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Black Gold Coco Blend


Just Call me Urkle!!
Alrighty here's what I have to say about the stuff so far, I just got a bag yesterday, I like the fact it's OMRI listed since I'm going over to all organic in 09.. My reason to try this out was after I did a test grow with Ready Gro Coco Peat mix from a friend and I had 2 in the coco mix and 2 in shitty soil(could be why they didn't do great) and DAMN!! The coco ladies just kicked ass and they had the same conditions,flowered at the same height ect.. So after I did that I had seen this thread and it really got me thinking about it so I got it!! When I opened the bag and grabbed a handful it felt just like the Ready Grow!!!! had less perlite but felt damn near the same,I can agree it doesn't drain easy but thats good for me cuz I do micro HD SOG in 20oz bottles and hate watering every day so this stuff is perfect right out the bag!!! All I would add is some perlite and call it a day...

the 2 on the left are the coco ladies and the close up is one of the coco girls in week 8 :rasta: I'm in love with coco mixes :jump:
southpaw said:
Hmm, if I see this stuff around the way I might pick up a bag. The straight Black Gold I bought this year was awful, which really surprised me since I've been using it happily for years. Way too much peat and hardly any humus.

I was also dissapointed with my most recent purchase of the straight Black Gold.


New member
Diggin' it. *pun intended*

Diggin' it. *pun intended*

I grow in 30-gallon fabric pots and just started switching to Ocean Forest about a month ago... I added more perlite and also added coco. My mixture was 3-scoops of soil, 1-scoop of perlite, and one scoop of coco... it takes about 2-1/2 bags of OF soil per container.
I was using Happy Frog soil before this adding 30% coco, worm castings, indonesian bat guano, sea kelp, and dry molasses along with Techna Flora nutes... at about a month in on using this soil... I am even happier with it than the happy frog... I have roughly 2" more height with all four strains I am growing.
Here's a shot of some of my girls.


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New member
I use a moisture meter and find that my watering is needed every 4-days. I do one round of nutes, and then 3-rounds of clear water with 4oz. of hydrogen peroxide per gallon between nute waterings.