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Black dots spreading and growing larger


Hey again,

just wanted to say that since taking the advice, the plant seems to be getting bigger and faster growth. Even just this morning, opening up the box, I needed to LST one of my plants and remove a spacer on the bottom. So yeah, it's looking good and the new growth is less yellow and looking more plump. :)


Hey folks!

So here is a few days since I originally posted. I wanted to get your input on my new growth. The black dots have not spread larger or to higher leaves. I wanted to ask if it's normal for the new growth to be slightly brighter and more lime in colour than the older darker leaves. Is this still sign of deficiency or does new grow always look brighter? From what I can see, the stuff that grew in more lime in colour turned darker when the leaves got bigger. Once again, thank you for your input!

The parts of the plant closer to the light always look brighter and more transparent




Active member
could be iron, might just be fast growth. just watch it, and if the leaves don't get pale more towards white and start getting spots you'll be fine. if the plant starts looking pale overall you need more nitrogen.


Active member
You have lockouts due to your pH being too low. I'd flush the plants with your nutrients solution made to 6.2 and try to get your run off pH up so they can uptake nutrients better.


Awesome advice.

So it looks like the plant that is giving me a much more acidic runoff than the intake might be male. Not 100% certain yet.

Good news is that since starting the LST on my female, I've counted 12 tops! lol :) Hopefully with the right nutrients and ph this baby will flourish in flowering.

Question is, I'm wondering if i should transplant to a container that is the same height, but much wider... If so, using the Pro-Mix seedling starter mix, should i wait until I have a water cycle without nutes to transplant or if it's safe to transplant and water with nutes right away?

Thank you all again, infinitely. This is very exciting! The plants will be moving into a new box within the next 2 weeks that is 4 inches taller and will be equipped with a ScrOG :) A beautiful grid with 2 inch squares found at the dollar store.


Snype, are you suggesting that I flush with nutes in my water?

If i understand correctly, flushing is normally giving your plants 3 x the watering amount to get rid of nutrients, salts, ferts, etc.. Should i do this same process but use 3 x the water with an equivalent ppm reading as I would give it on it's next feed?


This morning was feeding time so before screwing things up badly i decided to proceed normally.

This time:

BC Big Bud Plant 1 (female)
Water: PH 6.2 - 500 PPM
Runoff: PH 5.4 - 580 PPM

BC Big Bud Plant 2 (uknown, possibly male)
Water: PH 6.4 - 500 PPM
Runoff: PH 5.4 - 608 PPM

How are those numbers looking? I'm going to be vegging for another 1.5 weeks.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
You may want to try potting up as well, then feed something organic like fish hydrolysate and kelp, less chance of deficiencies and you don't really have to worry about EC and PH as nature takes care of it for you...

anyway those plants are looking much better in your last update!


Good morning all,

I just wanted to update everyone on the plants and how they are doing. They are getting bushier and bushier. It seems that they grow the most overnight, when the lights have been on their off cycle.

Still haven't really dialed in the PH issue. So many mixed opinions literally everywhere all over the net as to which PH to go for using pro mix soilless and if the number going in is more important than the number going out, etc..

The nutes, however, have increased and am now at 600 ppm on their latest feeding and no new burn marks so that's a great sign! I just don't know if they are absorbing everything they need :/

I think the next step will be sprouting like 8-10 seeds and giving them all different PH levels, from 5.5 to 6.2 and see which ones thrive.



The next step is moving them into their new housing that is 22" tall instead of the current 17". Along with a Scrog, they will soon be going into flowering. Thing is, I'm in week 7 of Veg now and the one of the left still hasn't shown its sex!?!?!? lol.


I've been feeding them with a water pH of 6.0 and 5.8 and am still getting lock outs which can be seen by the little rust spots and the purplish stems. Should I be going for a lower PH in this promix? Maybe 5.3? Seems to be the number I see online that best absorbs the main 3 nutes.


Hey all,

just a little update. I've been giving my plants water PH'ed at 5.5, and I haven't seen any sign of deficiency. In fact, they are a rich green (some are quite dark green and maybe have nitrogen toxicity?) but no more spots and new growth is looking fantastic while older growth still looks healthy, save for a few leaves here and there that were already damaged and yellowed slightly.

Both plants are on Day 60 of Veg and I still don't have a sex on this one:


This one is looking great, has tons of tops, is female all over and is growing very well. I think I've hit the PH sweet spot with this strain and seed (BC big bud). She's a little droopy cause she is thirsty, but got watered just before the photo.



shoot, can't quite edit posts yet, but here they are together.

Top one no sex yet, bottom one female and thirsty but just fed.



Active member
You need bigger pots.
If you're doing a basic soilless mix, something like promix/ewc/perlite/lime you should only see signs like this when its getting rootbound. Cannabis is a stickler for root space. Get em up to half gal or something and let em spread out.
I realize its a micro setup but container size is a big one.


When you say signs like this, what signs do you mean?

I have seen many pc grows in containers smaller than my yogurt and around the party cup size. I also would like to control how large they get and understood by keeping the pot a certain size it forces the plant to not grow too large.

My female is in a container that is 3 times the volume of my yogurt container so that should be fine. They started off in 16 oz party cups, the yogurt containers are 32 oz, and the bottom pot is roughly 96 oz which is 6 times the size of a party cup hehe. Surely that's enough?


Active member
if you want your plants to show sex sooner you should modify your veg hours. i run modified 12/1 (12 hours light 5 hours dark 2 hours light 5 more dark then repeat)

plants veg like normal, but they start to flower a little at the same time. helps me sex plants sooner, but everyone doesn't like it. some plants go full flower, but majority of plants will just show sex sooner under veg.

but assuming you don't wanna run 12/1 you can just adjust your time to give only 13-14 hours light and 11-10 off. they will still veg but they should show sex faster.

week 5 from seed.


That's really interesting stihg. It would be fun to experiment. I think these young teens will be going into flowering next week, anyway. By next weekend, they will have been in veg, since planting, for around 10 weeks (Dec 8th - planted). I did want my female to grow to half of the height of the white grow box to maximize yield, but my patience... So anxious to try my first flowering. I know there will be a great deal of new things to learn in this process. It's very nerve-wracking as the thought of destroying 10 weeks of work is dreadful.

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