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Black funk growing in my res


A friend runs a 5 gal bucket that feeds a drip to waste coco system with a mix of tap water, House and Garden Coco Fertilizer and 30-40ml of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to keep the reservoir clean of algae and co.
The bucket has an airstone.

Well, after 2 days the res is starting to build up a black residue that heavily reacts to the hydrogen peroxide when the bucket is cleaned with it, but it doesn't seem to care about the hydrogen peroxide in the res.

The H2O2 has been ramped up to 30-40ml every two days, but that doesn't seem to impress the black builtup.

Anyone knows what the black residue is and how to get rid of it?
Is there anything that could be used instead of hydrogen peroxide so canna boost and root boosters can be used?
Does the airstone need to be replaced and with what?




get some dutch masters zone or any chlorine product shud clear it up


Active member
Its algae. that amount H2O2 won't keep any algae or fungus away. Use a more opaque bucket for your reservoir.
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Those buckets arent too great at keeping light out either. I kept a bunch of trim in one cause I thought it would keep the light out, but it didnt. There's actually quite a bit that will get through those orange Home Depot buckets.

Maybe spray paint the outside black, or try a black bucket. I can't see it hurting anyway :)

haha, previous poster felt like putting what I said in their post's edit. way to go!
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Thanks for all the advice!

I am still thinking about a plan on how to solve this issue. Here is the plan so far:

- The bucket must be opaque, even if its standing in a mostly dark room
- The airstone def. seems to have a negative impact. A pump could be the alternative, but it seems a pump is really way oversized for this. Putting the airstone on a timer and reducing the total running time during the day might help.. right?
- Raising the hydrogen peroxide from 40ml to 90ml per 5 gal seems to be a more approviate value

Chlorine seems to be a less favourable solution to me right now, because there is a danger that a Chlorine overdose will kill the plant, at least a chance that it will happen without a meter to measure chlorine levels
I am not sure how someone would handle this in practice.

Will see how it works out!

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