice'. So I imagine 'Vox' is a pseudonym to sound like 'fox'.

I suppose like a Surgeon who will always look first to Surgical solutions because that's what he does ... a journalist/publisher will make up so-called memes.

It may be that the publisher makes up provocative memes because he can!

It may also be that knowing what is true does not matter to a publisher who head has swollen out of proportion to his common sense.

Perhaps, because the publisher has no solutions and feels increasingly anxious about things ... simply makes up a remedy to make himself feel better.

I say bring back Spike Milligan! (Now there was a Comedian!)

- Yes - good comment - there is always that to say about it -

- I still wonder though - why would someone go to all that trouble to make a meme about something that lacks any truth what-so-ever? - what's in it for them? - what's to gain from spreading mistruths? - if that is what they are -

- Maybe we need to dig a bit deeper - before calling bollocks on the whole deal?

- so the meme claims that 'BLM is entirely funded by Jewish Billionaires?' - first I guess that we have to figure out if the BLM is funded so - and who these Billionaires might be - if they exist -

knucklehead bob

Sadly, I feel like the democrats actually did a lot to get him elected in 2016 and they've really not helped the situation this year either.

You don't really think that HRC getting caught rigging the DNC & stealing the nomination from Bernie & then not getting elected because the lying murdering whore got caught rigging the DNC had anything to do with DJT getting elected , do you ?






Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ahhh yes - The Goons - I can still here Sir Harry Secombe and Spike Milligan playing on some old 60's radio - somewhere, nostalgically in my memory - then must not forget Peter Cook and Dudley Moore too -

* ahh - just found this old page - what they called a Proslavery Cartoon, from 1850 - kinda interesting -



I haven't the time at the keyboard to investigate Vox. However in Latin 'vox' is 'voice'. So I imagine 'Vox' is a pseudonym to sound like 'fox'.

I suppose like a Surgeon who will always look first to Surgical solutions because that's what he does ... a journalist/publisher will make up so-called memes.

It may be that the publisher makes up provocative memes because he can!

It may also be that knowing what is true does not matter to a publisher who head has swollen out of proportion to his common sense.

Perhaps, because the publisher has no solutions and feels increasingly anxious about things ... simply makes up a remedy to make himself feel better.

I say bring back Spike Milligan! (Now there was a Comedian!)


good link Hempy :dance013:

Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Have Turned Against Black Lives Matter


this guy makes exactly the points i been trying to make about blm, they destroyed a moment of total unity with their crazy behaiviour. they should never have been let take over the movement against the murder of George Floyd, all that did was make it impossible to have real unity. but that seems to be the way right now, devide and rule.

those idiot mayors painting that shit on their roads are gonna be forced to have maga or something on their roads too now. again all it does is cause fights, the one in new york needs 26 police officers to protect it. still been vandalized 3 times so far. there has been countless screaming matches and fist fightes all resulting from that idiotic sign. again all they do is sow devision. if these people were the victors in the civil war they would have exterminted the loseing side down to the last man and woman. forget letting the loser keep their heros, they probably would make statues of them being led to mass executions.


Well-known member
You don't really think that HRC getting caught rigging the DNC & stealing the nomination from Bernie & then not getting elected because the lying murdering whore got caught rigging the DNC had anything to do with DJT getting elected , do you ?

we KNOW she is a liar, she is a politician. i DO NOT believe ANYONE would pay to fuck her, so calling her a "whore" is a bridge too far. exactly when was she investigated, indicted and tried for murder, except in morons imaginations? dozens of people that i know have died over the years; many under suspicious circumstances. how many of them do you suspect me of killing, knucklehead? i'll wait...:tiphat:


damn, that brings back good memories. this was the prefered way to smoke hash in my teenage years. so economical, pretty much all our sessions in those days were in the kitchen around the stove lmao. we'd freeze bottles with the bottoms knocked out to suck up the goodness with :D

We were big fans as kids, hash wasn't very common around me but it was great with the compressed weed. Everyones parents eventually got pissed since all the butter knives and then steak knives went missing.

I miss the more novel ways of consumption. Took a lot of tries but I eventually figured out how to do the thing where you freeze a large thick glass and then shotgun a joint very slowly into it and let the smoke cool till it settles and then can turn the glass right-side up and take "sips."


Well-known member
they destroyed a moment of total unity with their crazy behaiviour. they should never have been let take over the movement against the murder of George Floyd, all that did was make it impossible to have real unity.
The protests in the US are still growing, even with Trump sending federal agents.

those idiot mayors painting that shit on their roads are gonna be forced to have maga or something on their roads too now. again all it does is cause fights, the one in new york needs 26 police officers to protect it.
Dumb racists gonna racist

again all they do is sow devision. if these people were the victors in the civil war they would have exterminted the loseing side down to the last man and woman. forget letting the loser keep their heros, they probably would make statues of them being led to mass executions.
Ah yes a movement around racial equality and ending of systemic problems is divisive (only to racists), and secretly genocidal.

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