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BLACK HISTORY NEWS PERSPECTIVE: The Racist Tradition of The War On Drugs



You know I said, "Hi neighbor" to my neighbor the other day.

He made this really crazy face for a minute, and mind you, we like each other pretty good for casual neighbors.

I didn't catch on for a few minutes, then thought he must have thought I said something else, then realized he misunderstood me.

Funny stuff down here on the gulf.


The Hopeful Protagonist
The Vick case was slightly more complex that "kill A dog"

Are you referring to Stallworth hitting the pedestrian while driving under the influence ?

I wasn't aware he had been sentenced yet.

And although the outcomes were the same, resulting in deaths, I believe the up-close and personal nature, not to mention more than just one animal and the torture involved, had everything to do with Vick's sentencing.

I havn't seen the details of Mr. Stallworth's plea agreement yet, so I can't comment.


The Vick case was slightly more complex that "kill A dog"

Are you referring to Stallworth hitting the pedestrian while driving under the influence ?

I wasn't aware he had been sentenced yet.

And although the outcomes were the same, resulting in deaths, I believe the up-close and personal nature, not to mention more than just one animal and the torture involved, had everything to do with Vick's sentencing.

I havn't seen the details of Mr. Stallworth's plea agreement yet, so I can't comment.
His plea was an undisclosed financial settlement with the family and 30 days in jail. It pays to be rich.:yes:


The Hopeful Protagonist
His plea was an undisclosed financial settlement with the family and 30 days in jail. It pays to be rich.:yes:

Well, when it's the people vs. defendant, the family has no say so as to what the charges,plea bargain or verdict will be.

Having the means to buy the best defense possible is another matter all together.

But, karma is a female dog....ask OJ.
I don't think black men went around rapping anyone, it was typically girls being weak with power. Perhaps more discipline should be used with ladies, they do get easy and a major pain in the ass. Even worse, they rely on social racism to defend their actions that they deny taking place. I hate these girls, actually I don't but man I don't like the disharmony in their minds. They deny it being there, they say how dare you and men think it's all the rave to be their bitch. There are more minority believes, if you get to the center of all thought. I appreciate the control over culture, it has been ruff and made things separate. We don't need to be high, to communicate; congress wouldn't work any better. Being high is totally self control, it makes getting other peoples delusions cleared away difficult if you mix to much with other people.

Prison, should be a total University; that is a worthy investment if the laws get the kinks out, otherwise chemistry degrees could be dangerous. You know that the man, can't stand another educated man. Loss of perceptual superiority, depending on what school you came from. I guess we all can rely on Ranger training, it's abundant and free (which isn't true, to many have paid the price).........some still need to, thus not everyone can rely on a Ranger.

With history, it's not about the past but it's is strongly about the willpower. Conviction, these thoughts that still revolve today. History is debated, or sadly not even close to a debate......in fact, deadly.

K Double O

that was a bunch of crap. my first jail time and hopefully last was 6months over a about a qp of weed. It was my first charge as a adult. I was in college ect. still got six months for my first offense

Look man. I'm not some lame ass internet identity. I speak the truth from my own personal experience.

My 1st offense was in 98 and it got me 5 years. Equivalent to your QP possesion. My sentence was broke up into 1 year jail time & 4 years probation which I violated. I got another 30 days jail time plus 9 months of house arrest for probation violation.

I wasnt in college at the time, but I was employed by the ferderal Government. I was just a young black teen at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

I paid out the ass restitution. And to who? Myself. Not to mention it cost almost a $100 a week just to be on house arrest for those 9 months.

On top of all that I lost my job with the Government & can never go back. Nor use as an employment reference. I could'nt even get unemployment because uncle sam fought it. My girl up and left me.

So when I said that was a bunch of crap. I meant it. And in your case if you were where I'm from, depending on the color of your skin. You would have got off with some minor jail time like you did. Probabaly a diversion or maybe even some probation.

Hell you might have walked away with no criminal record.

You know what bothers me the most is? When telling my story, I hate to even sound remotely racist because I wasnt brought up like that at all. Some of my closest friends are not black.


This is America.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Igrow - I understand it was different and up close but so is running a guy over in your 200k ride while leaving the club! When you can kill a dog or thousand DOGS and get 19 months but another guy can drive drunk, kill a innocent family man, pay off the family and get 30 days in jail its bullshit!! When did a dogs life or even a hundred take precedence over a human life?? And dont give me that bs about were are all god's creatures or they had just as much right to live crap! 30 days in jail for murder if you got the cash to pay off the family id garbage no matter how you look at the particulars! Its not what you know people, but who you know.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Igrow - I understand it was different and up close but so is running a guy over in your 200k ride while leaving the club! When you can kill a dog or thousand DOGS and get 19 months but another guy can drive drunk, kill a innocent family man, pay off the family and get 30 days in jail its bullshit!! When did a dogs life or even a hundred take precedence over a human life?? And dont give me that bs about were are all god's creatures or they had just as much right to live crap! 30 days in jail for murder if you got the cash to pay off the family id garbage no matter how you look at the particulars! Its not what you know people, but who you know.

Hey look man, I never said either was right.....by virtue I believe neither should be intentionally killed or harmed.

Dante was wrong, but he didn't head out to the shed with the intention of torturing, maiming or killing the guy crossing the street, can we say the same for Mike's actions ?.

Vehicular homocide vs. First Degree.....let's just pretend a dog's life is worth something to somebody.

Once again, I'm not making excuses for either crime, or even saying the end justifies the means in either case.

FTR - I am an animal lover, just so I quantify my position a little clearer.


Gro :joint:


Hey look man, I never said either was right.....by virtue I believe neither should be intentionally killed or harmed.

Dante was wrong, but he didn't head out to the shed with the intention of torturing, maiming or killing the guy crossing the street, can we say the same for Mike's actions ?.

Vehicular homocide vs. First Degree.....let's just pretend a dog's life is worth something to somebody.

Once again, I'm not making excuses for either crime, or even saying the end justifies the means in either case.

FTR - I am an animal lover, just so I quantify my position a little clearer.


Gro :joint:

To me it doesn't matter what intention he got in the car with he killed someone driving drunk and should be punished accordingly. A human life is worth more in my opinion than a dogs and I own a dog, and consider myself a dog lover. This issue really doesn't belong in this thread because we're talking about the racist tradition on the war on drugs so everybody should drop it.

Lets get back to the topic at hand does the color of your skin matter in the judicial system of USA yes it does. Anybody trying to say different needs to walk in somebodies shoes because it's fairly obvious. There are other factors as stated by DDrew but color of your skin is a big one.


The Hopeful Protagonist
To me it doesn't matter what intention he got in the car with he killed someone driving drunk and should be punished accordingly. A human life is worth more in my opinion than a dogs and I own a dog, and consider myself a dog lover. This issue really doesn't belong in this thread because we're talking about the racist tradition on the war on drugs so everybody should drop it.

Lets get back to the topic at hand does the color of your skin matter in the judicial system of USA yes it does. Anybody trying to say different needs to walk in somebodies shoes because it's fairly obvious. There are other factors as stated by DDrew but color of your skin is a big one.

Your post contradicts itself with amazing quickness.....

Personal opinion matters not to the letter of the law.

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